Britcucks are child killers in the name of socialism.
Charlie Grad is dead
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Why pay to keep a vegetable alive?
Who the fuck is this nigger and why should I care?
Hahaah. We won!
why pay to keep you alive?
single-payer healthcare, same system where democrats want us to go next. Death panels
Were going to read about this for years like we did with maddie mccann aren't we.
Good. Now I can stop hearing about him and his suffering has ended.
No because in this instance the parents tried time keep the kid alive
>potato nigger
your entire ethnic population has been subsidized by everyone else.
The kid had a debilitating, incurable, congential disease for which there existed no treatment. Death was inevitable, but the parents, wrought with grief, had deluded themselves into believing that there existed some miracle treatment that would have somehow reversed the damage to his failing organs, restored his sight, restrored his hearing, repaired his atrophied, wasted muscles, and turned him into a normal little boy. It was a complete fantasy from the beginning.
Funniest thing about American's attacking the NHS over this is that they completely fail to twig on yet that had Charlie Gard been born an American, he wouldn't have lasted even 5 months because his parents wouldn't have been able to afford his healthcare in the first place, they would have have to crowdfund it on JustGiving or GoFundMe, which is fast becoming the US' largest healthcare provider lmao
>allowing the government to decide if your baby dies
Talk about KEKS
Charlie Gard on suicide watch. NHS wins again
>Funniest thing about American's attacking the NHS over this is that they completely fail to twig on yet that had Charlie Gard been born an American, he wouldn't have lasted even 5 months because his parents wouldn't have been able to afford his healthcare in the first place
baby healthcare is covered under the parents coverage, shove it up your ass britbong
>death panels
So you think it's kinder to keep a deaf, blind, increasingly brain-dead child alive for the sake of politics and 'muh religion'.
Americans truly are congenitally retarded.
So what was the deal? The British Government wouldn't pay for an experimental treatment which probably wouldn't have worked?
How's that any different than literally anywhere else?
What's the story here?
>Be Britcucks
>Let Brit baby die
>Keep Muslims on government gibs
Honestly, all of Europe and the UK deserves to be nuked.
No, we weren't going to reverse his "damage". We were going to use the opportunity to test an experimental treatment on a live patient so we could get data for future patients, but you fucking Brits want to micromanage everything instead of allowing the free market to work freely.
The baby should have been allowed to go to the US, where we would have tortured it with medical procedures and then it would have died, but the family would have been happy and the British commies would have been upset because they were superseded.
Also, fuck you and your monkey country loyalists. USA USA USA
>Be Ameriturd
>Unironically believe you can cure a vegetarian like Charlie
>all the money in the world to take care of other people's problems and import criminals
>not a dime to spend on your native born Brits
Pretty telling of what a soulless godless """counry""" the UK has become, almost as disgusting as muslims smell.
What a sad story. Poor kid.
>No, we weren't going to reverse his "damage". We were going to use the opportunity to test an experimental treatment on a live patient so we could get data for future patients, but you fucking Brits want to micromanage everything instead of allowing the free market to work freely.
I'm jealous desu. He never had to grow up to hate his society.
Dumb cunt he couldn't be helped
Meanwhile MILLIONS of black babies die in Africa every day and nobody gives a shit.
But one white baby dies of a rare disease and everyone loses their mind.
Remind me again how racism doesn't exist, fuckers?
It's all been posted before. Condolences to the family, this was a tough call but the right one.
If you did even the tiniest bit of research into the whole case, you'd quickly realise that Charlie was doomed to die in infancy before we or Dr Hirano had even heard of him. The whole US doctor thing, was the glimmer of hope for a desperate young family ;_;
>baby healthcare is covered under the parents coverage
And if they don't have sufficient coverage, then what? The kid deserves o treatment because his parents are dirt poor?
btw it's parent's*, possesive.
>shove it up your ass britbong
Why don't you come do it for me big boy. I've heard your sort are prone to that sort of activity, not that I'm judging - diversity and all that ;)
>The British Government wouldn't pay for an experimental treatment which probably wouldn't have worked?
Yeah, they preferred giving the money to ahmed so he can lure more english kids in his pedophile ring.
The government can tell you that your child must die because the chances that he will survive are low and he's in pain.
Socialism yes.
Did Stephan do a video about this yet?
>parents of a terminally ill baby wanted to keep the baby on life support
>NHS doesn't pay for vegetable babies
>parents REEEEEE and try to take baby to US
>Government says no
>parents try to get baby put in hospice at home
>Government says no
>parents try to raise money for extra treatment
>Government says no
>baby dies
I understand not paying for the terminally I'll on the taxpayers dime, not the rest. I will always wonder: if the baby was a paki, would NHS have payed for it?
>Implying I am American
Nice try Ahmed.
Fucking UK
We bombed the wrong cunts
It's great when some paki from across the great waters tries to tell us how our insurance works.
This. You stupid gnarled tooth faggots ruined a chance for some real good to come of this.
It is the parents' choice, not some faceless bureaucrat.
>lost your entire empire in one war
At least try and make your post not look like an obvious troll, schlomo
you know if this kid was a shit skin he would still be alive now.
>wanted to subject an infant to painful experimentation and prolong their suffering for the opportunity to use them as a guinea pig
He died or was killed?
>And if they don't have sufficient coverage, then what? The kid deserves o treatment because his parents are dirt poor?
they still get treatment at the hospital.
not sure why you think we should be giving homeless people with babies healthcare but ok.
>So you think it's kinder to keep a deaf, blind, increasingly brain-dead child alive for the sake of politics and 'muh religion'.
if the parents want to do it then by all means, go ahead. but i shouldn't have to pay into a system that keeps a potato alive for another year.
It should be up to the parents not some unelected fucking bean counter.
>not a dime to spend on your native born Brits
The baby already had taxpayer money spent on looking after it, even with terminal illness.Why should British taxpayers pay for a multi million £ operation with a
American actually think the NHS is a system of murderous death panels and that their for-profit system results in the best outcomes.
Americans are fucking dumb. You're actually stupid. As per usual you try to shoehorn pakis into an irrelevant situation.
The kid was brain-dead. He was irreparably fucked. It was for the best
If that kid were a shitskin they would have saved his life. No expense is spared saving an ape, but let the white kid die because??? well fuck white people!
Because we have the capabilities to save the baby as opposed to Africa where life is worth next to nothing.
RIP kiddo.
Sucks those kike doctors who don't want to let the rest of the world know how absolutely shit NHS specialty care is didn't let him go. "His best interests" my ass. Fucking sick how a court and doctors can trump a parents wishes. If he was going to die regardless he could at least taken his 10% shot when the window was there instead of being forced to suffer during a court battle. Effective or not, it was his only shot and his parents should have the right to decide his treatment as long as it isn't some completely proven fruitless bullshit.
Even if the treatment didn't save his life he could have saved others with his research data, from a treatment his parents were perfectly able to pay for privately without involving taxpayer funds.
Fuck em. All about image and control and court precedence to maintain control. Then they have the balls to complain about "horrific social media abuse" and cry to the police because they were called baby killers online.
This country is fucked. The people are pussies and the system is an overreacting, overreaching, nanny state bullshit pile.
Can't believe I ever left America and came back to this shit hole. Can't wait to be in Ireland soon at least. The UK deserves everything bad happening to it.
The government would have paid, and in fact the money had already been raised. The issue was that the treatment was in an extremely early, experimental stage that hadn't even been tested on animals, and the high courts ruled that it was inhumane to subject a blind, deaf, suffering infant to potentially painful, prolonged treatment when his death was already a definite.
>(((free market)))
Its the parents choice, not the states.
>When the hospital was informed that the Professor had new laboratory findings causing him to believe NBT would be more beneficial to Charlie than he had previously opined, GOSH’s hope for Charlie and his parents was that that optimism would be confirmed. It was, therefore, with increasing surprise and disappointment that the hospital listened to the Professor’s fresh evidence to the Court. On 13 July he stated that not only had he not visited the hospital to examine Charlie but in addition, he had not read Charlie’s contemporaneous medical records or viewed Charlie’s brain imaging or read all of the second opinions about Charlie’s condition (obtained from experts all of whom had taken the opportunity to examine him and consider his records) or even read the Judge’s decision made on 11 April. Further, GOSH was concerned to hear the Professor state, for the first time, whilst in the witness box, that he retains a financial interest in some of the NBT compounds he proposed prescribing for Charlie. Devastatingly, the information obtained since 13 July gives no cause for optimism. Rather, it confirms that whilst NBT may well assist others in the future, it cannot and could not have assisted Charlie.
Get angry about "death panels" all you want lads, bend the message to suit your impotent rage. You're wrong and the poor kid had no chance.
Tell me again why parents shouldn't have the right to try to save their childs life? Money was no issue, but communists would rather the child die than have him slip from their control.
Brits are dead to me. As of right now they are lower to me than the lowest Turkroach.
>Fucking sick how a court and doctors can trump a parents wishes
Seriously, this is terrifying, damning. Absolutely disgusting.
>Shoulda given him to Unit 731, stupid le bongs!
Friendly reminder that Britain actually has a better standard of dental care in the US and few cavities and missing teeth per person on average :^)
>wanting to advance science to help improve medical procedures that would be used to save others.
>you're going to hurt the baby, just kill it already. why are Americans so retarded
Politics aside, he was probably going to die soon no matter what.
The treatment shouldn't have been allowed but the Judges ruling against the baby dying at home was fucking egregious
>death is preferable to suffering
There's that brilliant abortion logic at work again.
The issue is more that the parents had the means of giving him a chance but muh single payer NHS told them to sit and spin so he died waiting on legal bullshit in a hospital. Had he just died, nobody would care.
As socialists, you lot should understand "for the greater good" better than anyone else. This child's "feelings" were inconsequential to the medical data that would have been gained through the proposed treatment. On top of that, the parents WANTED the treatment.
Though, it really is their fault depending on the NHS and freebie medicine plus they aren't married and both appear to be degenerates, so it's not much of a loss in the grand scheme of things.
He would still be alive if he was a nigger.
No it's not, because what the parents were proposing was abuse, and when kid's are being abused by their parents they're removed from their custody (not in the US though apparently). They were not in the right mind which was brought on by extreme grief, and obviously, because you're a burger and don't keep up with the news here then you'd know it was actually the parent's decision to turn off his life support after they saw his latest scan and realised there was no hope.
>Fucking sick how a court and doctors can trump a parents wishes
Because parents are more qualified than doctors to make medical decisions?
Because some random people who chose to shit out a baby have the right to spend my taxes funding million £ operations that are 90% likely to fail?
Do us all a favour and neck yourself you emotional child.
Press S to spit on his corpse
How dare he oppose the might of the NHS
>Why should British taxpayers pay for a multi million £ operation with a
>when you cant attack a persons argument you attack the flag
you are not worth keeping alive friend, kill yourself
>won't even let the parents take their child home to die
>"Waahhh m-m-muh money"
Meanwhile you spend millions looking after "refugees" and "migrants". The clean up after your numerous terrorist attacks could've payed for his bill, regardless of whether he would die.
Enjoy caring about money before your own people, shitskin lovers.
huzzah another success of socialized government run Healthcare. Gards parents must be escstatic with how little this whole ordeal cost them.
Seems reasonable. What's the issue?
Don't bother, you're arguing with sub-90 IQ non-whites
He was a waste of money and time. Any rational person would just kill it and have another kid
Why the fuck shouldn't the treatment have been allowed? I swear you britbongs are lost.
You all genuinely believe that it should be a parent's choice to subject an infant to prolonged suffering and painful experimentation? Is this why child abuse statistics are off the charts in the US? I didn't realise people were property in the good ol'... oh.... wait.
They unironically made over a £1million through donations from the public.
Yes. Don't appeal to authority. Doctors provide a service. As the person receiving the service, they answer to me.
They'd rather spend it on Tyrone and Muhammed. Doomed morons.
Brits really suffer from a creepy collective neuroticism with their worship of the state.
They didn't though, GOSH had already considered the treatment that Dr Hirano, who hadn't even done his homework before naming his price, was offering. It was seen as unsuitable for Charlie because of the extensive brain damage he had already suffered.
Dr Hirano was invited to see Charlie as early as January, but only showed in recent weeks.
british people are disgusting cowards. letting that baby die so they can feed mohammed the terrorist and give him 3 apartments for all his kids.
please trump nuke that shit hole.
NHS is a death panel. "GOSH" (what a name for a hospital by the way, THAT'S RIGHT, IT'S A HOSPITAL OR THE HOSPITAL NOT HOSPITAL LIKE YOU FUCKING FAGGOTS SAY IT IS) decided unilaterally what the baby's fate was. It was a death panel and the parents couldn't do shit about it. Your baby dies because we say so, ha ha ha, even the Bannister said it was sad reading.
See, in America, we can go wherever the fuck we want to, get as many opinions as we want, and have whatever done that needs to be done to advance society as a whole.
>inb4 costing a lot of money
Children's hospitals exist to treat issues like this. Shriner's would have covered this kid's shit for free. I know because I'm a Mason.
Yep. In fact, that it was given so much coverage at all makes me think the whole thing was another psyop.
>Snowden leaks
>Jade Helm
>new wave of islamic terrorist attacks over the past 1-2 years
Charlie Gard was truly a British an hero.
>it's impossible to oppose both refugees and funding retarded operations
Now where do they deposit that 1 million pounds to revive their dead baby? The NHS?
It was a cabbage with no hope of surviving, if i get like that i would want the plug pulled.
>looking after the third world isnt a waste of time or money
Then let them have another kid, and when that kid has an illness I'll come back to yet again laugh at your endorsement of non-whites in Britain.
Dumb dumb The kid was brain-dead. There was NO chance of him living a meaningful or satisfying life at all. It was for the best
why the hell were people making a big fuss about it in the first place?
Man britbongs just come out of the woodworks to defend the NHS. I swear to God whenever you see a British politician post anything on twitter some bong replies with "hand off muh NHS!"
It's like niggers and SNAP
It wasn't abuse, it was parents trying to save their child and a faceless communistic government stopping them. There is no justification for britains actions. You all need to fucking burn.
>Wah if you don't want to waste money on vegetables that means you're anti white
Get fucked, anti-eugenics scum