ashkenazi jews average IQ: 115
asia average IQ: 105
eurpoean average IQ: 100
african average IQ: 85
Why are jews so smart?
ashkenazi jews average IQ: 115
asia average IQ: 105
eurpoean average IQ: 100
african average IQ: 85
Why are jews so smart?
Cool picture
> ashjenazi jews
> shjenazi jews
> jenazi jews
> nazi jews
They aren't, they're just getting interest from the other races they tested.
It's their culture to do well in school. They get pushed from a young age to get on well in the academic subjects.
Culture doesn't impact IQ
Well the primary reason was that they figured out how to publish racial IQ studies. That helped a lot.
I mean? Just 20 points one way or the other? Ehhhh...who's gonna notice eh? Eh?
>be spread all over the world
>nobody likes you
>everybody wants you dead
>only the smart ones survive
Or at least thats how I would explain it. If you live in a highly competitive enviroment only those who can learn fast and adapt will make it. This leads to an increas of IQ amongst the groupe.
If there is a non competitive society on the other hand everyone makes it due to welfare gibs or other programs. The average IQ stays the same or even lower when you subsidise bad behavior or attract other low IQ groups.
I didn't know that a subtype of jew with a very small sampling pool was taken for granted as smart.
This doesn't make sense. Sup Forums also thinks Jews are the ones pushing for black acceptance. If they controlled the studies wouldn't they make blacks appear smart?
they rigged the test, the jews made massive amount of money off of slavery and the european empires that goyim went and died for.
so they encouraged racism by saying africans and others were stupid because of race.
now there is some differences between the races but these people were not given the proper education or chances to properly complete the tests given to ascertain iq.
Only Ashkenazim jews are smart the Semitic ones have an IQ lower then a Turk.
good luck being a smart nigger
thanks to (((shoah))) 100% of shalom sandniggers in the last 70 years have grown up in advanced anglo countries where the peace and prosperity shalom sandniggers piggybacked on facilitated uninterrupted access to the latest in education and technology.
100% of europeans didn't have that experience.
asians are lying, and probably include Japan in their figures despite the Japanese not being (((asian)))
Not really.
They practice eugenics
>sample size
>12 people
If jews are so smart, then explain Israel's IQ.
>>be spread all over the world
>>nobody likes you
>>everybody wants you dead
>>only the smart ones survive
1 Ashkenazi jews weren't spread all over the world, they were just in Eastern Europe and to a lesser extent Western Europe.
2 They are the cause of people not liking them. Turnsout if you create people like farm animals while also having the protection of the rulers to the point that no one can touch you without being executed…. well people will hate you.
3 Everyone wants them the fuck out of their countries minus the elite whose cocks they polish.
4 More like the smart ones out jew the new with lesser Jew abilities and had many more kids.
thats because mizrahi average is around 50
The average jew iq is 115?
My scored iq is 112 and I always thought I was average. I'm hispanic btw
70% jews at 115 IQ + 30% arabs with 80 IQ =
Jews didn't use blacks when they started those studies. Remember they were heavily involved in the slave trade. The kikes know.
>Culture doesn't impact IQ
Being this retarded
>If jews are so smart, then explain Israel's IQ.
Only Ashkenazi Jews have that 115 average the rest on par with the cultures they lived among.
They are also merely a certain group from within a larger jewish community. If you break down the North Italians IQ average away form the Southern Italian IQ average its a similar effect. North Italians have a 108 IQ average.
It's the same everywhere. The White American can be broke into many smaller sections/groups just like breaking the jews apart and certain groups would would have higher IQ
Lmao... congratulations brainlet.
If that was the case then the average IQ would be 105. Simple mathematics. Wow kikes are so """intelligent"""
But can they kick a 45?
cool pic but pls dont post any more dirty bearded men in a room spoilers from twin peaks, i want to get lynched spoiler free
would give an average of 104.5
There is a theory that the nation Khazaria was conquered and reconquored so many times that only the craftiest business men were able to survive in the long run. This put a strong artificial selection on the smartest individuals.
Combine that with the Khazars being a mix of white, Arabic and East Asian and you have a stronger pool of intelligence to draw from than say North Africa (where full blood niggers were mixed Arabs and whites.)
It is a super unPC theory but has the ring of truth to it.
>If that was the case then the average IQ would be 105. Simple mathematics. Wow kikes are so """intelligent"""
Mizrahi Jews and Separdic Jews make up more than half that Jewish 70% and they have different I.Q. averages
Also the Ethiopian Jews are dumb as rocks.
Ashkenazis are 107.
White Europeans are 102-105.
Kikes are not more intelligent than the average white population. Anyone who says that is a kike who wants to brag about muh """master race"""
Read the Myth Of American Meritocracy, you fucking newfags
>Over the years, claims have been widely circulated that the mean Jewish IQ is a full standard deviation—15 points—above the white average of 100,64 but this seems to have little basis in reality. Richard Lynn, one of the world’s foremost IQ experts, has performed an exhaustive literature review and located some 32 IQ samples of American Jews, taken from 1920 to 2008. For the first 14 studies conducted during the years 1920–1937, the Jewish IQ came out very close to the white American mean
>This conclusion is supported by the General Social Survey (GSS), an online dataset of tens of thousands of American survey responses from the last forty years which includes the Wordsum vocabulary test, a very useful IQ proxy correlating at 0.71. Converted into the corresponding IQ scores, the Wordsum-IQ of Jews is indeed quite high at 109. But Americans of English, Welsh, Scottish, Swedish, and Catholic Irish ancestry also have fairly high mean IQs of 104 or above, and their combined populations outnumber Jews by almost 15-to-1, implying that they would totally dominate the upper reaches of the white American ability distribution, even if we excluded the remaining two-thirds of all American whites, many of whose IQs are also fairly high. Furthermore, all these groups are far less highly urbanized or affluent than Jews,67 probably indicating that their scores are still artificially depressed to some extent.
>Based on the overall distribution of America’s population, it appears that approximately 65–70 percent of America’s highest ability students are non-Jewish whites, well over ten times the Jewish total of under 6 percent.
>It is a super unPC theory but has the ring of truth to it.
No it doesn't . Ashkenazi Jewish DNA has been throughly studied.
they are 50-70% European and the rest is of semitic origins similar to all the other jews and the local non-jews that still live within the area of ISrael
Ashkinazi jews make up almost 48% of Israel's population.
Still doesn't add up
Well check out this guy's response-->
>Converted into the corresponding IQ scores, the Wordsum-IQ of Jews is indeed quite high at 109.
Culture is created and based on the IQ of the group.
Alright, I'll say that the Ashkenazi population in Israel is 50% (). Lets say all other Jews are grouped with an average IQ of 80 (which is wildly incorrect btw). Still, Israel should have an IQ close to 100.
Again, this is simple mathematics
Back to the question: How are the Jews able to gain high status and wealth so easily? What ability allows them to consistently rise to the top? It is a tough one to face but it must be faced if you don't want a world where white people no longer exist.
Something is going very wrong when people who hate you end up with almost total control over your money supply.
It is worth asking, why does no one take the control away from them if they are such a small minority and barely better than whites?
Read the rest of the post. Jews in America are highly urbanized, whereas European whites are more rural. Meanwhile, Jews have an IQ only a couple of points higher.
Considering the Euro-American IQ is depressed due to upbringing, we can reasonably assume there is very little difference between their IQ's
More kike lies.
Why are you giving me an example that you yourself call wildly incorrect?
If ashkinazi jews really have an average of 115, then the only way to explain the average IQ of israel being 95 is if everyone else there is borderline retarded.
More likely that the 115 number is incorrect.
Easy to have a high average when the sample group is so small.
All kikes know how to do is lie.
The same reasons African americans are so fit
Someone killed all the stupid ones.
139 mexisexy hear
fuck-em afro-asians.
140 IQ hapa, scored 97 on Military assessment test. I can't imagine living with sub par intelligence. Must be a simpler, less confusing life.
>Why are you giving me an example that you yourself call wildly incorrect?
Use your brain. It's incorrect because Sephardic Jews do not have an IQ near 80. Their IQ, is substantially higher. It is estimated to be around 90. Thus, the reasonable conclusion would be that Ashkenazi IQ is not as high as you claim it is. The numbers do not add up
also, they go to the gym while the native european toils in fluorescent cubicle.
It doesn't. It's a genetic thing.
So IQ impacts culture and not the other way around? AKA what I said.
Do americans not go to school or something?
>implying Ethiopian Jews aren't all secretly sterilised
You mean the other Jews? Also call them by their name, Palestinians, not all of us are those ugly fuckers.
>It doesn't. It's a genetic thing.
It is both. Sure vast IQ differences between races cannot be explained by culture. But slight differences can
If they are so fit, then why do they have the highest obesity rates in america, which happens to have the highest obesity rates in the world.
Them being fit is a myth.
not this old rope again
self-praise is no praise at all
Environmental factors can increase or damage your intellectual potential.
But your maximum potential is determined very early on.
>But your maximum potential is determined very early on.
I don't disagree, but saying culture doesn't impact IQ at all is a bit disingenuous
Sup Forums logic:
>Niggers are dumber than whites, so they should be wiped out for the good of humanity
>Jews are smarter than whites, so they should be wiped out for the good of humanity
They made the test.
We have Arabs, Sephardim, Ethiopians, etc.
The average Ashkenazi IQ is high, it's a result of environmental and cultural preferences.
There was a high preference for smart guys and they used to be highly sought-after husbands in Jewish communities, because being a smart rabbi was considered the highest pursuit.
>I didn't read this thread and am retarded: The post
Sup Forums = white niggers.
Real IQ testing is done with a battery of test. It's one of the best understood quotient in psychology. It's been developed for about 100 years by now. It's not just one test
why segment one group of jews instead of all jews? scared of what the IQ will look like then, OP?
They aren't smarter. You're mistaking tribalism for IQ. Nearly all major breakthroughs and inventions for the past many hundreds of years (i.e. what the entire western civilization is built upon) are non-Jewish whites.
I don't think it can be increased beyond what your genes have been programed to give you.
Maybe decreased it if you get exposed to a really bad childhood, bad diet, toxics etc.
But a lot of people are fighting against all this genetic research.
Especially sociologist REALLY dislike anything biology to explain human behavior, interests etc.
Point being, if you take an african and put him in a jewish family, his IQ will not increase.
Because they have valued intelect the longest so they have evolved the furthest in that capacity.
Manipulation of education
All goyim gets shit education
i have a 128
why am i smarter than the jews OP?
>Why are jews so smart?
We are God's chosen people. Now submit, goy.
IQ and environment correlation decreases to 0-15% in adulthood. It's literally independent of education
jewish culture places a high amount of worth on EDUCATION.
Selective breeding.
Smartest Talmud students in a village were paired with the wealthiest, healthiest and prettiest girls.
israel average iq 93.
See: 10000 Year Explosion
>Start with a group about the European average
>Given that there is a genetic factor to adult IQ
>Immense pressure, both within and from outside the group, not to intermarry out of the group
>Pre-modern living conditions in which a man who cannot support a family will never raise children to adulthood
>Restrict the possible careers of the men of the group to those which require an above average IQ to do at all and scale in success to ones IQ
>Let natural selection take its course over 1000 years of European history
And voila. You have disproportionately many Ashkenazi writers, scientists, and mathematicians of the first degree, but not disproportionately many Ashkenazi painters, politicians, or athletes of the first degree. And there is not the same disproportionately high IQ among Jewish families that lived in Muslim countries for centuries, where they were free to practice a wider variety of careers but still rarely intermarried with outsiders.
tell me how much poo in the loo influenced Ramanujan.
Statistically intelligent people make more money, money which they could use to emigrate before/during WW2 and survive. Eugenic bitch.
>Because 6 million Jews died
a cheeky reptile gene
All the dumb ones were killed by Hitler.
Hitler was literally the best thing that ever happened to the juice.
128 Caucasian not lying