Was Andrew Breitbart murdered?

Was Andrew Breitbart murdered?

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if he wasnt a known huge cokehead I would be inclined to believe it more but still he most likely was yeah

Yes. In other surprising news: the sun is hot and the oceans are wet

Od'ing on coke is tough. You feel it immediately. And you can't possibly snort an amount that will kill you in a single rail.



Did Steve Bannon do it?

sweet revenge is coming

No fucking doubt

Yup. Even put out an "I'm fine and in good health" statement...

He called his own death, too. They "heart attacked" him.

Yep. Shit is so painfully obvious and nobody bats an eye. DNC literally gets away with murder all the time though so no surprise.

Im very suspicious about the Breitbart and Scalia deaths?

You must get shit coke m8

You tell me. youtube.com/watch?v=_4V50eWOgro

Yeah, a guy named Andrew Breitbart killed him...

no, and neither was the guy that did his autopsy.

You must not be very experienced with coke m8

everyone that tells the truth is killed.

the truth will set you free.

freedom = not being bound to this shit fest.

Without a doubt. Dude called his own death then coroner who did his autopsy died of arsenic poisoning. How convenient.

Stfu nga u live in the US your shit is as garbage as mine.

Probably, he was exposing Obola

Who would have thought... the leftist fascist/communist neo-marxists killed someone? Its 100000001 dead and counting.