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>Allahu-Akbar (is) angri in Hamburg
I speak German now

That's not a happening. Germany is a shitty mudslime caliphate now like France and the UK are. It's just part and parcel of living in a European country


At least we didn't have a literal commie race mixed nigger and closet muslim in the white house for 8 years, Amerifat

i believe it reads

one died in ''allahu-akbar'' assault in Hamburg


Hamburg is such a beautiful ci-

At least we're better than you

not enough to wake more people up

>Germans being killed by native German Muslim in terrorist attack
Not happening.

>same flag

A Germ celebrating their own death. Not surprised at all


Oh look, a fucking kike

>A Germ celebrating their own death. Not surprised at all

can't you read you idiot?

>not enough to wake more people up

Looks like my wife's mother


regards to all right wing in Germany, but it really is too late for your country.

Kike how about rebuilding your temple instead of lurking here?

I will better wait for the real meshiah, savior.
Iv'e been lurking here long enough to start loving this man more than my own father...

Attacker described as Asian!
Attacker was German!
Muslims are the real victims!
Muslim vigil against terror and hate!
Right wing hatecrime [tweets and posts] on the rise!

smoking is a disgusting habit

>not available in your country

Very ironic that this post comes from your country, kek

>videos about hitler are banned in Germany
This is just one of the many reasons why he must come back

Video of attacker getting hunted:

polish communist angela merkel

hates her own country's flag angela merkel

has orgies with somali men every night angela merkel

Not just about Hitler. That was years ago. Now they ban almost anything critical of Islam. One of the most prominent examples is the channel "Face of a dying nation" which first got blackmailed by an islamist lawyer. All the channel did was expose Islamist and migrant crimes. Original footage, nothing doctored. He was afraid he would be taken down for months in advance, two months ago (((YouTube))) finally followed through. Meanwhile borderline pedophilia channels are still up...

Dos ist a yid!

>terrorist attack in Europe
it's the norm you silly cucklet

Also the daughter of a protestant pastor who moved willingly into the communist DDR. Angela Kasmierczak, the revenge of Honecker and the Eternal Pole I guess.

When I saw Merkel for the first time, it was hate on first sight. My first impressions rarely deceive me.

More information about the attacker:
> Age: 26
> Birthplace: UAE (rapefugee)
> Attacked five people (mostly elderly) and killed one

This happens here too, propoganda everywhere.
Truths are illegal to question.
Hitler did hate the jews, because of our elites.
Point is that if jews acknowledge the fact that most of us are cattle just like goyim, and turn against the masters, they have no reason to fear hitler and his ideology, only embrace it, he never wanted to hurt anyone (the holocaust is a lie).
I'm now even researching some info I got about 2 jewish generals he had...


One kill is weak terror. You basically have that every day in Germany when Turk Burschens decide it would be fun to kick a German into a coma.

>He was a victim of Islamophobia!

millions of years our instincts have been honed to spot trouble.

your ancestors made it to this point, mostly off of instincts alone.

trust your instincts.


Build the temple faggot!

Why would an African refugee doctor kill somebody? They either didn't give him enough benefits or the person he killed was an islamaphobe

Careful in that territory. Remember what (((they))) did to David Cole and Bobby Fischer. At best you will get declared an insane, self-hating Jew.

But desu I think a simple Prussian victory in WW1 would have been the best outcome for all of us. None of the totalitarian systems would have existed or been necessary. Neither would the (((weimar republic))) have happened. And most likely the Jews would still live in Europe.

Where did they get those chairs?!

My guess would be from a nearby restaurant or bar.
Often there is an area for sitting outside, when there is nice weather.

>not a single white person in the video
>guy recording is non-German aswell
You can't make this shit up!


>muh based Bavaria though

So if someone shouts "Allahu AkbaR" it's autoamtically Islam's fault?

Pretty much.

Not exclusively, it's a complext of Islam and IQ 70 subhumanity.

> The progress of Islam (check the date)

Checked. Please archive those.

why jew women become so terrible with age?

>It has been used historically as a battle cry during war. It was first used in war by Muhammad in the Battle of Badr, the first battle in Islam

> Jawohl mein Bot!

ein paar stühle, wo ist das problem, die jungs feiern nut ein bisschen, Ramadan und frühsylvester die haben bestimmt schon stress wegen weichnachtsgetümmel, da hilft nur ein bisschen traditionell entspannen

t. Großkoalition-Wähler

Why do Russian woman inflate right after marriage?

>Jihadist usage

>The phrase is well known in the West for its common use as a battle cry in Islamist protests, Islamic extremism, and Islamic terrorism.

>After the September 11 attacks in 2001, the FBI released a letter reportedly handwritten by the hijackers and found in three separate locations on the day of the attacks—at Dulles International Airport, at the Pennsylvania crash site, and in hijacker Mohamed Atta's suitcase. It included a checklist of final reminders for the 9/11 hijackers. An excerpt reads: "When the confrontation begins, strike like champions who do not want to go back to this world. Shout, 'Allahu Akbar,' because this strikes fear in the hearts of the non-believers." Also, in the cockpit voice recorders found at the crash site of Flight 93, the hijackers are heard reciting the Takbīr repeatedly as the plane plummets toward the ground and the passengers attempt to retake control of the plane.(...)

Am Ende steinigen sie ihm sogar.
Hat wohl zu viel Haut gezeigt.

Deutsche sind Schuld am Terror, als Musel wird man ja die ganze Zeit von den Kartoffeln provoziert wenn sie ihr "Weihnachten" feiern und im Ramadan(!) saufen und fressen.


If the teachings of the religion enable him to do it, give him rationalizations to do it, if the same religion of peace does it again and again and again and again, AND if members of the groups following said religion are vastly overrepresented in all crimes - then yes.

New thread ,lads.

The leftists aren't literal nig-


> Not posting SS picture associated with Latvia-anons

Like trash pandas raiding a picnic.

>At least!
Here and now, Hans!

>read the comment section of a German newspaper on this
>cucks in the comment section are crying about bigots 'jumping to conclusions'
>somebody points out the eyewitness reports of him yelling allahu akbar
>some guy claims that this proves nothing we don't know what his motives are
>he links to an article that gives examples in which situations Muslims may yell allahu akbar
>"see, they don't just yell it during terror attacks therefore you can't conclude that this was terror related'

Terror has nothing to do with Islam! If you bigot claim otherwise you may provoke Muslims so they of course kill people.
Fully circular leftist retardism. State of affairs in Germany in 2017.

you're not supposed to try and reason with retards. just insult them and tell them to fuck off.

Is it ironic that I want to gas the Germans now?

Deutsche Kultur gehört an die Müllhalde, stört nur den friedlichen Islam in seiner Enrfaltung als Friedensreligion. Schweinefresser!!

Bist du Deutscher, der in's basierte West-Österreich ausgewandert ist oder machst du Urlaub/Proxy?

Mang she has orgies with somalians?

*Ost-Österreich, meine ich

Jaja alles deutschnazi, Allâh wird eusch tüten,

t. bin ich der Ahmed aus Kreuzberg

So do things like this happen every nanosecond in Germany?

Hello Atilla

Nee, nee. Ein echter Pálinka-Hussar hier.

Amriki! Your burger is haram!!


Ein bedauerlicher Einzelfall.

I can't wait until they're given their license to kill for the country.

even for brit standards that pretty fuckin bad hans


Najo, gut für dich. Ich hab mir gedacht in Österreich ist der Wahnsinn nicht so augeprägt, aber die Suffnasen wählen jetzt schon wieder Schwarz.
Ohne in ein armes Land mit fieser Sprache zu wechseln wird man die Hahnreierei wohl nicht los.

Das andere West !

unfortunately YES

but he, raepfugees welcome and niggers first!

Is that an ape?

>unfortunately YES

ihr habs ja noch gut in ösiland, bin letzten monat da gewesen. selbst in wien ist es besser als bei uns in der provinz!

wählt bloss alle den strache.
mach überall werbung für die ÖFP, sonst habs ihr bald so schlimm wie bei uns! kein witz!

>Meanwhile borderline pedophilia channels are still up
Provide proofs.

Kulturelle Anreicherung — in diesem Sinne bleiben wir hoffentlich noch lange arm, finanziell sowieso. Heute habe ich gelesen, ein Holländer hat sich hier ein ganzes Dorf gekauft, und es zieht immer mehr Deutsche und andere Westeuropäer nach Ungarn, vor allem Rentner, die nicht mehr mit Ali und Ahmed klarkommen können oder wollen.


ein schönes land habt ihr, bin selbst mehrfach da gewesen. nur mit der sprache komme ich nicht klar, sonst wäre ich schon wohnhaft in ungarn.

Ungarn ist tatsächlich ein lohnenswertes Ziel. Werd aber erstmal nach Bayern ins Land gehen. Dort paar Immobilien bauen, dann einige Jahre später vermieten und raus hier

Ich bin kein Rentner und bezahle noch gut Steuern (weit mehr als der durchschnittliche Österreicher), das hört aber auf wenn die Kanakifizierung und Negerschwemme hier so weitergeht.

More information:
> Location: Barmbek, Hamburg
> Was known to the authorities for being an Islamist
> At first police thought it was a robbery, but they are now investigating if a terror attack was the real motive (not all mudshits!!!)
> Government warns people about the copycat problems via mudshits but is not willing to do anything about it.
> There was a previous case where a jihadi chick (15 years old) knifed a police officer in Hamburg, but he survived

Am Balaton oder Ösigrenzgebiet brauchst kein Ungarisch.