Black feminists just want that KKK dickkk

black feminists just want that KKK dickkk

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They should each be reading the other's book.

And then committing suicide.

>that fucking tattoo

They REALLY thank they wuz's so adorable.

Such a shit drawing too. Got that 15-year old emo girl, Myspace style going.

I lurk in some African kang groups on cuckbook and the things they believe are insane.
Truth is stranger than fiction (and memes) in this case.

Black women respect men and love white cock.

What are you waiting for white boy?

They don't actually believe that shit though, it's just what they have to tell themselves

muh dik...we gonz be fuckin all dey black wiminz

dey luv dis honkey dik

she luv us honkeys cause we hung like donkeys

>you will never have a QT black gf to say horribly racist things to during sex and then laugh about hating jews afterwards

It's actually pretty easy to fuck decent black chicks. They're either super submissive to white dudes, or have nuclear level shit testing that isn't THAT hard to overcome.

honkeys are hung like donkeys

>Black women respect men and love white cock.

It's true to some degree, especially among decent looking black girls. I see it constantly among the college crowd. There's even a joke in my town that you should date a black girl if you want a chick who's definitely never been with niggers.

Black women are smarter than black men.

thou art degenerate.

sue me, faggot.


10 years later produce some self hating spawn with an identity crisis

I want my kid to look like me

So if we dick the nigger, the nigger will lynch itself?

your kid probably won't look like you unless you fuck your sister.

that pic

so much autism

it's like your average WMAF thread

>Only wanting white women

Honestly Sup Forums needs to diversify it's tastes.

I want this feel so bad. Where do I get a woke black gf?

WMAF couples have the most successful marriages. (lowest divorce rate)

It's weird. Usually Tommy Sotomayor is not autistic.

Oil drillers shall hang along with coal burners

the funny thing about this is its not saying don't date a racist it's saying dont date any white man, thus removing their best chance of having a stable wealthy kind boyfriend from their life

What do you think slavery was actually about?

Black women love thugs and bad boys.

Oppressive, racist, patriarchal white men have become the ultimate bad boys.

be nice to have some resembling characteristics why would i want my son to be viewed differently from how I was i want him to be a brighter better version of me not someone who looks nothing like me, how will i relate to my son or daughter.

bu-but noone wants to fuck black women not even black men, its considered ghetto to be with a black girl.

its honestly true, but that doesnt make it any sweeter.

Its not ghetto chicks, stay the fuck away from them. It's mainly college campuses... really anywhere in the US. Also, tourist destination places. First black chick I banged was in Hawaii with her gfs on a trip. Ghetto blacks ain't going to Hawaii, it's the middle/upper class ones you want.

don't be so sour

is this bitch retarded? i'm surprised no one pointed this out yet - garvey's endgame was for the return of blacks to africa. there's not really a conflict in those two people's ways of thinking.
this picture really makes me think

Sup Forums Always complain about white genocide but want to mix out themselves

Tommy Sotomayor must've gotten rejected by countless black women to be this bitter towards them.

i complain about white genocide and i want to be loved

Speak for yourself, Jamal.

A women with better genes


Nigresses are just going to single mom it anyway and collect welfare.

They might as well get hate fucked a few times and have kids smarter and better looking then you are.

Young white men should when they are young deposit some seed in the nigglet bank before finding a real human wife to build a real human family with.

Over time they will cease being nigglets. More humane then lynching or sending all our half men slave rape bastards back to full ape Africa.

Another guy will have too do double duty for me though. Nigrresses smell to much like shit for me to fuck without vomiting.

>used to have a black friend
>she was the only girl I knew who liked banter
>used to make fun of each other all the time
>tfw she moved after college
I miss her.

muh crackaz we be fuckin dey black wimminz

black bitches luv white dik. we honkeys hung like donkeys

he's said many times it mostly stems from how his mother behaved when he was growing up, you're probably right though

Black women are more submissive than Asian women

AF = Asian female

you mean tommy sotomayor is a real person and that text is not made up?

if so, that cracka given us a bad name. black girlz don't like it when we too over the top arrogant

what video is this from?

woops, WMBF is what i meant

get a whitegirl's embryo and invitro it into a nigress' puccy

smocaine 3

Can't upvote this enough.

Smocaine 3

it's usually referred to as BWWM

tommy sotomayor is a black dude you retard, and who cares what girls think, faggot

Well it looks like I'm the one that has to do this

nigga wheres the shadows?

muh cock

Brazilian relate here: mestizas are actually all about white cock, black chicks don't. But mestizas LOVE pink nipples.

jacking off in the corner while their sister gets bleached

>you should date a black girl if you want a chick who's definitely never been with niggers.

ahhahahaha holy fuck! america is just as great as it is funny.

nothing hotter than shooting a big load of hot bright white cum all over a pair of black titties



I wouldn't mind slaying a kween t b h

>posts white man

the truth is much scarier


>smocaine was based

>you sure you want to talk money so soon?
>suicide bomb rescue
So much good shit.


Do not accept murica shit

Reverse that for Aryan woman!!

fuck off kike only too mix up oil and gasoline too set you on fire

If you're proud to be a white man, you will seed the world with your sperm.

shut the up nibber, you know you want this aryan cock.

all hail kek

that's a handsome couple famalamalambly

That's a preference thing. I still do it sometimes, but I would say my preference is as dark features as I can get with pink nipples. So mainly white. Black chicks are fun to fuck though.

You should be hanged and humilated
race traitor

This is what I thought at first, and even then it's still pretty stupid

neither one of those two are white.

Fuck off Portugal,, you have the ugliest women in Europe. Arm hair and acne like you'd never believe. All that salt fish you eat I suppose. I'm a whitey so I get my pick of the litter.

>oppressor (read: enemy, based on race)

What's wrong with you Lards and your unhealthy fixation on racial issues? Will it ever get better again?


He should be reading some Evola or Shakespeare. Racists don't look up to Robert E. Lee. I know because my friend is racist.

You should be putting cummies inside them desu.

you don't know the half of it

>ugliest women in europe
>not eastern bloc

>Will it ever get better again?

Brazil 2.0 much more likely.

Black girls are wack, amerindians master race.

Most don't realize, Garvey's opinion was shared by Lincoln...

It's like (((they))) didn't want the slaves to return to their continent.

Have these black feminists gotten smart enough to see how they are still slaves to Jewish usury?
Have they truly woken and found their real enemy? The enemy that hands them welfare instead of training black people to train other black people in trades? We can only hope they wake up and see the truth and who The Man really is.

>not knowing Tommy "Niggers in a Fire" Sotomayer

No you fucking retard, women are attracted to power and we have complete power over blacks



its the eternal duty of the white man to conquer and colonize, if that means taking a black woman then so be it


The amount of pussy juice of that comes out of a single black vagina (1) is double the amount of annual rainfall in Ghana, Zimbabwe and Atlanta

can confirm. black chicks get really juicy pussies during sex. it's hot hearing that slushing sound