I unironically drink tea btw

Kudos to him for trying to start a show.
But when the dominoes drop, he will be without a show when the dnc is decimated by the huge tidal wave that's ready to wash out the liberals.
Fuck him.


What's the anime on your cup? Looks cute


>50 tabs
>retarded anime coffee cups

Let me guess, 28 yr old virgin autistic neet?
Jesus man, just do the fucking opposite of what you do now and life will be great


Pathetic weeb.

didn't he have his own cartoon already?

Stephen, where did Trump touch you?

More about you and your mugs, fuck colbert you are intriguing to me.

>Do you filter your tea?
>loose tea of chopped/blended?
>Straight up, or with milk, honey, ginger, extracts, sugar?
>most youve ever paid for tea, and one of your cups

Thanks user