Lauren Southern BTFO!

Patreon Responds
They got her good lads.

Other urls found in this thread:

>Some bald headed faggot with a beard
I'm not watching this shit fuck off with your E-Celeb Drama. Sage.

Holy shit, the damage control is hilarious

That faggot is the creator of patreon and the reason many of your shotlord idols get to commit themselves full time to being nazi cucks.


Shes an idiot

>Fuck Lauren Southern
>Fuck this bald faggot
>Fuck this faggot OP

Patreon's militant left political leanings have been known to everyone since 2014 when they tried to kill this handicap guy with osteogenesis imperfecta (by confiscating the funds he needed to pay his personal care assistant in hopes that he'd die alone in his apartment covered in his own shit) because they didn't like that he supported Trump.

Either Lauren is braindead, or she knew from the moment she signed up that she would eventually be banned, and she was looking forward to it all along as it would be an opportunity to exploit it for attention.

Lauren Southern confirmed the Zoe Quinn of the right.

lauren is a good girl

she dindunuffin!

He sounds like a woman. Is he ftm trans?

google manifest observable behavior

only match is a reddit post made an hour on the sam harris sub-reddit

Looks like it's high time to hold them to their own rules

>that voice
haha wow

>It's not political at all!
>"the NGOs are just trying to rescue poor refugees"

I can't tell whether this bald faggot is just a retarded sheltered liberal or a devious crypto-kike

For all you calling jack a faggot this is the girl he bangs. He is a multi-instrumentalist music genius who made it big time in tech with a simple idea and hard work while you pathetic edgy losers larp as people with values.

He is 200% right about lauren. That cunt has no business blocking rescue ships

the C-Star and crew said they would help in any search and rescue if it was needed so by deplatforming their funding he is endangering lives.

He should deplatform himself.

She looks like a fucking muskrat.

pomplamoose is digshit

Fuck off loser

Thousand cock stare

>trafficking boats
>rescue ships

>Says it's against their policy for people to create content that might put them in danger

Ok so he should have ended it there, instead he gets political about it by bringing up how "good" the human trafficking ships are.

The alt right has a different funding alternative set up already. It works like patreon. Just need to get the word out.
(((Capitalists))) and christcucks won't let our race survive without pushback we know.

kill yourself and go back to r/the_donald. no one cares about your e celeb shit

Lauren southern sounds more like a man than this dude.

Anybody notice this?

Obviously on damage control and the decisions was obviously politically motivated but you really can't argue with his logic and reasoning.

It was a clear violation of their content policy.

>multi-instrumentalist music genius

Is this a copy pasta meme I'm not aware of?

protesting a ship in a harbour is against their content policy but if you're involved with a movement that blocks highways and has had people affiliated with it injure and kill cops... well why don't you come meet the team.

It would be an honor.

>it's good to stand outside of a hospital and hold up signs to exercise freedom of speech
>but it's bad to block people from entering a hospital
>but it's good for antifa and BLM to block highways to prevent people with medical emergencies from driving to the hospital

Oh my fucking god yes the pomplamoose faggot?


She's so annoying. Her whole schtuck is "Me pretty girl listen to me tee hee" but she's not actually that hot and her voice is super fucking deep and annoying. Nobody gives a shit. She's not a serious journalist by any stretch of the imagination.

They aren't rescue ships dipshit. Those people aren't fleeing war they are shopping for free handouts in Germany.

You fucking racist progressives infantalize non whites so hard you are actively suppressing and oppressing them harder than any KKK or nazi member could ever dream

It's beautiful really.

>patreon bans right wing people
>right wing people create Hatreon

free market has done it's job, nothing to see here

His argument is pretty damn flawless. What Southern did was illegal and on a legal basis Patreon has every right to cut ties with individuals involved in illegal activities.


>property crime is bad
>but when antifa and BLM burn down businesses it's good

Can't fucking anyone in power just value the principles of the constitution?

It only ever applies to us too. In cases like this "it's a free market, voluntary interactions and so forth." But if a shop owner turns you away on conservative grounds you get fined 100,000 dollars. Suddenly then there's no such thing as voluntary interactions.

What a feminine hipster faggot. Is he completely oblivious as to how faggot he sounds? Unbelievable. That fag-beard really tops it.

Probably a jew. That's a very jewish face. MASS THE DIKES RICE WHORE NOW

>getting this assblasted
fuck your """rescue""" ships, jack

Why do all faggy lefty sjws all talk like this??
No one is buying this shit.
Patreon is done

Fuck patreon to many alternatives to them.

Lauren Southern should not respond

blocking a hospital is bad.

She's just some ugly whore that does this for male attention and validation.

Her dad must be pretty based.

This is what happens when women have strong male role models they're like extremely impressionable mirrors.

Women aren't human like men they're like a shit mirror copy.

But in all honesty them stopping the boats would probably lead to more lives being saved.


This is good, we can now use their rules against them. Report every antifa, left-wing nutjob, on Patreon you can find.

He was born in San Francisco, he didn't just move there. He never had a fucking chance of turning out non-cuck.


You might be a sodomite.

Someone tl;dw this for me.

What does he actually say the reason was

Blocking hospitals is bad...



So. The law is flawed, it's civil disobedience, you moron

She's legally a man though

She's evil and trying to stop poor helpless refugee children from being rescued

They follow profit, and if they reinstated her account, the beta orbiters that feed the likes of Anita, Zoe Quinn, et al, that requested her accounts termination, might boycott. It makes more sense for their larger audience to ignore pleas to bring her account back

How can a heterossexual be such a faggot?

Blocking the highway? blocking ambulances? affiliated with the movement?

Come meet the team!


So why is it patreons place to defend the actions of private NON governmental agencies. Who are they to protect the rights of one private company to operate and prevent another from doign so?? Time to lawyer up lauren

BLM is different Soros pays wages, Obama orders pallets of bricks to throw at cops and Kraemer organizes the middle managers after getting orders from Obama.

Those people blocking the hospital have nothing to do with Patreon.

Patreon cut their ties with a crazy attention whore who was breaking the law for clicks. This protects their ass from possible lawsuits.

Of course some of you defend Southern; a Patreon welfare queen living off of horny idiots.

Why would ANY company want to be part of civil disobedience? That opens them up for lawsuits.

Jesus Christ you Stormcucks are infants.

>her voice isn't the shrill falsetto of a JAV pornstar

>This protects their ass from possible lawsuits.

How could they possibly face a lawsuit even if Lauren did something really illegal? As long as she wasn't advertising that illegal act on the Patreon site, they wouldn't be culpable at all.

>Those people blocking the hospital have nothing to do with Patreon.
One of the leaders/main activists of it was invited to meet with the people at Patreon and they said it was an honor to meet him

Jews are good at lying as a means to an end for long periods of time without ever showing the slightest shred of remorse or guilt over their dishonesty
it's their primary survival trait
the longer someone spews a narrative full of lies without breaking frame, the more likely it is a goy will believe every word of it, because it's inconceivable to a goy that anyone could keep lying for that long without doubting themselves or feeling guilty
this is also why the goyim fall for every clickbait article and all the mainstream news

At the same token if BAM or ANTIFAS set up a Patreon account and if those accounts were not deleted Patreon opens themselves up for charges of mass hypocrisy.

My guess is that Patreon would also take those pages down since they want to avoid lawsuits.

What about the fact the "rescue boats" are illeaglly smuggling people into italy and france?? The homo doesnt seem too upset about that.

Made it about 2 minutes in...
She acts more manly than him.
They can both die in AIDS fires for all I care.

>hit play
>this guy has a higher voice than Lauren Southern

Because they agree.

But it's okay, they're alternatives now.

All is good.

low test revenge fantasy
the only correct response involves high velocity chunks of lead penetrating flesh and bone
no more half measures

Lauren commits illegal act.

This illegal act gains here more clicks and money from Patreon.

Lauren gets a lawsuit for her illegal action - the lawyers knowing Lauren has no shekels sue those who benefit from Lauren's illegal activity -Patreon, who do have shekels.

True, he compares her blocking the ship to blocking the doors of a hospital ER, but it's not like these people were minding their own business when a tree branch fell on them. Instead they put themselves somewhere that they shouldn't have been for a chance at the sweet cuckbux.

However, I do think that L.S. is an opportunist.

Sounds like something a guy who looks like a terrorist with a homosexual voice would do.

So the free market wins!

If you hate Patreon use a different service.

I assume he is in california, he doesn't give a fuck if rapefugees make it to Europe. He cares about his companies (and his income) assets/value. You can't hate him for saving his own ass. Who knows he might be the biggest faggot but a very good capitalist. He may want the refugees to die but hes going to lie for his company and his employees salaries. Find out where the pressure came from because I always wondered why they allowed alot of questionable shit.

>came to the video expecting top tier damage control
>he ends up being sensible and BTFO'ing lauren talking points


Whats that? you're associated with a protest movement that routinely breaks the law, blocks traffic and endangers lives?

Come and meet the team! it would be an honor!

>lisping numale conveys his feelings about objectivity and how his politics don't have anything to do about taking down patreons.

>not political
>b-b-but illegal refugees could die!

The guy makes solid points tbf. The optics are bad. She struggles to walk the line between activist and journalist. In fact it's because she was associated with them and actively participated in one of their OPs and practically acted like one of the leaders that this happened. Brittany Pettibone who is also with them (but as a "journalist") has not been kicked off of Patreon, so I don't think they're just unfairly berating everyone.


>brings up the dead kid on beach as justification for NGO rescue ships
>pretends he isn't being political

Stopped there. Either he's an uninformed moron that believes refugees and economic migrants coming from completely different countries (or rather, different fucking CONTINENTS) are comparable or he's got a political agenda that he's lying about pushing.

Either of these things makes him a retard.

i several youtube user who lost their patreon account. this is nothing more than damage control

Just a standard eunuch numale of the current year

It's context. Also the content he's discussing is political in nature, so how can he not be political whilst talking about political material?

She just played herself.
Alt-right thinks they are "intellectual" and smart because most leftists are too lazy to do anything but when smart leftists like Patreon decide to play alt-right games, you guys just get BTFO by sheer intelligence. Also, their website, their company, they can do whatever the fuck they want. Get fucked racists. Patreon will not be responsible for money laundering schemes from Lauren and other alt-right members.

I see it

This is a perfect opportunity to setup our own conservative versions of silicone valley programs. Let them have the SJW losers while we have one to promote free speech. I mean patreon cant ha e anything proprietary its just their bigger brand name.

Fuck em. Lets build up our own institutions that follow our ideology. That way when the civil war erupts our assets, life and property are secure.

Etc etc

We could fund a entire navy to defend europe and fund militia groups to get prepared

This. He kinda made sense up until about the 5 minute mark.

I never was a fan of Lauren, but this Patreon is total BULLSHIT, they banned her but they donn't ban ANTIFA's Patreon, when they fucking blocks traffics for ambulances to save people, that's fucking bullshit. That hipster should kill himself, those argues are so retarded, he took just a one example to expose Lauren, when there is ton of Patreons that don't stick with policy.

Yes, it seems so.

all the while, antifa paetron accounts are still active and unbanned

>The guy makes solid points tbf.
How? the boat wasn't on a rescue operation. It was in the harbor over 1000km away from Libya so how was protesting it endangering lives?

>claims there is an alternative
>says need to get the word out
>doesn't give the site
This is why the alt-right/right/alt-lite will lose.

holy shit I had no idea Patreon was run by that Pomplamoose faggot

Its misleading and doesn't apply. And he's the one who says he isn't doing this for political reasons right at the start of the video, I'm just calling bullshit.

A) who gives a fuck about her.
B) Its the companies right to ban anyone they want.


Patreon is obviously being 100% hypocritical.
This is "Manifest Observable Behaviour." They have continued the funding of numerous groups which have threatened the lives of a multitude of people, including BLM, Bamn, the muslims.

What about the threat of genocide faced by European peoples if these boats continue. Thier policy is so ridiculous and open to interpretation, that it is laughable.