I watched the Emoji Movie so you don't have to


why does my butthole itch like crazy when i dont wipe excessively?

did eggplant emojis fuck tj Miller's wife?

What would you say to the argument that the phone itself is a metaphor for the cave of plato's lore, with the meh emoji trying to make his escape, as well as the poop emoji representing the degradation of the human psyche

Have you achieved enlightenment due to this series of events?

how does it feel to have wasted your time and money for nothing?
we don't care

Do they fuck?


fuck, nevermind

The fecal particles rub the sensitive areas, kind of like having sand in your shoes.

I would imagine so.

I would ask why the hell you are applying advanced philosophy to the god damned Emoji Movie.

No it made me a nihilist

Feels bad man

Probably, wouldn't put it past Sony

did it end in an orgy?

Are the emojis playing there, emojis for all of the planet, or just the emojis living in the kids phone?
And whats the plot exactly?

How anti-conservative/anti-trump was it?

You got nematodes son.

but it hurts more now than ever, the itch is intense and painful!

It did not, considering that of the 11 people in a theatre made to support upwards of 120, about 6 were kids and their families.

It's like Inside-Out rules.
TL:DR Emojis are sentient beings inside a kid's phone. This new fuck named Gene is a "meh" emoji, and he fucking fucks up on his first day on the job, which prompts the dictator of the town, think Hillary Clinton's personality mixed with Shia LeBeouf's unbridled rage, to send robots to kill him and the Hi-5 emoji.

They escape and go to a Hacker-Finding App (Really) and find a girl named Jailbreak to try and meet Texting God and reprogram Gene. They go through pandering app after pandering app, including Candy Crush, Instagram and...Dropbox(???) until eventually realizing that "IS OKEY 2 B #URSELF XDDD"
They kill Hillary LeBeouf and learn to accept themselves blah blah blah

I didn't poke fun at Trump so much as it poked fun at trolls online and hackers. If you want to count it, T.J. Miller said the trolls were supposed to represent Trump and sites like Sup Forums.

Dude. See a doctor.


Why does the WoW private server i play on have to fuck up in the timeframe of the few hours i get to play before I have to go to work tomorrow.

>They kill Hillary LeBeouf and learn to accept themselves blah blah blah

I would ask the moderators of the server, not some random guy on the internet who went out of his way to see the worst movie of the decade in order to see personally how bad it is, despite knowing full well how bad it was going to be.

Well you did say anything.....

I'm a more relevant topic, why did you subject yourself to this torment? Mothis curiosity?

I went with two of my friends, we enjoy ripping on bad movies, and we decided fuck it, it's a Friday night, let's go rip on a movie. We decided on the Emoji movie, silently hoping that it would surprise us and be good. Eventually it got so bad that it started pointing out its own flaws, and the flaws it didn't point out were being asked by a little girl to her mom sitting in front of us.

What's that?

Did you laugh even once?

>Hillary LeBeouf

I saw the Emoji movie, believe me man I'm way ahead of you.

Not at the movie, my friend and I were laughing at the jokes we kept making about the movie, like one where the boy in the real world walks up to his crush whilst Gene and co. are in Candy Crush, He says "Hey Amanda(?), I think you're [Delicious] ...HUH?! uh...I mean to say you're [Savory~] I mean I- [Sugar Crush]"

buddy leans over to me and whispers "And that's how I got my first charges for being a sex offender"

>AMA on Sup Forums
Why have you not hung yourself in an active gas chamber, piss-cum-nigger?

I would, but I'm too busy answering this AMA thread.

how bad was it?

Did you feel pain while watching it?

I would rather watch a wrecking ball come soaring towards my face than watch that movie again.

Pain? no.
Misanthropy? Hell yeah.

I would rather watch Miley Cyrus defumigate her vagina

What? Why would the emojis fucking around in the cellphone have any influence on the boy when he's TALKING to her, not messaging her?

Shit movie and shit review

Because they outsourced their writing to tech support scammers in Pakistan

So who's the bad guy? What the fuck actually was the point of this film, and how is it resolved?

Where did you tie the noose?

Smiling bitch is the bad guy
point was to reprogram Gene to be a proper emoji
They kill Smiling bitch

Shaken, not stirred

Try using a bidet

Was it worth it?

Your money is better spent on the #ImWithHer campaign. That's how much of a waste it is.

Did it fight Trump and make you adopt progressive values?
