"Ugh, religious people are so stupid, the world would be better off without religion"

>"Ugh, religious people are so stupid, the world would be better off without religion"

Correct! Could you lead me to where you found this quote? I'd like to read more by this author.

I love how christcucks have no arguments and keep resorting to using the fedora meme.


Thanks for the reply. Eager to read more threads created by you, OP. Easily the best discussion I've had all night.


>b-b-b-but we would have had the same technological & social progress(law,institutions,etc) even if there was no religion

The world would be better off without religion AND leftist cultural marxists. The problem is leftists exist and so they coopted the atheist movement, if we remove religion first they will usher in degeneracy and amorality. If we can remove globalism/cultural marxism FIRST, then we can gradually evolve to a moral, ethical post-religious society.

I mean, WE did it, you westerners ought to be able to, too.

Religious ppl are stupid, most of them.
But the world wouldn't be better off without religion :)



>at least we beat Turkey

Probably, the problem is there will always be people who need a crutch, and christianity is the best crutch out there. So if you are a proclaimed atheist then you're not helping the good side dominate the crutch war.

Religious people are stupid because none of them objectively critiques their own views.


I'm friends with this fedora guy on facebook


Haha man you're so funny haha And also very smart I see.
Lots of Christians were smart so that means you're smart as well :^)

Agnostic athetit here, religion would have still existed, it was the best way to control people en masse back then, way too lucrative a concept for humans to pass up

why would you be part of a religion that's based on expansion and not spiritual development?

Belief systems, especially those with moral punishments behind them which are set in stone bind people together, chrisitanity was the fundemental creator of western civilization.

If you hate religion I would suggest moving to North Korea or China (sadly soviet russia is no longer an option), there you will find a men who have replaced the religious concept of god with the Government.


>chrisitanity was the fundemental creator of western civilization.
That's why it's dying.
>If you hate religion I would suggest moving to North Korea or China
Why would he do that? He already lives in one of the most non-religious countries, user.

This this this this this this this

I'm still as much of a non-believer as ever, but finally realizing how extremely important the Bible was in forming every single crucially important principle of Western Civilization was a massive Revelation to me.

You can understand and appreciate this concept without necessarily having theistic beliefs yourself.

>finally realizing how extremely important the Bible was in forming every single crucially important principle of Western Civilization was a massive Revelation to me.
Can you name some that don't inevitably lead to the death of our race?

Holy fuck

Truth here.
Although OP is an aussie shitposter looking to unload his fedora folder, the underlying statement is true

>That's why it's dying.
No, it's dying because it's LOSING its Christian values

>He already lives in one of the most non-religious countries
Case and point

The principles I'm referring to are far more fundamental than anything which would operate on the level of race.