Cenk vs Ben debate today!

Who's going to win?

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ben will obliterate this turkroach, period, this is the only correct answer, factually true

this desu




i thought today was kasparian vs some blond attention whore

Ben will hold his Jewish potions over Cenk head and Cenk will not be able to push back without ricking be labeled a anti-Semite.

Cenk needs to call out the Jew without laughing and trying to play it off and that will throw Ben of balance for the rest of the debate.

Jews like Shapiro can not stand is Judaism being questioned.




Hey Gang!
Largest conservative PodCast in the nation!
Now let's talk about Trump for an hour
Oh also Trump isn't a true conservative
We're the number 1 conservative podcast in the nation gang
So this is what Trump did yesterday with a hint of NeverTrumper Bias
Oh before we get to that lets hear from our sponsor RING.COM
Alright now if you're watching from FaceboOk Live you'll need to sign up for our subscription to see the rest
It's only 10 bucks a month and you get this AWESOME MAGANIFICENT, Amazing tumblr that says Leftist Tears
Also don't forget that melting snowflakes is the easiest thing to do and isn't an accomplishment
I'm freaking ripped gang
So going back to Trump
Number 1 conservative podcast gang
I haven't spent a single 5 minutes on who I actually consider to be conservative in politics
But this thing Trump did, Gang

Finally stopped listening to that tilted shill garbage

Clever-but-weasel-voice Shapiro vs
Shrek-face fat roach Chunk Ogre


Cenk is a masculine Turkish god and both you and I know that.

Shapiro is just a little twink jewboy

I'm pretty sure it's tomorrow. Today's the Sabbath.

Ben will obliterate cenk. Cenk is a ridiculous fake motherfucker in general, but more importantly, his arguments are weak as fuck and they only deteriorate further when he gets all conceited and arrogantly bolters himself as some moral superior. I disagree with Ben on alot of things, but at least he's consistent. Cenk, like most far left liberals, is inevitably a hypocrite.

Since they both get paid and get mass advertising for their two businesses, both of them.

It's less Judaism being questioned, more a debating technique called framing. It claims the moral high ground before your opponent can. Judaism is pretty much a debating technique for Ben.

My fucking sides

Look at those star of david badges.

Where can I watch it?

>It's less Judaism being questioned
>Judaism is pretty much a debating technique for Ben.
Really makes you think.

My "Jews like Shapiro can not stand is Judaism being questioned." was less about the actual questioning of Judaism itself and more that Jews can not be questioned because of Muh Judaism and Muh Antisemitism.

Where can I see it?

My predictions are that Shapiro will stomp Cenk, Cenk will start ad-hominin attacks and in the end the audience will be on Cenk side because of his saucy attacks on Shapiro. Cenk will view himself as the winner and so will the left.

Shut up, Ahmed.
t. Chang

What time it is ( gmt )?

Should be quite a slaughter.

>Jews robots


I don't know who will win, but I sure know who loses:
Everyone who bothers watching these two self-worshipping pedagogues.

He's basically a twitter poster, so e days his whole podcast is based completely on political jokes and narratives from twitter, he's a smart guy but he's the type of normie that still finds harambe funny and thinks that thug life is big because of him.

>A kike vs a cockroach
Who cares? They're both vile

I disagree on abortion with shapiro. Niggers should be able to abort children.

My ideal scenario would be abortion illegal for white women that expect white children that are healthy. And abortion legal for the rest and mandatory if the babies they expect are sick.

>not a single mention of his wife being a doctor
It's like you haven't even listened to his podcast

Chunk "King Roach" Uglier
Ben "Shoah-piro"

Pretty sure the last time an insect won against a can of Raid was never.


>dat athf reference


Link plz

Quit magic'ing my sides

I was thinking more along the lines of rabbi+robot

Ben Shapiro will win, he's very intelligent and I find it difficult to disagree with what he says. Also for fun, here is Alex Jones vs Cenk.


Cenk is a moron. Listen to his "debate" with Jared Taylor and you've got a pretty good idea of how this will turn out.

when is it?


Where can I watch it? Is there a live stream going?

I dont know what the point of more political debates are. Nothing will top this, not even trump vs hillary did

The retarded mad buffalo has no chance at winning against just about anyone. A 5 year old can come up with better arguments.



when and where?



Is there anywhere online we can watch this debate?

I can bet 1k right fucking now that after no more than 10 minutes cenk will just sit there screaming when ben will try to say anything

It will be a disaster for him

Probably Ben. Cenk is a lightweight. The Secular Talk guy could probably beat Ben though. But, I'm pretty sure he thinks live debates are retarded, so he probably wouldn't do it.

I'm so ready for this. Ben is going to mop the floor with Cenk. Is Anna VS Ana today or tomorrow? That being said, I would love to have sex with Ana Kasparian.


Oh god, I can't imagine anything I would want to watch less than that.

chunk will never call him on his judaism. instead he will do what he always does, rather than actually engaging the conversation he will refer to sheets of paper that his "researchers" have compiled and just try to pin ben down on slightly out of context statements he made 5 years ago. he always does this. thats how the conversation will progress, chunk saying "youre quoted as saying black lives DONT matter... how do you explain that?" and ben having to explain. rinse and repeat.

Protip if you are an Android user.
Search the app store for "Podcast Addict"
You will be able to download virtually any podcast for free.
Been listening to Bens show and shows from Anthony Cumias network for the last year for free.

I now pay for Cumias network because I thoroughly enjoy the content, I wont pay for Ben's simply because how fucking often he has to talk about "funding his operation"

I thought this guy was fucking loaded


shapiros podcast is already free, but if you pay you can watch him live

Most people in Israel don't like the crypto-marxists like most normal people right?

kek why is this not posted more often. that shit was GLORIOUS, especially when that fag spat in his face. what a girl-tactic. honestly wish i wasnt such a socially retarded perfectionist shut-in and had alex's not giving a fuck attitude about things.


>i care about the american people!!

how does this guy keep a straight face when he says that kind of shit

Cenk is literally the worst debater I have ever seen, and Ben is literally the best debater I have ever seen. Ben is going to embarrass him.


All he does is yell stupid shit. His debates with Jared Taylor and David Duke are just as bad.

Also, what time does Politicon start?

Cenk will win
Ben will use basic logic but Cenk is immune to it
Cenk will counter by mimic Ben in the most annoying and exagerated way: 'EWWW EWWW LOOK AT ME IM CRYING IM A JEEEEW I CANT STFU ABOUT MUSLIMS' and thats it

We don't believe in crypto-marxists
Some people are just idiots who need a wake-up-stab

ive seen his david duke and jared taylor interviews. thing about cenk is that hes very appealing to the neurotypicals because he boils things down to very simplistic terms which is easy for them to swallow. unfortunately the truth is more complicated and to anyone who knows more about someone like taylor, you can see how hes misrepresenting him. in that debate he kept saying taylor was a white supremacist, but taylor always says that the gook outclasses the whiteman intellectually. he will probably just misrepresent shapiros position and strawman him. that is yoghurts trademark. if he does that, ben will have to keep putting out fires and wont ever get to attack. it doesnt matter who is right or wrong, what matters is perception, and cenk is OK with this, but because shapiro is literally autistic hes a stickler for absolute factuality in everything, that is his weakness in this format. i hope shapiro has anticipated this, considering that he can resolve 10^25 arguments simultaneously im sure hes thought of this and done some oppo research. shapiro needs to work on his soundbites and his gotchas for this one because cenk is going to try to gotcha him for the whole event.



debate has started lads

This. Chunk relies on personal attacks to hide the fact he isn't as smart or learned as his opponents. The fact that he agreed to this debate leads me to believe he has something on Shapiro's personal life or background, because he cannot fight fair

Das goot, mein Fuhrer

>make things as simple as possible, but no simpler
inb4 jew

Cenk is /ourguy/, he will push against Israel as he should. Cheering for him.

I hate both the fat roach and the shekel grabbing squeaky voiced kike. But in a debate it'll just resort to Cenk screaming over Ben as he usually does.

i'm going with based Ben

>Ben ever using the Jew card
The only times he used the "I'm Jewish" card is in his defense for the second amendment, his argument being that since the second amendment specifically states that the right to bear arms is for the purpose of self defense in the event that a tyrannical government should rise. He brings up his Jewish heritage because he blames Jews for having anti-gun beliefs in the 1930's, and not being able to defend against a rising tyrannical government at the time. Piers Morgan idiotically tried to rebuttal this with "But Ben, how can the noble and benign Obama administration ever dare to hurt the fine people of the United States of America?", but Ben replied that he isn't stating that Obama will do this, but the fact that even nations with socialist and liberal governments can still be tyrannical, which they have been in the past and can happen again in the future, is reason enough for citizens to have the right to bear arms.


Just like the Ann Coulter debate he did, there will be a lot of jokes to the audience, relying on the audience for moral high ground/applause, and a lot of "in other words" to try and twist Ben's thoughts.

She's a bit hostile for my liking, but holy shit the guy could barely come up with anything to refute her. No one won that debate.

Forgot to add, anytime someone tries to tell him he's never encountered injustice.

i just sat through an hour of the dinesh d'souza debate. i dont even like that paki cunt but theres a thing i noticed a lot. when dinesh made a point and pinned chunk down, yoghurt never addressed it, dinesh would ask shit like "so who voted more for that law in the house in 1968, repubs or dems?", cenk would just say "ok ok but..." and never verablise his answer. he is always very careful not to verbalise the point. but when chunk made a point and made dinesh answer, dinesh would always answer. this seems to be one of his tactics, to make sure he never has to confirm the other persons point. even cenks shill army which was cheering for him at the start i think was a little embarrassed and you didnt really hear a peep out of them after about 10 minutes in. he debates like a child. that is why (((shapiro))) must be careful because cenk is a sensationalist and shapiro is a stickler. there was this whole thing where dinesh describes in clear detail the case against him for violating finance law and how it wasnt corruption charges but chunk just goes on and on and brings it up every time he gets pinned down. sticklers dont win the audience, just fat turkish retards unfortunately.

The debate is from 5:30 to 6:30

what time zone?

>debating an autistic Harvard Jew
Cenk why would you end yourself like this

Pasadena, CA so UTC


Haven't found any streaming options though

It says "JULY 30" in big letter.

Why does OP says it's today ?

I can't watch anything with that Turkroach anymore. Noting from him could ever satisfy as well as election night.

No matter who wins we all lose.

Also this

Also so that

they will also debate.


Why is cenk so popular in america? He's channel is literally called young turks i thought only turk diaspora in america would watch him but apparently he's pretty mainstream

kek, its true

among retarded libshits, literally even berniefags know cenk is shit, the only ones that listen to him are bottom of the barrel feminist libshit SJW retards

The Jew. He can actually debate and has arguments.

>So this Sink guy was debating Ben and-- hey Jamie can you pull up that video of the chick fucking a zebra? Look at the size of his cock--look at him go!

i think its on sunday, today is ana and ann coulter