Putin knew hillary would be harder on him than trump. The only reason why he does the things he is doing to russia is because congress and his daughter and son in law push him to.

Look here, nigger, may of these threads are a psyop by the cia/deep gov to manipulate the narrative (see shillblue/ctr) Sup Forumsaks are trying to live a peaceful life and better themselves among with their community.

No one is agreeing with a war/conflict or animosity towards another nation, that's all (((them) )) and Sup Forums is well aware of that

We all knew he was just a meme president, this is well known, since you don't get to the top unless (((they))) have something on you

Oh yeah, I know. Although Clinton et al. will play it off like that.

Tillerson hasn't classified them as a terror org. because it would tip everyone else off as to what was about to happen. He is waiting for the best opportunity.

That's a good reason Trump had to get a Sec. State from the private sector, untainted by this garbage.

The reality is unless your based as a caveman you don't know shit about reality or survival. No one knows anything other than the select secrets the Omniverse has decided to uncover. Once we see real solution to this porabol we will be thrusting through evolution as a race of humans together
>excluding Africans and south Americans >they too dark to learn

Some red pills:
- Russians hate Hillary, and I assume Putin, too, just like Obama, because of what they did in Ukraine, etc.

- Russians wanted Trump to win, because the other candidate would continue Obama's work, while Trump wanted to work with Russia and didn't constantly spread anti-Russian rhetoric.

- RT is left-leaning, because that is the audience they need to red pill.

- Russian state media explains to Russians how Trump's hands are tied, how MSM is constantly attacking him, that's why Russians understand what's going and still like him, again, because he is different from other neocons.