Why exactly is Tinder and modern social dynamics bad?
Before we had dysgenic crap like arranged marriages, now we are returning back to a natural order of things where nature (manifested through the will of women) can do it's part in selecting that which is good.
The people who have something against it usually harbour resentment much like the leftists who can't compete in a free market thus running towards marxism and other traps.
Casual sex is degenerate. It weakens personal bonding capacity, it spreads STIs, it results in unwed pregnancy.
Also, women would need agency to have will. They just act out according to their emotions and base instincts, and newsflash: we didn't build a civilization off women's emotions and base instincts.
There are ways to harness the power of modern communication to improve both men's and women's access to the best possible mating pool without encouraging the degenerate behavior that Tinder and the rest of the triple-parentheses social forces enable.
Asher Davis
This. women were brutally suppressed during our entire constant upward spiral as a species. Just over a century of their leadership role in a society and we as a race are getting wiped out, while the world IQ drops off a cliff.
Aiden Carter
Because women used to select for survivability, good traits like intelligence. They're no longer doing that - they're splitting it both ways, having the sexually attractive traits while they have theirs, and not even looking sideways at anybody else until all their assets are gone.
It sounds like such an angry, lonely thing to say. I should mention I'm a married man.
This is why women sexually selecting on their own is bad. Women are too smart for their own good.
Carter Watson
Because arranged marriaged created an estable, society truly progressive society. Modern social dynamics where the woman chooses her partners is bad because woman`s criteria is terrible, women choose solely based on looks or another superficial traits, that have nothing to do with a real productive member of society.
Samuel Wood
Tinder is a good thing. It allows betas to comfortably approach women from a distance. I mean yeah, while she's getting to know the beta slowly, she's fucking the big dick chads that are also talking to her. When shes had her fun with fuckboys, she will settle down for a good guy.
Elijah Hughes
Carter Parker
'Reddit spacing' was a Sup Forums thing long before reddit, newfriend. Lurk more.
David Reyes
>real tradition
No, it's a return to animalistic, brute nature. "Tradition" is the safeguard against such behavior; the social forces (customs, taboos, obligations, etc.) that maintain society AGAINST the degradation of such base activities.
Ayden Wilson
>durr fucking like animals like before civilization existed is "real" tradition
Huh, so I guess the communist way nomads lived is also "real" tradition too