>Jews cause all of the depravity and social decay around today
>Muslims oppose Jewry and promote traditional family values and humility before Allah
Why do we hate Islam again?
Jews cause all of the depravity and social decay around today
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only jidf shills do
"Only jidf shills hate Islam"
You should get yourself checked for schizophrenia
Both are cancer.
>Why do we hate Islam again?
They are a barbarian race of shitskins who spread their universalist religion by the sword, have been invading Europe for 1300 years, rape our women in the streets, attack our children with bombs and knives, leech off of our better nature, and they stink to high heaven.
I think you are mistaking muslims with jews
I don't think so. Jews have been leaching off Europe for 2000 years, spread pornography and sodomy, clip coins, poison wells, agitate for various shades of degeneracy, import mudslimes, blackmail our politicians into sending our sons to die in the desert, shill for communism/globalism, and they stink to high heaven. Don't mistake for disdain for Islam with love for the Jew.
Be sure to spell their shitty goat fucking religion correctly
Arabs are scum no matter which religion they possess.