What will happen when America's welfare state collapses?

What will happen when America's welfare state collapses?

There's no way in hell the skyrocketing cost of social security, welfare and healthcare can be sustained in the next 10 years

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Category 5 chimp out

It will happen.
We're also going to have a sovereign debt crisis.
It all inter related and it is a cycle.
pic related

your chart doesnt account for inflation or growth in the size of the economy or income or GDP.

As a percentage of income what amount is being spent on welfare and is it increasing or decreasing?

massive if substantiated

>in 2011 inflation adjusted dollars

America is the only country that can freely print money without any bad consequences.

Still doesn't consider it as a percentage of the total income or factor in the GDP.

Also, this might partially also be because you're paying 100 bucks for shit that literally costs like 2 dollars to make.

The collapse is already happening, it's starting at the state level.
Look at Illinois, they are taking 100% of state income to pay state employee pensions.
Governments NEVER pay off their debts.

When black people claim they deserve reparations, show them this graph.