Lady Gaga said it all - how will this ban affect an already unstable mental state of so many transgenders?
Will the suicide rate of this fragile group of highly emotional people go even higher now?
Lady Gaga said it all - how will this ban affect an already unstable mental state of so many transgenders?
Will the suicide rate of this fragile group of highly emotional people go even higher now?
Let's hope so.
Probably but what they need is help, these people are mentally ill, quit trying to sugar coat it.
Her message is actually pretty nonpolitical.
She is just saying "These people are extremely unstable and fragile, maybe you shouldn't focus on them".
does this moron realize she has just further proven his point?
The weak should fear the strong.
The world is a varied place.
A penis does not disqualify you from being a woman.
Many women are swinging penises between their legs.
>Let's put a bunch of suicidal maniacs in the army. No problem with that eh
>These people are extremely unstable and fragile, please give them deadly weaponry
Then that statistic valkidates the Trans ban from the military... who would want these kind of mentally unstable people in charge of heavy weapons?