I feel myself going full nihilist these days. I feel like we are all just stinking...

I feel myself going full nihilist these days. I feel like we are all just stinking, filthy primates until we shower where the stinkiest and filthiest of us are taking over and no one other than guys on a Japanese political fibre-optic noodle image board seem to care.

I feel like all the hard work done by us between 500 BC and 1959 AD has been for nothing, and all that will matter was the time before and after it.

Please post some things to bring my traditionalist beliefs of purpose, order, glory, and supremacy of the white race, because I feel myself losing these virtues.

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>Please post some things to bring my traditionalist beliefs of purpose, order, glory, and supremacy of the white race, because I feel myself losing these virtues.
Nah, lad. It's over.

You are not a nihilist. You are a bitter idealist. Shoo!

You need to get your dick wet and smoke some good bud, then you won't give a fuck about all this nerdy shit.

This. Also weed makes you very sleepy. Im actually going to bed. Goood night

nigger tier taste tbqh desu fampai

Just a step along the way. Redpills into blackpill then finally the whitepill

You'll get there user. Don't give up

What about Goy Kings 2?


can't wait for "Hatred: A Documentary"