Remember this video next time you hear someone complaining about "innocent women and children" being killed. There are no innocent Muslims, not even the children. The only good Muslim is a dead Muslim.
Remember this video next time you hear someone complaining about "innocent women and children" being killed...
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Yes. And?
We know this already.
hahahahahaha holy fuck
i thought that was the mini me from austin powers for a second, i thought he joined ISIS
>post a webm of an indoctrinated ISIS children
"goys there are no good muslims, even the children are evil!!! protect izrayel!!!"
It's currently Muslims who are fighting ISIS dumbass burger
Plus it looks fake af hahahah
You're just jealous because that literal toddler is more alpha then you'll ever be.
but that child is innocent all children are literal blank templates you can teach them to find anything acceptable look back in history and all the practises we would find repulsive were everyday for those children that then become men and women
I don't think the kid shot him
This is a CIA funded project. You can tell its fake
heres a different one with a child
Original sin dictates that no human is innocent merely for being born. Open your eyes and realize the truth.