So I'm just curious what Pagans actual spiritual beliefs are. Do you guys believe in an afterlife, an eternal soul? Or are you athiest but believe in respecting and keeping the tradition for morale and racial reasons?
So I'm just curious what Pagans actual spiritual beliefs are. Do you guys believe in an afterlife, an eternal soul...
They believe in dying at the hand of The Roman Catholic Church.
Religionlets, when will they learn?
Better to die free than live as a groveling slave of Rabbi Yeshua.
You're right, because when I think of successful civilizations I want to live in, I think of the goat fucking, dirt eating, tree worshiping, child sacrificing homosexuals of Pagan faiths. Truly I want to spend my entire life erecting stones to track the movements of the Sun, because what I want in life is a nigger-tier level of ignorance about how the world works. Hopefully I live until the ripe old age of 41, so I can proceed to die of an easily treatable disease.
It depends on the Pagan. Varg explains his view here:
I believe the soul re-encarnates. So in a sense I believe in an afterlife. I do not think it is necessarily eternal though. I believe it can be destroyed if it strays to far.
I do believe in gods, but not as personal enteties, but rather outside forces.
Varg is a bit of a moron though. Much of what he talks about he just pulls right out of his own ass.
Pick both.
Christcuck talking about ignorance lmao. It's no surprise that culture regressed since Christianity and technological progress leaped during the renaissance.
Reminder that christcucks are in a death cult.
Who would win in a fight: Hundreds of Pagan tribes or The One True Church?
Reminder that Pagans are too busy elevating their own egos to accomplish greatness like The Church did.
Your faith defeated itself during the fourth crusade and continues to do so now by allying Islam. Don't make me laugh about ego. The arrogance of Christians and other desert death cultists is palpable. They believe they're so special being saved and etc by a (((merciful))) God, who would condemn people to hell FOREVER for using their intellect, which he himself gave them, and denying him. For there is no definite proof that Christianity is the truth instead of other religions.