Redpill me on her.
Redpill me on her
Other urls found in this thread:
it was the jews
Racemixing, adulerous degenerate.
This, and a disgrace/poor choice for royalty.
She got cucked by the king, so she cucked him back, then they divorced, she kept cucking the king with some richfags, she event full poo in loo once, but in the end she got the egyptian dick, then she cucked the egyptian stick with some other richfag, then she got cucked by her driver... the end
She was the cuck queen of the whites
She had some serious dirt on the royals.
diana... my queen
Tried race mixing, based royals necked her.
>the king
all women are roasties no matter how blue their blood.
Literally who cares
The reptilian royal family killed her in a ritual.
Settle down mate
Literal Illuminati breeding stock.
Fought back.
Dated outside her race much to chagrin of royals
Got pregnant by dodi
Final straw
She was some britbongi cunt that got way too much media attention and then crashed and burned. Nothing of value was lost.
Queen reptile showed her true form and told her she was just going to be a breeder for more reptile elite babies, told her friend (therapist? both?) about it and was going to tell the public so they murdered her
Yep, she was a selfish cunt ready to sully about a thousand years of European genetics, she got what she deserved. Also "Lady Di" is a fucking hilariously ironic nickname lol.
Can you be a little more specific,? I have this female friend that speaks so fondly of her all the time
Mated with shitskin, but apparently fought against the ZOG.
Most people in Britain are pretty suspicious that she was intentionally killed.
She got a lot of fame during when she was a princess and afterwards after the divorce, she was beautiful at some point and had got a lot of fame national and international fame from tabloid MSM.
UK Royal Family and UK's Govt could sustain the shame and accelerated destruction o British culture - she could marry the Egyptian man and turn Muslim and become a beacon to British women and other to become mud sharks and convert to Islam.
So someone asked MI6 to assassinate her before it was too late. British Freemasons, tony Blair, someone from Royal Family or employees.
A reminder that Tony Bliar had probably intel and he told the princess he was uneasy about her relationship with Fayed
This, most likely
> UK's Govt couldN'T sustain the shame and accelerated destruction of British culture
Stepped on the wrong toes with her many acts of philanthropy, notably her landmine crusade. Got 'taken care of' for it.
They are all trannies. "Her" death was as fake as JFK.
disrespectful pos
payed the toll
so, was her death like JFK?
no one knows what happened?
>Prince Cheats on her
>Reptile Queen treats her like dirt
>Based Diana returns the favor 1000x over
>Queen Reptile orders her assassination
>Prince Harry Swears revenge and plans to BLACK the family tree
Someone /thread my post pls
Well, no, because most over here suspect (know) she was killed by the Royal Family.
And what did the media said she was killed for?
Everyone just going to ignore this
Royal family falls for the kike racemixing tolerance propaganda that they openly endorse themselves for the population, ends up getting offed because theres no way a mudshit is going to take the throne from the jew puppets.
The media says nothing. The media's story is that it was just a tragic accident.
We all know the Royals did it, or at least approved of it.
she knew about pizzagate and the clinton foundation
They probably had her killed and I applaud them for it.
They didnt say she was killed. They say she died in a car accident. She was killed for mixing with a mudshit.
Here is the lesson. You are better off dead than having a mudshit kid and being a dishonor and burden on the family. People will learn that the hard way in the coming decades.
>Redpill me on her.
simple really, burn the coal pay the toll
>nicknamed Princess Di
what did she mean by this?
ll she wanted was to Queen of our hearts, but (((they))) took that from her. She also transcended racial prejudice by loving Dodi Fayed, and taught us a lesson in tolerance and kindness.
She is sorely missed.
>dishonor and burden on the family
>Implying those Royal Shits have any honor to begin with
40/300 posts dude
use an image next time
>Stepped on the wrong toes with her many acts of philanthropy,
many acts of Philandering not philanthropy
Arab loving succubus. Queen arranged her death. Rightly so.
She only became the saint of people's hearts when she died. She was all over the tabloids in one scandal or another up to that point. When my gf at the time rang me up and said "have you heard about Diana?" I said "Oh christ what's she done now."
She was a race mixing whore with a fetish for rich hairy sandniggers. Eventually, she would have given prince William and Harry sandnigger half siblings, which would have been a huge embarrassment for the Crown and the united kingdom. So they killed her to avoid possible embarrassment and to save the reputation of the family. They did nothing wrong.
wow typical Sup Forums letting their hatred of women cloud theyre judgement. its really not the dead princesses fault you can't get laid. embarrassing
You should be on this like flies on shit.
>Princess Diana Was Assassinated By Mossad Because She Was A Supporter Of Palestine
>her missions to ban landmines worldwide and to help emancipate the Palestinians from Israel’s apartheid
>the latter's absolute refusal to hand over Palestine as the new "Jewish State". In the end the Jewish Zionists prevailed
>According to investigative researcher Nicholas Davies “Diana intended to start a campaign in a Palestinian refugee camp in Gaza or the West Bank.
> Diana: ‘This misery must come to an end, these children must no longer live under such conditions’
The epitome of noble, Anglo beauty. I won't hear a bad word said of her.
"Undertook a series of ill-fated affairs" i.e was a whore.
Retarded hairstyle.
Husband has large ears.
Ridiculously overrated by britbongs who proceeded to gift the country she left them to various random Pakistani and Congolese gentlemen.
Burned the coal payed the toll
fucked some shitskin on the side
got merked for it
bout all you need to know
happened a long time ago.... why the fuck all the shitpoasts now
>murdered to preserve royal bloodline
>entire country overrun by muslims anyway
what did they mean by this?
Someone once asked me if I could fuck any celebrity who would it be. My answer Diana
That's a lot more photoshop than I remember. She wasn't much to look at was she? What did she actually bring to the table?
fpbp. Also, alien transvestite robot.
I think we're coming up on the 20th anniversary next month. Expect a lot more of this shit. A LOT.
Some slut who did charity work. I had to miss the Simpsons (back when it was still good) because of the funeral coverage of this chick.
She married for money and status, was cheated on, did some cheating herself and got a divorce in the end. If she were American, she would have been a Jerry Springer guest and nothing more.
the biggest drama queen whore of all time
>noble, Anglo beauty
She died as full of Paki seed as the average 11 year old retard girl in Rotherham.
During her funeral coverage a different channel (probably BBC2) was running back-to-back Disney films.
>tfw I got to see Snow White and The Sword in the Stone wondering why the hell there was a televised funeral going on
This old lizard queen must die soon. I hope it's before the summer is over.
coke fiend.