Try to convince why the West is superior to the East again Sup Forums

Try to convince why the West is superior to the East again Sup Forums.

Western women
>Single mothers
>Radical third wave feminists
>Often fat
>Higher chance to burn coal
>Ugly retarded tattoos
>Septum piercings
>Shaved heads
>Unloyal will probably fuck Chad
>No redeemable qualities
>No real-life skills other than sucking cock
>Shitty taste in media

Eastern women
>Know how to cook, clean, and suck your dick
>Excellent taste in art, music and movies
>Much smarter than Western pigs
>Almost always in great shape
>Loyal and won't fuck Chad

Western women are a joke. Why the fuck are you nerds so against racemixing?

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Who is superior is debatable. The point is though that they are not us. If you have children, you put more effort into looking out for your own kids than some other people's kids even if other people's kids are better by many metrics.

That's why I'm getting a Filipina wife. They can cook, have tight cunts, are family oriented, and will stay loyal.



>taking a slavic subhuman over a germanic maiden
you realise most slavs are ugly niggers right? theres a reason hitler sent them to the camps.

there comes a time when people should know when it becomes a lost cause. Sometimes it happens we allowed this the moment we allowed them to vote. There is a reason women have been taken care of in the past rather than allowing them to govern themselves and now we see what happens.

>eastern women
Saw a group of Asian women several months ago, they were around my stomach height. I'm not even a big guy, 186.

that's not anzu

>having a flip waifu
better have your anus ready from her family members then coz they will fuck you up senselessly as they wring you dry of cash

that Eastern part of the world should exclude the PRC then, and pray to whatever gods that you worship that Chyna balkanises first