What are Sup Forums's thoughts on the American Founding Fathers?

Founding Fathers include:
1. George Washington
2. Thomas Jefferson
3. Benjamin Franklin
4. John Adams
5. James Madison
6. Alexander Hamilton
7. John Jay

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they racist son

>Implying that's bad.

I know you're larping but if we actually followed the words of our Founders and followed the Constitution the world would be a better and more prosperous place.


possibly New World Order Rothchild shills, possibly planting the seeds of the subversion of such an order "from the inside" so to speak...

I had such a hard on for 18th century living, I bought a disheveled farmstead with my lottery money in Massachusetts and restored it. Now with my hound on it. Only one of my buildings has utilities and internet, the rest have only 18th century tech and furniture. Its been the comfiest 2 years of my life.

I personally identify with Mr. Adams, a true gentleman and statesman, who had unending love for his wife and his country.

youre so stupid

Cute doggo. Have a quote by the man.

Bunch of traitors.

All of them are comparable to God himself. Hail Washington and the Founding Fathers.

The original white nationalists.

>t. butthurt red coat.


More Pics

All British brats secretly hate Americans for their freedom and how easily they broke away "from the most powerful empire on Earth". youtube.com/watch?v=4tIsXLyZcWI

We weren't even trying and you had help from the F*ench.

>We weren't even trying

>We weren't even trying.
Sure. You weren't trying to save your last bit of important influence in North America. Uh huh.

What is there to think of them? They're traitors who founded their own country. Pretty badass guys but an equivalent if same kind of group today broke off of USA.

>Alexander Hamilton
You country is literally founded by a gay black guy..


>Alexander Hamilton

Andrew Jackson was better.

Maybe they were, but how long did it take for the country of white nationalists to start importing slaves to make it less white?

>W-we weren't even trying.

Then why were the English so butthurt that they couldn't even finish a painting?


>"Benjamin West's painting of the delegations at the Treaty of Paris: John Jay, John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, Henry Laurens, and William Temple Franklin. The British delegation refused to pose, and the painting was never completed."

Yeah but you don't get these guys without William Bradford so fuck you.

Even more than two centuries later, I still taste the salt from the tears of britbongs

Cool dudes

Rebels. I understand why they wanted to get away from the crown, but it wasn't necessary to spit on your heritage like that. How many died just because you didn't want to pay taxes to support the Army that saved your hides from Jean-Pierre and his mates? And let's not forget, you won that war with the help of 3 major European colonial powers, traitorous British Officers and Generals who defected to the Patriot side, and a guerrilla campaign hiding in the woods attacking British infantry because you couldn't fight a gentleman's war. I hope it was worth it. You destroyed the lineage of the colony permanently by mixing with the natives and the slaves, and polluted it furthermore by inviting Europeans from all over the place to come and settle. The founding fathers didn't fight for that I believe. Benjamin Franklin was outspoken about it, even.

One more thing. You didn't end the Empire after we gave up the colonies. We expanded into India and Africa, kept our Canadian domain, took Gibraltar which we still have even to this today, took Caribbean Island holdings and went on to become the largest Empire in Human history and became the sole world superpower.

The crown didn't allow the settlers to settle in the Western lands won in the 7 years war. It is not as known, but that was the second biggest reason that the colonies broke free, so that they could take that fucking land.

My home. Doesnt have utilities or internet. I prefer to have my main residence as close to authentic as possible.

Mount Vernon is one of the most beautiful properties on Earth and sitting on George Washington's back porch looking at the Potomac will forever be one of my most cherished memories. As for the Founding Fathers themselves I love Jefferson. He and Jackson made up what was best about America.

The American founding fathers were unironically probably the most intelligent group of men to ever live.

>When war broke out, the Colonies boasted a population of 2.5 million. Even with just a third of them actively supporting the revolution, and just, say, a quarter of them able-bodied men, the British still had a hell of a crowd to contend with ... especially when you consider the fact that just 40,000 British soldiers were expected to subdue them. That's 40,000 soldiers facing 2.5 million people, spread out over thousands of miles, each of them a potential enemy until proven otherwise.

>Colonists never, ever faced the fearsome British army of the late empire. For the most part, the field armies tasked with suppressing the rebellion were softened units that hadn't seen combat in a decade. As for asking for backup, no matter how belated: There was none to send. In 1776, the total manpower of British military might reached 96,000. That was their entire worldwide strength. With these men, the British were fighting the Patriots, while holding Caribbean possessions, while manning their stations at Gibraltar and Minorca, and Ireland, and Gold Coast territories ... and defending England itself.

>So, yeah. It was not David versus Goliath as much as it was lots of Davids plus France versus a handicapped and distracted Goliath. Maybe that's why almost as soon as the war began, the British were trying to get out of it. Lord North, the chief minister, feverishly begged the king to let him resign, as he felt he wasn't up to the task of subduing a rebellion. So, the Brits were not only grossly outnumbered, but had freaking Chicken Little running the show.

>And that was just the beginning. When France entered the war, they didn't mess around: They swooped in with over 300,000 soldiers, and they equipped the Continental Army with new weapons with a range and accuracy that were vastly superior to British infantry weapons.



Straight to archive archive.is/9JPSR

Red coats are STILL butthurt. Read the Declaration of Independence.


So much salt. You can't stand losing to 'Murica, can you?

>you didn't allow us to settle West
>so I'm going to rebel, kill my kinsmen and spit on my heritage, mock my ancestral homeland and mongrelize my colony for the next 200 years

>Redcoats are still butthurt
Hardly. Do you honestly think we gave a fuck once the war was over? You were a backwater for years after the conflict.

You really do have a thick brain.
That land would triple the size of the colonies and was rich in resources, forests, and animals. This along with unfair taxes was the boiling pot the exploded. Fuck off, we have better heritage than a stupid monarchy.

Patriotic Ra is best Ra

Freemasons = jews

We're not saying we could have won on our own, there was no way. But you would have had to kill us all if you wanted your colonies back.

>"I know that the conquest of English America is an impossibility. You cannot, I venture to say it, you CANNOT conquer America...As to conquest, therefore, my Lords, I repeat, it is impossible. You may swell every expense, and every effort, still more extravagantly; pile and accumulate every assistance you can buy or borrow; traffic and barter with every little pitiful German Prince, that sells and sends his subjects to the shambles of a foreign country; your efforts are for ever vain and impotent—doubly so from this mercenary aid on which you rely; for it irritates, to an incurable resentment, the minds of your enemies—to overrun them with the sordid sons of rapine and plunder; devoting them and their possessions to the rapacity of hireling cruelty! If I were an American, as I am an Englishman, while a foreign troop was landed in my country, I never would lay down my arms, never! never! never!"

>makes a statement
>gets BTFO by facts and data
>"y-you're j-just salty that y-you l-lost!"

3%. All it took m80. 75000 farmers and non-military trained citizenry. Get over it. No ships, no organization. Stop trying to rationalize it.

Mock? Many of the Founding Fathers were ready to have friendly relations with Britain again as early as pretty much the second the war ended. A lot of the country is still based on British culture and ideas. And today the majority of Americans love Britain and see them as good friends and allies and put the royalty on celebrity gossip magazines. As for blood heritage I'm 72% Anglo-Saxon with French Normans who moved to Britain long ago in second and Ulster Scot in third. Most in the rural south are similar with maybe some being more Ulster Scot unless they're French cajuns in Louisiana or something.

It is really incredible that they were able to come together and selflessly create a country this great.
Can you imagine our current congress trying to do that? It would be a clusterfuck, and the country they make would not last 10 years.
They were truly great men, to the point that I personally believe the founding of this country was inspired by God. Too bad (((we))) couldn't stay moral.

>6. Alexander Hamilton

central bank faggot

Masonic liberals. Into the trash they go. Sorry americans but it's the truth.

The british didnt face the epic american army of the second world war either.

What is your point?

We still can. It'll be hard, but we still can be moral.


thomas jefferson being racist is a meme. he tried to have slavery banned in his original draft of the constitution but he had to remove that part to get southern states to sign. he only owned slaves because it was legal but he did not agree with the practice

"Gentleman's war"

Are you fucking kidding me? War is hell buddy not a fashion show.

>Fuck off, we have better heritage than a stupid monarchy
Sounds like a t_d post desu. Hope the mongrelization was worth it.
Yes, mock. See Americans today. You mock us regularly with all this "we won the war" claptrap, "fuck the British" and "lol ur cucked now USA no 1" etc.

I don't expect you to understand.

You mean banter? The huge majority of Americans are far from serious when they say that stuff.

Not Somali enough.

Doesn't seem like a joke to me.

Ben Franklin was alright, basically about personal best and not succumbing to degeneracy. Also social betterment; he hadn't anticipated niggers coming to this country and taking advantage of these things. Also he was against slavery because it made whites slavery and allowed blacks to spread over here. Way ahead of his time.

Because you're butthurt. Loosen up a little.

>literally being bred out of existence
>loosen up a little

hes also obnoxious and rather disliked tho. have you gotten a waifu yet to bitch at you about pins and womens rights?

Ben's my nigga, and he got some good pals

Fucking God, this isn't the thread for those feels. This isn't even the thread for this discussion. Go away.

They were politicians
Better than what we have now but still generally garbage people

They completely fucked up by not making shitskins banned from living here.

Just saying.

I mean these same Americans always call Germans Nazis and say French are cowards and that all Russians are commies. It's usually banter. Sometimes an idiot but I imagine idiots aren't exactly unique to America.

>">literally being bred out of existence"


I don't understand. I was referring to my country, not yours.

Bretty jealous bro

Shouldve established a natural born united states constitutional monarchy
In theory democracy appeals to the senses, but in practice it proves to be against the natural order of humans
We're designed as a pack to follow a leader, not trade one ever 4-8 years with 0 loyalty towards anyone but their own election/re-election