What does Sup Forums think about this book? Is it right on that Europe only gained power because of its geography...

What does Sup Forums think about this book? Is it right on that Europe only gained power because of its geography? My older brother recommended it for me.

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haven't you made this post like 6 times today?

No. I am at a book store right now, and my brother threw this in my lap and said "read this". Never even seen this book.

It's blue pilled as fuck Africa is a shit hole because it's filled with low IQ niggers not because it lacks resources.

Its fucking bullshit

You're full of shit.

Africa has a huge trade deficit and almost all it's resources are controlled by foreign powers.

You want me to post a pic to prove I am not lying, you dumb nigger?

And it's countries have avg IQ's in the 60s.


According to some bullshit infographic that keeps getting passed around online.

You think there are test administrators sailing up the Congo into the heart of darkness to give IQ tests to jungle bunnies?

Any why do you think that came to be? Africa had beasts of burden, resources galore, fantastic geography to make itself a trade hub along the coasts, very fertile lands below the Sahara, etc. It's no coincidence that when white or Asian enterprises show up they do very well, and that their biggest issues are always dealing with Africans themselves.