Sup Forums talks nonstop about Jewish conspiracies here and how the Jews want to destroy the West, but seem to often ignore the larger elephant in the room that is the Arabian Peninsula + Egypt.
Where do you think the funding for mosques in Europe comes from? Hint: It's not Israel.
Where do you think Al Qaeda, ISIS, and the like get their funding and support? Hint: It's not Israel.
Who do you think is interfering with the integration of shitskins into Western Society? Hint: It's not Israel.
You can thank the rich and powerful Arabs, especially those affiliated with the Muslim Brotherhood, for all of this.
If you think carefully about it, Jews are a nuisance in comparison. Yes, they do have a disproportionate amount of influence relative to their numbers and the Jewish tradition does embrace radical thinking of all kinds. However, there is much more divide within the Jewish community on the ideas of multiculturalism and degeneracy compared to the Eternal Arab's vision of creating an Islamic world.
Feel free to provide any redpills if need be, but this time from real sources and not shitty copypastas and infographics. I am still open to dissent.