The Left Despises Decency

The Left has been working on setting the stage for lawlessness and degeneracy for a very long time. The left wants enslavement by taxes, the destruction of the white race, unabated drug use, and for abortions to be common. The left is a cancer spawned from the very thriving society that was too tolerant and allowed it to exist, and now it threatens to destroy its host.

Yeah, pic related, they don't care about purity.

It is in fact a virus of the mind. One spread through information that exploits certain axioms we have taken for granted, like the tolerance you mentioned. Social media and the vain desire for social praise has made it spread like a plague. People just want like tokens for supporting young boys being dressed as whores and pumped full of hormone blockers to prevent puberty. We are living in the dystopian future your mothers failed to warn you about.

> tolerance
Liberal tolerance is selective; they're just as intolerant of anything they don't like as anyone else.

The real crime is that they have been able to market themselves as the tolerant ones.

It goes beyond not caring about purity. They are working towards the eradication of white people and then the further enslavement of everyone with high taxes to pay for their programs they expect the people to be dependent on.

They are more intolerant. By far. The openly discriminate.

lol okay

The difficulty in getting the wider public to see this is that they successfully branded themselves as "anti-discrimination."

> Give a man a reputation as an early riser and he can sleep 'til noon.

Had the history channel on in the background and it was a doco abt Gore Vidal, was semi-paying attn to it, but it surprised me he was the first cultural marxist degenerate.

You dumb shit they are mass importing non whites into every majority white country, and using the taxes from those same white people to do it.