Its still a thing and they're looking for members, phone number to call is on the page.
They hate jews and niggers and they actually organize and do shit rather than sit at home all day. Ever considered fighting for what you believe in with like minded people? Look no further than the infamous KKK.
The more members we get the closer we get to organizing like-minded whites into an army to begin the RACE WAR.
The KKK are full of retarded rednecks. Just because they share some of the same beliefs doesn't mean they're useful or worth wasting time with.
Logan Hall
>implying its not an FBI honeypot
Juan Torres
The Klan had its time under the sun decades ago Plus, it's nothing but an alphabet agency honeypot and a gathering of the lowest common denominator of the White race
Let it go, OP
Jose Johnson
Dylan Lopez
retarded rednecks that believe the same shit you do? does that make you a retarded redneck? KKK has some extremely educated members ranging from mechanical engineers to doctors. You are simply uninformed.
David Nelson
Half of the klan are informants and the other half is undercover reporters.
Nathan Wilson
Elements of the Klan of the past can be respected but the modern organizations are disorganized and are either honeypots or run by terrible leadership. The past Klans were successful because they were under one umbrella but still failed because they gained power but never did anything of importance with it. That said a secret society is usually appealing to people and the Klan and Freemasons and Odd Fellows and such have that going for them.
Caleb Watson
i know a guy who was in the mississippi white knights of the kkk in the 60s which was the most violent group of all time. they killed a bunch of civil rights jews and niggers and buried them under a bridge. his dad also went to prison for assassinating a high profile civil rights nigger. anyway he said the original clan is dead basically and now it's just a bunch of little "chapters" basically with various rules and stuff and most of them are full of degenerates