Are britbongs inbred? I cant think of any other reason they are this ugly and deformed looking most of the time.
Are britbongs inbred? I cant think of any other reason they are this ugly and deformed looking most of the time
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Least inbred country in Europe called inbred by a inbred hillbilly
I doubt that with all the pakis raping your women
We have the most beautiful women in the world. Fact.
All Europes Royal families are, many bloodlines go right to fags in DC
They originally wanted to rape American women, but even Pakis have standards.
as it's an island they never mixed with outsiders... there was not much choice in partners... so ugly people mated with each other.. creating a whole population of ugly people..
You let a family of inbred germans your country. Must be pretty satisfying.
Those cunts are fucking hideous, user.
this is not a photoshop... she is so inbred her eyes are bulging out