Are britbongs inbred? I cant think of any other reason they are this ugly and deformed looking most of the time

Are britbongs inbred? I cant think of any other reason they are this ugly and deformed looking most of the time.

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Least inbred country in Europe called inbred by a inbred hillbilly

I doubt that with all the pakis raping your women

We have the most beautiful women in the world. Fact.

All Europes Royal families are, many bloodlines go right to fags in DC

They originally wanted to rape American women, but even Pakis have standards.

as it's an island they never mixed with outsiders... there was not much choice in partners... so ugly people mated with each other.. creating a whole population of ugly people..

You let a family of inbred germans your country. Must be pretty satisfying.
Those cunts are fucking hideous, user.

this is not a photoshop... she is so inbred her eyes are bulging out


Jeremy kyle shows the true face of brits

>British girls
>most beautiful women in the world
>cherry picks some
user you have a great sense of humor



Brits were destroyed by this man
everyone on that bloody island is technically a german

Also the Irish and Brit females drink during the pregnancy more then anyone there are lot of factors why they are...

he was mostly french

Worst case scenario, they still look better than the 3rd world savages flooding in across their borders.

Calling the US inbred may be the stupidest thing I've heard today. You win a retard award.

Irish look pretty different to Brits


By having more red hair?

Nice try ARYAN scum! Take off the proxy already Hans!



>never mixed with outsiders
I'd say the Island is the biggest mix up of people in Europe. Romans , Celts , Angles , Saxons, Danes, Jutes and Normans to name a few

Googled British man this came up. Tiny island= tiny gene pool

This is my opinion in addition to potential inbreeding.

Cromwell got financed by Jewish bankers and after the revolution he flooded Britain with Jewish immigrants.Unlike rest of Europe where Jews were isolated and lived in pale of settlement and ghettoes from Christians, the Cromwell allowed Jews to assimilate and mix with Brits.

by having things like smaller eyes and larger builds


Well no, that's just not true, most of those had a minor effect on the gene pool. The most jumbled up nation in Europe (besides Russia) is Germany.

Britain had part Negro Queen Sophie Charlotte during 1700s, first and only ever in Europe.In addition to first Jewish Prime Minister during 1800s Benjamin Disraeli too

I'm pretty pleased that pic related came up when I typed in British man

huh, makes me think.

Thats Some faggot larping.
This came up with a search for American man. Case closed.

Some of this Brits who are very inbreeded look extremely similar among each other.This guy would fit well as a twin for half of people who have been to Jeremy Kyle show.

I think it depends you can definitely tell when you go to places like the midlands, I have blonde hair and green eyes and i'm from the north west so theirs a big chance I'm either scandi or Anglo Saxon rather than a celt like people in Cornwall mostly are

not ugly at all

Brits are fucking ugly and that sherlock holmes faggot is supposed to be a top tier brit in terms of looks

that guy is literally a faggot

hes a solid 5/10.

yeah this came up when I typed that in as well

Are they ayyliums?



They have this fucked up skull shape around the eye area.

Just by simple Google ''Jeremy Kyle guests'' at images shows the most ugliest people from entire White race.No offense.I am sure there are Niggers and Shitskins who are uglier but Whites? This is just...

>Are britbongs inbred?


is the bottom middle photoshopped?

What the fuck is this shit?

Wife material

This map says no, cunt:


I've lived here my entire life and i've never seen people like this. I think Jeremy Kyle is a psy-op

Montenegro white
good joke

No polak, nobody believes your truth's, go back to Khazaria

>not inbred

eye thing is classic fetal-alcohol syndrome

If i can recall, she looks that way after getting her face bashed in or something, I have no excuse for the others.

I don't know about that.

>people of Wal-Mart
I'll just leave this here.

We have similar shows here and the guests look like that too. They exploit literal retards.

Around the Anglo-Sax, Never relax.


That's it mate, turn on you're own. You're doing God's work I'm sure.

*breathes in

>chlorinated chickens


What I find funny is that our race, the British race, has invented almost everything in this world: the internet, computers, harnessing the power of electricity, engines, etc.

What's more is that our successes don't stop at academic achievements. The culture which is known to the peoples of the world is British; you speak our language, you indulge in our literature and thus our ideas.

You call us inbred, yet we have made this world and your nations. We are supreme, yet you seem to think that we have the qualities of those inferior to us, you.


PLEASE link that episode somebody!!!

>using jeremy kyle as an example of what british people look like

you do realise these people are hand picked? they pick the most retarded people for that show.

If I am British I would hate Jeremy Kyle so much...

Just ignore that polak m8, he's not of an ability to comprehend factual material

Jeremy Kyle is a modern day freak show. You're supposed to be disgusted by these people.

Don't believe this. It's Kike lies to encourage migration.

Our women have teeth in their nostrils, and even the nostril teeth are crooked.
Their farts could force an orc warrior to tear his own nose off, and that's when they smell their best.
To the foot fetish weirdo's out there, our women have hobbit feet. Even the toes are hairy.
We only drink so much to cope, and the amount we drink still doesn't make them any more appealing.

In short, our women, look like Russian men minus the crouching, they smell like a french man, unless their legs are open and you are downwind, then they smell like the deaths of a thousand fetus'.
The boobs are also hairy, move on their own volition, and aim at your face with intent to suffocate you, in what I assure you contrary to what you are thinking, is not a pleasant experience.
As for their asses, they simply do not wipe, wear underwear, or otherwise cover the filthy brown shame.

Seriously, I care about the rapefugees, which is why they should listen when I tell them to avoid britian like the plague.

He literally looks like comic book cartoon coming to life haha


Future wife

Given that Cleopatra was extremely inbred and managed to charm two of the most powerful men in world history, I wonder if this whole "inbred=ugly" thing isn't overrated. Yes, if you get extremely inbred you get genetic disorders, but there's as much reason to think that being from an extremely diverse background can make a person ugly in a "mongrel" sort of way.



it could be, if recessive traits create weak men to stay and if strong men with dominant traits are sent to war to die (wwi) then you get ugly looking but still european population

Jeremy Kyle did more to promote British beauty then anyone

That's possible, but it may also be true that less inbred populations are actually less more ugly. Think of how this works with dogs. Everyone prefers purebred dogs because they look better. Sure, if they're too inbred they'll have health maladies, but they look much nicer than crossbreeds. I've noticed that some of the most beautiful women I've ever seen who weren't super-models (i.e. they were just civilians walking down the street) were from populations usually regarded as "inbred" (Iranian, Armenian, many Slavic groups, etc.).

Less inbred are more ugly, I meant to say.

Hahahahaha this is almost unbelievable

Marrying your own ethnic group isn't inbreeding.Marrying your close relatives or cousins is.But it depends ''how close'' they are.

Well the elephant man was British, if I remember correctly (his real last name was Merrick or something like that).

Nah. Totally random double blind selection.

True, but that's how people on this board are clearly defining inbreeding.

just take ownership of it lad
9.7/10 bongs look exactly like Jezza Kyle guests
fuck all wrong with missing loadsa teeth and having misproportioned alien skulls
be proud and breed

Their faces make me laugh hard

>>Goyim BTFO

British people are incredibly ugly. Geesh.


Men who don't lift stop at 6/10 you fucking beta. Your face can only get you so far you are not a fucking female and life is not EZ mode.

and better looking than you :P

>you do realise these people are hand picked? they pick the most retarded people for that show.

>>These people can only be found in such quantities in Britain.
>> It has been broadcast on ITV since 4 July 2005.
>>running for 12 fucking years, weekly.
>>not running out of degenerates ever because Britain.


Basically. you think women like skinny white boys with pretty faces ? they are a 6 at best. 14 year olds don't count and being a millionaire or an hollywood actor doesn't count either.