If #Calexit happens, their next move will be annex baja peninsula and become Greater California?
If #Calexit happens, their next move will be annex baja peninsula and become Greater California?
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their next move will be to beg us to come back because their expensive social programs can't exist without federal subsidies and they will quickly go broke, their economy will degenerate, and they'll all be starving hipsters who can't even afford their fag lattes anymore, much less bread
California pays more to the federal government than it receives in subsidies. It's shithole southern states like your's that are welfare queens and would die without free government money
this is literally just a lie you decided to spew for some unknown reason
california cost the US government 367 BILLION a year
You want to get out then please be my guest, we'll see how long the water you have in state will sustain you. Let me give you a pro-tip, you had better start praying for a lot more rain than you get...
In fact you might want to pray for twenty times more than you've gotten the last ten years... Per year. Otherwise all that has to happen is for Nevada to turn a lever and you all die of thirst in 20 days.
If California actually secedes, we will need someone to stand up for right wing ideology and Christian morals.
This is a chance for a new and improved Adolf Hitler to rise.
We cut off their water day 1
Why is anyone talking about this like it's a possibility? PERPETUAL UNION. There is no process for secession. SAGE.
Mexico and the united states will not allow that.
And then there is the U.N.
At minimum all the red counties will leave California and stay in the Union.