Guys! u must see this movie

Guys! u must see this movie.

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Are you a Russian or a local?

Latvian. But my great grandfather was Russian

this is a russian classic. i like the second part when he goes to the usa

This movie looks good and I will watch it. I enjoy the movie Stalker.

Since you're latvian I grant to you the best documentary I have ever watched about 2 latvian brothers :

second part is much worse. Pathos and shit. The first film is brilliant. views of spetersburg where you can meet soul of Dostoevsky.

I love Dostoevsky. Favorite writer.

Brother is a good movie. The first time I watched it without subtitles to try and figure out the idea of the plot from context.

His language is fucking brain explosion. I tried to read it in the original without translation but even knowing Russian, I did not succeed.

I've only read him in english but I could imagine. I really like Kierkegaard too but obviously his stories aren't huge works of masterful fiction.

A get a feeling that Dostoyevsky is overappreciated on the West because of a huge PR and general weirdness.

But, my favorite writer is Hesse, who is also not a down-to-earth describer of the reallife Germany.

I don't feel like Dostoevsky is overappreciated at all in the west, in America at least. It has some notoriety for being insufferably boring (crime and punishment was required reading in some schools).

Only other Russians I've read is Gogol and Tolstoy and consider Dostoevsky more valuable. I've yet to check out Hesse but see his name dropped a lot.

First and late Tolstoy are very different. Ana Karenina and War and Peace was nasty to him at the end of life.
The Death of Ivan Ilyich. It's true Tolstoy without pop shit.

I read Anna Karenina only but have the death of ivan

Dostoyevsky has a fame of describing a "Mysterious Russian Soul", and so people try to read him to discover mysterious and faraway land of Russia.

That is pure bullshit, as he is rather unpopular (compared to the others) in Russia, nor did he describe real life or the way of thinking and living of a common man.
That would indeed be Gogol, Chekhov and Sholohov, for their respective time.

I read Dead Souls from Gogol and simply didn't find it memorable.

Say what you want about Dostoevsky's representation of russian temperament it doesn't detract from his predictions of the impact of russian enlightenment which were way ahead of other thinkers of the era.

I should have said european enlightenment hitting russia *

Hesse is a pleb who stole from Tolstoy

I have seen this movie.

It was quite good. Shows the desperation of the early years of democratic Russia. Everyone was out to make money, where making money was very difficult without crime.


Glad you like Ukrainian authors.

He is a Ukrainian author in a same way Alexander the Great is Macedonian king. Both have to be translated from the language of their neighbour to the language of the state that exists now where they used to live.

A thing with authors like this, is that they "click" with some people strongly, but majority didn't find them particularly interesting. A genius realist author goes well with more people and can be used for historical and cultural reference, but is not quite as unique and standing out. Still, one isn't in any objective way better or worse than the other.
But for the purpose of learning about Russia, Dostoyevsky really doesn't fit that good.

> it doesn't detract from his predictions of the impact of russian enlightenment
What predictions exactly? He lived weeell past Enlightenment.

If you guys like Brat and Brat 2, watch Brigada. Same badass-ness but in show form!