What did trump mean by this?
What did trump mean by this?
He means that the same bunch of idiots were clamoring his failure as a presidential candidate now are making shit up saying how "it was obvious he was going to be the president because reasons".
He is talking about how the press always credits Bannon as the "mastermind" behind his election. Bannon is done.
He's talking about the Russian "hackers"
Its almost august and trump is still talking about the election....
I don't regret voting for him but I wish he wasn't so fucking retarded
This. Bannon's been ducking his own cock too much and forgot about Donald's
nah its Preebutts
"most don't exist" meaning there are a few that legit did help him win
Or.. I can dream, can't I?
Fuck off leftypol. He's talking about the neo-cons and nevertrumpers who did nothing but shit on him the entire campaign and now suddenly they like him and are taking credit for shit he's done. He's not talking about Bannon you dumb faggots
yuck that fucking kike needs to be hung. how dare they credit this literal Jew for ANYTHING trump did during his campaign.
My guess would be the "russian hackers".
Hes talking about us. Sup Forums. Trump has abandoned us for Israel. He was never our guy =[ Pack it up boys we lost.
wait is he talking about us?
Yeah hes turning on his early voters. Calling us "geniuses" is absolutely correct.
he just tweeted some more guys
Goddammit looks like Israel had enough of North Korea
For all the Normie's who can't read "because you nobodys fell my stupid shit and got me elected can fuck off" second one is easy "china keeps stealing our shit YOU have to go get it back"
Well, likely he means Reince, because MSM didn't attack their leaker and praised him.
I don't think ((they)) ever expected their nuclear or rocketry programs to ever actually get off the ground. Now they've made more progress in the last 6 months than the last decade combined and some people are obviously started to sweat over it.
NK is being supplemented hard by china and Iran. They arent the dopey state i remember them as in 2012. They are becoming a nazi germany.
He said geniuses not autists
Thats why its in quotes. Trump considers all frog posters fake news. Hows does that make you feel?
Learn to read.