This really pisses me off. 90 year old man is talking about his experience at Dunkirk and people shit all over him...

This really pisses me off. 90 year old man is talking about his experience at Dunkirk and people shit all over him. Bunch of useless faggots.

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>using jewbook

yeah srsly dude wtf

Disrespecting war veterans like this should be a crime.

His grandson is a nigger. The world would have been better off had he died at Dunkirk. Yet another failure of Hitler.

its an easy way to message senpai what i should bring home for dinner while at work. I hardly use it other than that and look at news articles.

Who cares what some useless 90 year old has to say. He should just die already.

jesus christ, now I'm pissed

Are you sure? I didnt see any blacks in the video. also not his fault if his daughter/son turned out to be a coal burner.

Fuck off faggot. That veteran is fucking retard who's grandson is a faggot and granddaughter is a coalburner. He's responsible for all these libtards even existing so let him get shat on. Fuck ww2 veterans.