Do you feel it Sup Forums? That sense of impending change? North Korea is launching missiles, EU is bashing on Poland, Trump is losing his grip.
It all just feels like something is about to happen.
Do you feel it Sup Forums? That sense of impending change? North Korea is launching missiles, EU is bashing on Poland, Trump is losing his grip.
It all just feels like something is about to happen.
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Thanks, it isn't like we have this thread every hour.
>Trump is losing his grip.
Healthcare isn't half as big as what's coming. Special counsel to investigate the Hillary campaign and the Obama administration just got voted on in the senate with 15 yes and 13 no.
I have had that feeling for 50 years since I was a kid and it has escalated exponentially this past year, but the vibe I get is not impending change -- it is more so impending doom.
Even the Normies know something weird is happening this year.
those failed missiles could be manipulation to think they have nothing, china is probably helping them
See you in September lads.
Why so little votes?
lead up to september?
>real or not september is huge in our collective consciousness, some call it memetic warfare
>those failed missiles
hahaha oh lord...