Weak men like you are what's destroying the West. If you lifted everyday and were strong the kikes would lose, the niggers would lose, the Chinks would lose.
You have no one to blame for the fall of the West but yourself. And it's because you are weak, and don't lift iron.
Hunter Russell
I have thin wrists, wide hips, and narrow shoulders. There is literally no point.
Luke Brown
Not only are you weak of body, you are weak willed, weak spirited.
Why have you not killed yourself yet, weakling?
Lincoln Williams
Here are so many "I go lifting lmao"-Threads, that there are probably more bodybuilders then betas on this board.
Little thing on side: I benchpress 309lb and I am so much of a fucktard. Where is your "alpha" now, dibshit?
Jose Foster
I've been lifting lately, its invigorating, but I don't have a real weight set. I'm moving into my first home in a week and I'm going to buy a weight set, since I'll have room for it. Gonna get swole. I'm a 5'7 manlet so I should see gains pretty quickly.
You can always lift and target specific parts to get the perfect trap body.
Tyler Stewart
I'm not weak willed, I'm just being honest. I study hard and play classical guitar. Lifting is just not my thing man.
Daniel Nguyen
Stop being a fucktard, then.
It's easy shit ya fuckin' dummy.
Daniel Gomez
All of those things that you listed are exactly why you should be lifting. Stop being a pussy. Start light and progress slowly. Get stronger.
Kevin Bell
I fucking like being a fucktard, mate. It's 4 am and aII i did this saturday eve was jogging through the forest, lifting and shitposting. Get on my level, amateur.
Elijah Gray
/fit/ said that if I lifted, my body would look weird and people would think I'm overcompensating.