Name a more Red Pilled Game
>Go ahead, I'll wait
Name a more Red Pilled Game
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>already drafting cripples in 1939
Victoria 2
I know it's a video game but why is sending cripples to war a technology that has to be researched? Come the fuck on.
League of Legends. Playing it for 7 years taught me that all humans are selfish, shit, and ignorant people, even if many often act nice to serve some social purpose or convey the image of themselves they want to.
came here to say this
it's a military doctrine
>Not playing as the Free American Empire and staging a coup in all surrounding democratic countries with Communist parties so you can land grab
>Not nuking DC as a false flag to declare war on the German Reich
>Not becoming the Jee
>red pilled
takes your head out of the game of life and puts your brain to use on something that doesn't matter or help anyone.
Stellaris has an option for fanatic purifier. You conquer aliens and decide to gas, enslave, or eat them .
>playing HoI4 at all except for HD Kaiserreich
>not playing hearts of iron 3 black ice
Take your casual shit elsewhere.
Choose one
I'll take Deus ex as the most redpilled game
>doesnt help anyone
Why should it? We dont exist for the benefit of others.
And why would it take 253 days to figure it out?
>not nerve stapling your indentured servants in the perfect Libertarian/Ancap society
Do you even want to rule the Centauri system?
Pick one, minarchist.
That's still stupid. Is the one earlier in that tree drafting elderly and youth and the last one training gray wolfs?
Man is a social animal and a rational being. You exist for others and they for you, because the only thing that can truly fulfill you in your transient existence is striving for moral and intellectual self-improvement. Once you realize this, you will see that altruism and personal contentedness are one and the same.
"Whatever doesn't injure the community, doesn't injure the individual."
I hope they do vic 3 properly and turn the spreadshit shit down a bit. Not down to the eu4 level but less than what it is now. Shit is too complicated to fully understand.
Tomodachi Life for 3DS. Gay marriage isn't allowed
I can't find any screenshots in my folder right now, but the first Deus Ex is Red Pill: The Game
yes for elderly and youth, and the last one is a guerilla warfare kind of deal where if enemies takes your territories your partisans will do more damage to the infrastructure and industry in the region
End yourself, kike.
Postal 2. Pissing on hobos and shooting protestors with a 12 gauge.
That particular tech folder is the Land Doctrine, and that tree in question is supposed to follow "endgame" Germany. The right path provides proper bonuses if you aren't getting raped so hard you need to conscript your whole population to survive.
1378 Km, possibly Company of Heroes 2 (made russia butthurt and got banned)
Wtf? You can't do that in this game
>precepts of stoic philosophy
>pure hellenic, classical tradition untouched by Abrahamic religions
Yeah, okay buddy.
warcraft 3 mods or gtfo casual
>being this much of a noob
what game is pic?
I used to think hotline miami was redpilled until pic related. I still think the idea of anonymous masked citizen vigilantes taking phone calls to go murder criminals is extremely pure though
what's this?
looks like verdun, WW1 trench warfare shooter
Drafting cripples in Nazi Germany, a country that purged cripples.
So user, what countries have you already invaded?
>being a noob
Get fucked. I've never found a person that can 100% accurately explain the equations that go into most of the shit in that game hahah. I only have 400hrs in vic (2,000 in eu4 and ck2) but that shit makes no sense.
Rome Total War
Diablo 2
Deus Ex
Predicted 9/11
Predicted the meme war
This game literally namedrops the Rockefellers and the Rothschilds as one world government bankers false flagging terrorist attacks on the statue of liberty and a bio engineered plague to keep the lower classes population down all the while shadowey corporations manipulate the goverment behind the curtains.
Fine me one more redpilled game then this
It's Verdun, possibly the only decent WW1 hardcore FPS out there. Has a pretty small playerbase though.
>the last one is a guerilla warfare kind of deal where if enemies takes your territories your partisans will do more damage to the infrastructure and industry in the region
Yup, gray wolfs.
>Drafting cripples in Nazi Germany, a country that purged cripples.
OMG I can't even. Literally shaking
I got hearts of iron 3 and don't understand shit
learning it is simple, just bash your head into it until you get it, that's how most older paradox titles work
the whole purpose of the game is the spreadsheet complicated bullshit u dummy. the more complicated the better the game is
Wrong, you become Finland and ride one motorized division into Moscow because the AI is shit and won't stop you.
It's the only game where I can play as George Washington, Adolf Hitler, Ronald Reagan and Donald Trump fighting against Dark Lord Karl Marx.
I was in tears when I made Donald Trump a wizard and the first skill he learned was
It was also pretty hilarious to see his favorite food being
>Banshee Tears
Nothing feels better than blasting away enemy brigades with veteran troops
I tried to play as chile and Brazil but it is just really advanced for me. People say I should play as Germany but I don't want to get fucked by even Poland when everyone gangs on me and I have no idea what to do
>he considers forgoing some amount of individuality is kike tier
You've fallen for the hyper-individualism meme, which was pushed by kikes to fragment European society.
Stelaris. Where else can you build fascist galactic Empire of Man and genocide and/or enslave aliens.
>German version has cyoot anime girl Hitler
Superior firepower + 6mtn/2art/1H-AT is best tho, get outta here with your blitzkrieg larping.
I miss when this game had a lot of players. How the hell is it redpilled though there's basically no story and minimal lore.
TR player btw, Connery
Spreadsheet shit is what makes Vicky2 Vicky2. My only problem with Victoria 2 is that no matter what country I play, I always end up doing the exact same things.
There needs to be more variation between nations and cultures.
planetside 2
Hotline Miami is literally about people getting called by Russians and going crazy and murdering whomever they get told to. The characters your play are degenerates.
losing is part of the learning process, just keep bashing your head into the wall, you'll pierce it at some point and then you'll see the light
or be a scrub and watch some faggot play the game on youtube or something
This guy gets it. I feel old.
White always moves first and has a better chance of winning. I love being white.
Jews are very big in chess and you learn to hate them because of Bobby Fischer.
If you play online, you will see all the flags. It's kinda like Sup Forums except they are all normies.
no, they kill mobsters. jacket is ex-special forces and got into hotline miami because he's an elitist and wants to kill degenerates
Maybe I will one day. I like to play superpower 2 online with mods that is a bit easier for me
This guy gets it. Individuals who care for society create a society that cultivates good individuals.
The older I get, the more correct it seems that balance and moderation need to be struck in everything.
I actually started playing it again, nothing good is out atm
Vanilla HOI4's shit. Kaiserreich is the best.
It feels awful knowing Blizzard will never make a Warcraft 4.
I miss tower defenses and "World of Warcraft" mods. Uther's Party and shit like that were my fucking jam. I think I got nearly a decade of gameplay out of Warcraft 3.
Runescape turns you into a robot and doesn't redpill you on anything.
Sending cripples to war is logistically expensive. A cost analysis is required to verify suitability of the plan
>making your own decisions and owning your property is what kikes want
This reddit meme has to die. How is coercing individuals ever justified?
Balance is the most important underlying concept of everything.
All poles have to be in harmony with one another, the masculine with the feminine, the solar with the lunar, the individual with the collective, the Uranian with the chthonic.
Satanic forces manifest through the Jewish race are able to act on European civilization because it was made vulnerable by sin and decadence. This has lead not only to an imbalance of things, but a total inversion.
>tfw no American Union State or Savinkovist Russia
I still play HOI3 kek
Werewolfs were what they were called.
You've got some straw on your cuffs from your last bout, friend.
Insurgency: modern infantry combat
Or at least the fan base is
>not going totalist Union of Britain with Mosley's leadership
Individualism when balanced with your society at large is good, but like excessive collectivism, excessive individualism not conducive to a sustainable society.
Like it or not, society is absolutely necessary to human existence, so it best to make sure it is balance and well maintained.
I do not suggest the abolition of property or decisions, I oppose the concentrated forms of individualism that are corrosive to society at large.
Civilisation itself is founded on the subjugation of the individual to the collective and at the same time the subjugation of the collective to the individual, such that they can be in balance.
To go too far in either direction will lead to the destruction of civilisation.
HOI3, Darkest Hour, and Vicky 2 you fucking casuel.
>syndie scum
stop posting any time
Freedom is what a man has in nature.
Liberty is what a man has in society.
I was taking the piss desu senpai
I love the millennium dawn mod,I only played Japan,Germany and USA on the main campaign,I played Germany and started National focuses on the European Union,I also played Russia and conquered everyone in Eurasia. Focus.Autocomplete is my favorite command
No. He had PTSD and recognized the code that his unit used in Hawaii. He blindly followed the directions because war is hell or some shit.
Yep. Uther's party was the shit, even though I was horrible at it. The multiplayer mods MADE the game for me, and I had to forcefully uninstall the game about 3x because I was too addicted. People don't get how powerful the mods were - not too hard to make in the editor (unlike SC2), yet you could do just about anything. Custom AI could've been a bit better, I guess.
That's only HOI4.
that's not what I got from it at all, did you actually play the game
I played both. This is literally the only reason he did it. He had severe PTSD and was completely fucked in the head.
Distant Worlds: Universe
I should mention that it was The Fans who thought he was a vigilante, when in reality he was just following his commander's orders (who was the guy who actually founded 50 Blessings).
well that's fucking gay so I'm just going with my headcannon
>Hearts of Iron 4
>Devs sell valuable and commonly used battle tactics (i.e. The spearhead) as DLC like common Jews
Biker is an unhinged degen who kills people for fun.
Men live on the boundary of the heavenly and the natural.
To be purely individualist or purely collectivist would reduce men to animals and cause them to forgo their attunement to that higher realm.
>tfw Trump is actually irl Hotline Miami
hoi4 is really quite bad. I still get sucked in to it on occasion (thanks kaiserreich), but fuck am I glad I didn't pay for that shit.
Hotline Miami isn't redpilled in the slightest, it's just a crazy alternate war story that doesn't really kikes ideology on us, so it passes more as "not as bluepilled as other games" than truly redpilled.
It would be redpilled if the janitors were jews playing both sides or something like that, instead of nationalists pulling a plan that makes no sense. The story is too poorly written to achieve any redpill anyway, second game was a fucking mess despite the potential, both in storytelling and gameplay.
>Doesn't even have a swastika on the nazi flag in the vanilla game.
Top kek
Pic related