Memes aside, was he actually charismatic and right about anything...

Memes aside, was he actually charismatic and right about anything, or was he mostly just a LARPer and entirely memeworthy?

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Edgy memelord, like any Nazi really.

Rockwell was based as fuck.

he was more articulate than most, but his real strength was that based as fuck pipe.

Unironically the last hope for America.
Rockwell was incredible and knew how to get the common man redpilled on the most critical subjects without much effort.
Had he not died I'm sure the world would have been much different today.

He scared off fellow Americans by his cruel rhetoric and being blatantly provocative. His propaganda was retarded and his self awareness shit. Probably autismo, not joking

Shills. He used the provocatuer strategy because it was the only way to get attention, there are plenty of speeches of his on youtube you should really have a listen

Oh look. Shills.

He was great. On point. Even seemed to be working with Malcolm X but (((they))) killed him and Malcolm because they feared what they could do. He also talked about getting blacks back to Africa, which Malcolm was cool with, and commie traitor jews tried and executed.

There's something about the way he speaks that makes me feel comfy, maybe it's the truth.

You're ignoring that has a decent point. He was using "Nazi" rhetoric despite the US still in recent memory having "won" WW2. Even though it was his personal conviction whether or not it was the appropriate way to attempt to reach the public (and it was not) was another story entirely. He wore a literal brownshirt-type uniform despite the vast majority of the American public having seen that as both an enemy and foreign ideology.

>Memes aside,
u wot m8?
>was he actually charismatic
yep, he sure was
>and right about anything,
seemed he was right about a great MANY THINGS.
>or was he mostly just a LARPer
like you? I mean if you have to ASK...
>and entirely memeworthy?
he WAS a MEME FIRST then he bacame FLESH on earth.

Why is that in every Commander Rockwell thread there are so many shills? Just wait, a shitload will come.

God bless this George Lincoln Rockwell. It was a shame he was shutdown.

It is a good point but I still look up to him, admittedly he should have done things a bit more subtle. Become the jew is the ultimate redpill however you much jew for good.

when you get down to it he was probably "on the spectrum"; and that's not necessarily a bad thing

He was a big trouble maker, but he did it in a way that gained attention. He took the NatSoc ideology and Americanized it in a way that made it seem appealing to the white American man. I feel like he would have gained more success if he wasn't killed. His successor reverted the party's ideology back to the full german Hitlerist model and American NatSoc died with Rockwell.

I feel like if Rockwell's ideals get spread more then maybe the white man can awake, because I feel like his ideas and rhetoric can appeal to a lot more people than someone like Richard Spencer

I'll leave this here

you must* jew for good

he failed at building a functional following but his speeches were on point

ok, so pick the speeches and dust them off; then move on and carry on the work with the advantage of hindsight and modern perspective. sounds like a plan to me. but then again, what the fuck do I know?

Yup we need leaders. People who are already self sufficient which I am not yet. I can't afford to get fired, got three kids so I am trying to do things behind scenes and improve self.

hitler should've won

>you don't get to live in a timeline where Rockwell won the presidency
he just did it at the wrong time, people came home after just fighting the nazis and nobody wanted to see more of them. Real shame Tbh

His assasin is still alive.


Not as good as Oswald Mosley, but a good guy. Shame he was senselessly killed by some spiteful little traitor cunt. Really sucks seeing pictures of his corpse. Odd seeing great men cut down to a pile of decaying, bloody meat.

>Yup we need leaders.
nope, just consensus. a plan, an place, a time. just like nigs when they chimpout i think they call it a "flashmob"?
>People who are already self sufficient
I am but every other cracker around me is like :
>which I am not yet. I can't afford to get fired, got three kids
so how the fuck can "I" lead when "y'all" can't/won't DO shit?? it's a bit of a conundrum, ya'know?
>so I am trying to do things behind scenes
well, do what ya' can then I guess. hopefully you'll "butterfly effect" some shit up and it'll work out. If ya' fail then you and your kids are dead, so ya' got nothing to lose, right?
>and improve self.
;) good luck and god bless, white man.

"Leaders" are figureheads that, when killed off, seem to strike at morale of the followers. That's why when bin-laden was "killed" nobody blinked; cuz he served his purpose and was "remembered" but not "revered". A good speech is for ages. Just look at how they STILL quote IKE about the M.I.C, and Kennedy 'bout "going to the moon". Words are meant to convey ideas and ideas don't die; but they are still just words, meant to inspire action, or at the very least, introspective and insightfull thought to improve perspective so that, like darth vader, a man might realize his error and take a CORRECTIVE ACTION.

He wasn't a good guy, but he adopted the right ideology. Just listen to some of his speeches where he talks about which undesirables he'd gas and you'll see what I mean.
do ya' think rockwell rocked out to this?
i bet he did. ;-P

Great man
>inb4 "he never got anywhere!"
Yes he did, he had thousands of members along with hq's in almost every major city. He was planning on making local Neighborhood watches to protect white neighborhoods from undesirables. If he was useless and didn't have any potential he wouldn't have been murdered in cold blood. Great man and a true fucking patriot

Why didn't anyone take his place? None of his members stepped up to the plate? He wasnt treated as a martyr? How did him and his movement dissapear so quickly?

>Really sucks seeing pictures of his corpse. Odd seeing great men cut down to a pile of decaying, bloody meat.

Pretty good points
Especially on the economy part

Nobody can match Commander Rockwell. He had balls when he spoke to those college crowds. Brought the full redpill arsenal to bear.

Too bad we missed our chance.

Nope, he was right. He was a straight shooter and foresaw the cuckservatives losing the cultural battle to the far-left and America becoming non-white. When he said that Murrica was still roughly 90% white and people considered that idea crazy. Not anymore!

Closest thing was WLP, but while he was smart as fuck and his broadcasts redpilled a lot of normies, he wasn't exactly revolutionary leader material.

>Let's have national socialism in the United States
Basically ruined any kind of fascist movement by trying to make all fascist movement inherently natsoc and spawning generations of spergs who want literal national socialism in the United States while anything else is a jewish plot to keep a good down

Except he was explicitly against fascism

Are you braindead?

Looks like gerard way ;))

what a waste of gets you are yank

>Liberals unironically think this
Are you?

You've clearly never listened to any of his speeches you filthy kike character assassin, try harder next time.

I don't believe in democracy. In the second place, neither did our white forefathers. I believe, as they did, in a republican authoritarian republic with a limited electorate - just like the one the writers of our Constitution meant this country to be. When these white Christian patriots sat down to write the Declaration of Independence, there were no black citizens for them to worry about. - Commander George Lincoln Rockwell