
There are pyramids all over the world that are basically built the same exact way that were all built around the same exact time. To think that "WE" are the first civilization to exist on this 6 BILLION year old planet is asinine. There are secrets about this world that are being hidden from everyone because, well.. in a nutshell they dont want you to know about them. Humans are infinitely more capable of doing things than they want you to be aware of. Why? Because they dont want you to know how powerful you really are. Why? Because you would actually pose a threat to ((them)). I digress...

There are structures, all around the globe, that are built almost identical to the ones in Antarctica. Suppose they all do the same thing or serve the same purpose, which theoretically they more than likely would, given how similar in structure they all are.

They are either a) all a part of some sort of energy grid, or b) they were used as some sort of military/defense system. If you actually study the structure of the Egyptian pyramids (specifically the Giza pyramid), you will notice that there dimensions that coincide with "sacred geometry", and the materials that were used in the construction all have unique properties.
You will also notice that Tesla's Wardenclyffe Tower shared a lot of the same characteristics with ancient Egyptian pyramids. They derived energy the same exact way, even though their structural shapes were different. It IS possible to harness free energy, it is everywhere around you- the "aether" is what he called it. However, if one is able to harness it, the next step is deciding what it is to be used for because the amount of energy available can either tremendously help or hurt society.

Do you think it is a coincidence that Princess Elisabeth Station just happens to have been built at the base of the largest of the pyramids that has been uncovered thus far? "If you want to understand the universe think in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration." NT

Other urls found in this thread: of masada&ved=0ahUKEwjkmq79nrDVAhXGL8AKHaYbCZAQMwgpKAMwAw&iact=mrc&uact=8#h=256&imgdii=18TdjikuwZ_j-M:&vet=10ahUKEwjkmq79nrDVAhXGL8AKHaYbCZAQMwgpKAMwAw..i&w=345

really the Galaxy just God's fidget spinner


the earth is flat, retard.


(MIMIC anomaly)

More people should watch Ancient Aliens.

He's got a lot of them then...
That would be autistic. Wait a minute...
Is God secretly
>One of us





Universe is flat
Earth is flat

what is this?

Do you know why there are pyramids all over the world? Because its one of the simplest shapes to build. Thats it. What is it you expect to find, sphere shaped buildings?

Video description:
From giants, nephilim, demons, and watchers — all the way to messengers, fallen ones, and the mysteries behind the world and even the worlds above and below, The Book Of Enoch tells it all!

So why has this Book been hidden and concealed for so long?

Could there be even DEEPER TRUTHS behind this Book that your elite don't want you to know?!

Deeper Truths including the TRUTH about giants, dinosaurs, aliens, flat earth, and Future Prophecies?

Is there a Secret Agenda behind hiding such a Book, and hiding TRUTH?!?!

I think giants built the pyramids to escape the flood.

Reminds me of the Siberian cauldrons.

Normie awakening: "An Ascension Handbook" by Tony Stubbs
Quantum Physics awakening: "The Book of Knowledge: The Keys of Enoch" by J.J.Hurtak

I'm feeling really sleepy rn..
As a matter of fact we're all feeling sleepy..
Really sleepy...

Just go to Gaia or anything from David Wilcock, ancient aliens is like little baby

Ever heard of the Chinese pyramids? You're not supposed to know.

They literally hide them and prevent anyone from studying them picrelated

it measures the flatness of the eearth.

retard tier entertainment.

>baby's first conspiracy theory
fuck off to

Why is this shit in Sup Forums? Get this shit out of here

wrong, Egyptian pyramids are far older then the Americas Pyramids.

That where they keep finding blonde haired mummies in china?

Easiest way for a primitive culture to build something big, nothing to see here now go to sleep

Symbols of an Alien Sky is a theory put forward by people who believe in an electricity based universe. The basic hypothesis is the myths, religions and legends are not just stories but a retelling of a catastrophic electricity based set of events that happen to a previous and possibly very advance previous civilization.

Within the electric Universe group there are also a set of people who have identified patterns of warming and cooling in the sun. They are predicting a drop off into a new mini ice age bottoming out around 2025. It does appear to be happening and if they are right it will be pretty extreme.

who is the most safe in an iceage?

people already in cold zones?

this is correct. pyramids were powerplants that allowed global communication

Matthew 24:37-39King James Version (KJV)

37 But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.

38 For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark,

39 And knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.
We are truly in the end times.


Pyramids are the easiest shit to make though, it's basically the basic fundamentals of building something tall, even little toddlers can build pyramids based on the patterns they see on toy blocks and cubes.

universe is so big that if you have enaugh time you can find almost any shape and meaning, people tend to find HOOOLLLLY meaning in meaningless things

Go read the Old Testament, the book where God gets mad at everything

He is 110% autistic.

you assume that you know how and why they were made... and theyre a little bigger than sandcastles

>You will also notice that Tesla's Wardenclyffe Tower shared a lot of the same characteristics with ancient Egyptian pyramids.

please elaborate, as I see no obvious similarities in any of the characteristics of these structures

>pyramids all built the same way
Except they're not and
>what's the simplest way to make a large structure
Fuck off with your autism

Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of Heaven. (Matthew 5:3)


throw human resourses at anythink and it will be eventualy finished of masada&ved=0ahUKEwjkmq79nrDVAhXGL8AKHaYbCZAQMwgpKAMwAw&iact=mrc&uact=8#h=256&imgdii=18TdjikuwZ_j-M:&vet=10ahUKEwjkmq79nrDVAhXGL8AKHaYbCZAQMwgpKAMwAw..i&w=345
that was made by an army and egiptians had 100 000 slaves and time

deep thoughts bro

Friends and I used to party out at Tesla's tower.

all kinds of "out of place artifacts" out there.
make you think.

They are burial sites of nuclear waste. That's all

This "electric universe" I've heard of, and from what I've read sounds valid.
The sun is going into a quiet period, and agree we'll probably be heading into another mini-ice age.
And it is criminal that global warming is still being pushed.
We need to be preparing for winter, literally.
And I think Obama sold our grain reserves, as in we don't have grain reserves now.

good read

you guys might like this

It will probably look something like this. So far this one looks like it might be more intense but pattern should be similar.

It's literally a sentry gun.

In Midgard, the realm of human civilization, people abandoned their traditional ways, disregarded the bonds of kinship, and sank into a wayward, listless nihilism. The gods weren’t exactly innocent of these same charges, however. They had broken oaths and fallen short of their expectations of one another on many occasions. (See, for example, The Fortification of Asgard and The Binding of Fenrir.) Three winters came in a row with no summer in between, a plodding, devastating season of darkness and frigidity which the prophecies had called the Fimbulwinter (“The Great Winter”).

You know Metallica went to Antarctica right

>Because its one of the simplest shapes to build. Thats it.

No retard. Simplest shape would be a shapeless blob or even imperfect pyramid. Pyramids are remarkably precise especially so considering their size. Nothing simple about that.

that's a photo of the pyramid in Romania you lying shill cunt.