They fooled you again
Jaxon Brown
Nathaniel Torres
I've been wondering about this. I always called it Gen Y. What the fuck?
Nolan Anderson
Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, 'twas the Jew.
Parker Adams
>changing the name of a generation after 30 years
Why did it take so long for someone to post this
Lucas Sanchez
It's because "millennials" encompasses some of early Gen Z as well (1996-98)
Zachary Young
using this from now on
Brandon Hernandez
As an old fag the graduated in 2000 i always remember being called a millennial
Cameron Robinson
That's what I always understood growing up. Then all of a sudden in the past couple years, everyone is insisting that Gen Y is millenial.
Turns out they were just reading Buzzfeed.
Leo Ward
wtf i hate millennials now
Thomas Murphy
>born in 99