Hey Sup Forums, what is your opinion on him? Is he /ourguy/?

Hey Sup Forums, what is your opinion on him? Is he /ourguy/?

you already know

jew slave

Fuck off Gavin, you are a faggot

He is good for dropping red pills for younger people. Baby's first red pill

PROS: History of being a trendsetter. Good to have on the right. Funny. good on Joe rogan podcast. has some balls

Cons: A fucking trendy, degenerate at times, At least one Jew owns his ass.

I don't think anyone here could ever organize something like the "Proud Boys".

where's his chin

who he thinks he's talking to: 30-45 year old fathers

who he's actually talking to: 17-25 year olds from /r/t_D

I've seen many people here calling him a degenerate. What has he ever done to have such a reputation?


Hipster Pan trying to wear a "Real Adult" mask. Not bad. Few reading this could do better with their real name behind it.

Fuck off gay boy, we're not giving you the pictures of the microphone up his ass.

shit I guess we are

A good first redpill. That's about it.

He's a jew slave but his personal opinions on some specific subjects are chill. Plus he triggers libtards.

Doesn't bullshit or walk on eggshells so he gets his points across quicker.

Mike Enoch doesn't like him. He and Richard Spencer talked about him on FTN


complete cringe machine. so yes, perfect for /ourguy/

>Doesn't bullshit or walk on eggshells so he gets his points across quicker.
Yeah he was pretty quick to start shoving things up his asshole on air.

Brave guy, inspirational, truly the embodiment of our guy.


Drunk who's been arrested for DUI with his kids in the car. He shoves things in his ass, on camera, and wants people to take him serious. He's a degenerate who plays alt - lite for $.
Sure OP, he can be /yourguy/