How is "a show of force" going to stop fucking ICBMs from getting made?
How is "a show of force" going to stop fucking ICBMs from getting made?
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because its not just a show of force
its positioning of additional assets and scouting the area
It won't.
When NK finally strikes, and we lose a city of people to nuclear fire for the 3rd time in human history, the only question on everybody's mind will be "why didn't America act sooner"
Every day America doesn't launch a pre-preemptive strike, we move closer to disaster.
Well Canada certainly won't do shit about it.
no one will, except "Maybe" us
do you think there's a general as chief of staff all of a sudden for no reason?
Trump is a cuck, it's that simple. Every country is calling his bluff. Can you imagine any president in our history, even the king nigger, having twitter tantrums about China for 7+ months while taking ZERO action? He is getting publicly cucked. This shit is like bay of pigs every week now.
>doesnt realize we have THAAD systems deloyed all along the west coast and hawaii
Actually that wouldn't be such a bad situation. Nobody gives a shit about Seattle or Portland and it would wake the normies the fuck up. We're playing with civilization fire and a few million dead would be good for us.
The more likely scenario is that the Norks launch a high-altitude EMP attack and wipe out 90% of us and you, though. You know, that very obvious thing that Republicans and Democrats take turns not giving a shit about even though it would be trivial to fix.
you're completely wrong
Trumps being obstructed at every turn by our (((government))), (((news))) (((social media))) his own (((staff))). Everyone trying to stop him from what he is trying to do is implicitly stopping MAGA. They are the enemies, and they are many. We didn't elect trump because he is a politician with many friends in power, quite the opposite. we all knew this was coming. His enemies are all exposing themselves, and i believe he is about to expose them
their nukes are the equivalent of spears against machine guns
>doesn't realise THADD is a terminal phase short range BM interceptor more valued for it's Radar technology than it's interception ability.
>We didn't elect trump because he is a politician with many friends in power, quite the opposite
>he thinks trump is not a politician despite him having been running for president since 2000
>he thinks trump isn't (((them))) despite all of his kids being married to (((them))) and growing up in (((new york)))
how does it feel to be cucked too?
>Aussie who doesnt even own a thaad telling an american what the thaad was designed for
its literally been designed and tested to shoot down ICBMs
I was thinking if NK wanted to maximize damage, they'd likely target SK or Japan. High population density, and closer proximity giving less time to react.
>tfw the 3 nuclear bombs used in acts of war in human history all end up getting dropped on Japan
maybe he took the final red pill
>Become the jew to beat the jew.
>Destroy them from inside
Hitler grew up knowing about the jews and waited until the time is right
How does it feel to be such a fucking faggot holy shit
Trump has fulfilled his 100 day plan to the letter and continues to do work despite all the nonsense resistance against him.
Niggers like you will say he's doing a terrible job no matter what he does. You're a liberal parroting faggot with no independent thoughts
Is Trump perfect? No. But he doesn't deserve the level of heat he's getting, from all sides. Kill yourself
japan will have the new ultimate right for holocaust reparations being paid by the citizens of north korea, essentially making them japans slaves
>what are space based laser weapons
I take it you own a THAAD system then?
I never said it wasn't made as a BM interceptor, I just said the Radar is a far more important component of the system and that it can only shoot down the BM in the terminal (Last few min of flight when it's going it's fastest) phase.
>old guy at work claimed he was a centrist tonight
>hated trump tho
>beating the jew means serving their interests
>if they win, we win
>with jews, we all win
yeah it's a no for me on the theory.
>you don't worship the jew? YOU'RE A LIBERAL FAGGOT REEEEEE
holy kek, you even have reddit spacing. you need to go back to the_donald and stay there ok based nigger man?
settle the fuck down reagan
How much damage can come of their faggy non thermo 4Kt nukes even do?
>Reddit spacing
Retards like you need to be executed by firing squad. What the fuck does that even mean? Finish high school and maybe youll realize how much of a fucking faggot you are for saying something so retarded.
>Hurr Durr go back to the_donald
Nice meme dude wow epec letrolled xDd
Kill yourself
more like 10-20 kt, and pic related
it's just more virtue signalling
nice one fellow pede.
you showed him. No one badmouths the god emperor!
lets get this train back on track and start posting some based black men to trigger the nazi larpers
go back or lurk before posting
divide and conquer tactic. just ignore him
and your point is? it has had a 100% success rate in the last 14 operations.
>Being this autistic
the larger objective is Chinese intervention
I've been here since 2010, faggot. Reddit spacing is the stupidest bullshit I've ever heard. Anyone who's taken a high school English class knows what double spacing is
Nice try lefty pol kike
And if we do act first we'll be condemned for it, so we might as well just fucking do it.
China would literally fall apart over night if the US suddenly decided to go without cheap iPhone cases and leggings.
Seriously any country would be thrilled to take their place as the low cost manufacturing capital - their economy is fragile and is based on ludicrous spending hoping that it will snow ball into actual cash to spend.
> China has already been kiked
What is so funny about this is China likes N Korea because its a buffer from the western South Korea.
Trump should just annex north korea and install another US constitution based satellite country a-la hong kong with ludicrous freedoms and capitalism. Sign a deal to release the country as a sovereign state in 50 years (after the country pays off what the US spent on developing it).
The new annexed country should be called the native name of the land- Joseon
>because a group dislikes trump, that means I must suck his zionist dick or I am just like them
nice try shlomo. oldest trick in the book
Why don't we just intercept nukes with nukes? That way we don't have to be accurate. It's not like intercepting it wouldn't cause an explosion anyways.
So that sky king thread was right and B-1Bs took off from here in the states and there was a kc-135 that took off from Japan with it's transponder on and then disappeared over the Pacific (switched off when it was refueling the bombers)?
>kike plans for world domination
>more reddit spacing
JIDF, you fucking disgust me
So like a city block or two of pure annihilation? What would the death radius be on something like that
okay, im sold if its that easy. do it trump. oh wait, 7months of blue balling and we're still at a stalemate.
The Russians do that I'm pretty sure
>city block
Im not JDF you idiot. I use that spacing bc thats how I think - stream of consciousness.
China is fucking with the US and we need to fuck back. World Domination? Are you a fucking idiot?
Installing a US constitution based state in crap hole NK which needs to be solved will fuck with China until the end of time.
Its not designed to show or do anything to north korea. They dont give a fuck. They already know whats good. Its propoganda for the us and the south koreans; we cant just let the norks launch ICBMs after we told them they arnt allowed to. We also cant go to war with them because it simply is not in out strategic interest to do that. So we fly some planes around and beat our chest and say how tough we are.
The norks know we aint gonna do shit. This has nothing to do with them. Its simply to assure our own citizens that we are doing SOMETHING, anything, and that we are still #1. We cant respond with force, so we respond with saber rattling so our people still stand behind us after talking so much shit.
Why don't we?
Intercepting a nuke likely won't cause a nuclear reaction since the conditions in the bomb have to be perfect in regard to shape of charge and pressure etc
Too much fallout I think
NUKE USA right now!!!
Better than risking a nuclear disaster on our soil. If it has to explode, let it explode over their region. It'll mostly be an EMP if it explodes over their skies, rather than actually destructive to their environment.
this guy gets it.
this is just to reassure the American public that their very powerful and expensive military is doing something instead of nothing. in reality though, flying a couple of planes over south Korea does not intimidate north Korea at all and won't dissuade them from another test in the near future. but hey! american military #1
NK is proving what we all thought and believed a long time ago - once they have nukes, they are untouchable.
If only Gaddafi and Saddam had taken heed of this and pressed ahead, they might still be alive.
Definitely yes, there are a lot of things, what i love in USA, but you should die, so everyone else will live
The biggest problem is not killing S Koreans or Japs.
The only reasonable discourse WAS China saying "bro it's over" but since they are refusing ....
We need to snatch the artillery out of their hands fast and take Kim out fast- like overnight missions.
The NOrks are uneducated and likely backwards and malnourished they're basically asian africans.
Id force china to take them via literally putting them on the border and granting that land to china. China will take them because they're petty and want as much land as possible.
the rest of the area will be turned in Joseon w/ a copy US Constitution and Bill of Rights.
It will be a success because Asians aren't total and compete savages > see singapore and HK.
wew. how much does the IDF pay these days?
>been running for president since 2000
I agree that sounds like it would be a much more reliable method. Im no nuke scientist though so hopefully US missile def know what theyre doing
Dude i fucking hate filthy jews.
I'm trying to fuck with china here you're too fucking stupid to see that.
that's an entertaining fantasy scenario. do you want a realistic scenario?
North Korea continues to develop missile technology while the US continues to saber rattle. wait 10 years. boom North Korea gets a seat at the table like Pakistan has.
You have to go back
technically not.
Only according to the UN.
underaged b& when?
>hello fellow goys, does anyone else hate those darned jews? I sure hate them yessiree
>hey I know what we'll do, lets work for jewish interests!
we didn't get here because of Trump, but he's been in charge for 6 months and is choking on Kim's dick, so far.
he talked really though - and it looks like his only plan was that somehow the Chinese would be impressed by his golden hair and chocolate cake, and do what they haven't done for 20+ years.
who knew it would be this hard?
(((They))) have gotten to you. Spend less time doing the Jews work, goy.
Spend less time on Reddit to clear your head.
>subconsciously trying to stop his plebbit spacing
you still need to lurk moar rabbi if you want to fit in.
Can somebody explain to me how North Korea is even a threat to us?
We have a fucking black space program and presumably space-based surveillance measures. We have what I assume to be around a gajillion jets and drones between them and us. I assume we have a metric fuckton of interception missiles between them and us, right? Hawaii's between them and us, and so is Japan, and the West Coast has to be guarded by some kind of crazy shit we don't even know about.
Most likely outcome right now seems to be Japan getting nuked a third time, not us.
Don't worry leaf, we will be the bad guys no matter what we do about NK at this point.
Preemptive strike? America is at fault for SK and NK civilian losses.
Wait for NK to go ham and attack first? Why didn't you stop them when you had the chance America? Millions of people are dead because you didn't act!
Let the Kim regime die on it's own assuming they just sit on ICBMs without using them? Why didn't you stop the horrible mistreatment of millions of NK citizens America? You had plenty of chances to save them from their oppressive regime!
There is no winning anymore, so we might as well just strike now before they can get any further.
The chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff said that we're not going to abandon diplomacy for another few months, and if no progress is made by then we'll use military force. In other words, it will happen when the weather cools.
its the dance of the sugarplum fairies
everyone is delaying for as long as possible
FUCK. Don't tell me this was the killing bolt shining in the night.
Now I'm spooked.
>choking on kims dick
Trying to solve this problem without risking his people in a complicated political and military situation involving all countries in some form or another that could potentially result in nuclear annihilation for the entire world
>"you're doing it wrong! Leeroy jenkins it!"
>Can somebody explain to me how North Korea is even a threat to us?
>We have a fucking black space program
lol no
>presumably space-based surveillance measures
>We have what I assume to be around a gajillion jets and drones between them and us
ehh, not the type that can take down ICBMs
>I assume we have a metric fuckton of interception missiles between them and us, right?
Haha nope.
It's a multi-trillion dollar investment idea that started in the 70s and was always a pipe dream.
Even the last test was laughably set up so it would be a success. At this point it's more effective and cheaper to explode nukes in their path.
We really only have the measures to see the ass-fucking come in.
but do we want to have to confirm this?
fucking this
over little north korea?
when we signed treaties that say we wont do this?
It's not the best strategic target though. Japan has plenty of American military bases closes to Korea and around Tokyo that are less heavily defended.
>Nice missiles you have there, it would be a shame if someone JDAM'ed them.
That's basically the message.
Keep in mind the entire arms race was between civilized (read: white) nations who understood the concept of "mutually assured destruction". The whole point was "Hey if you attacked me I'd attack you and we'd both be dead, so let's not attack eachother".
Ching-chong Kimmy Kong has no fucking clue what that is, so even if he launches one missile and we launch 100 back, we still lose people and its not undone just because he lost "more" people. Which is also not possible because your average suburban neighborhood in any state in the US has more people than all of North Korea.
>Every day America doesn't launch a pre-preemptive strike, we move closer to disaster.
You hat-burgers are so fucking stupid. At least the Japs learned something from Pearl Harbour.
I'd go so far as to say you deserve to get a half dozen cities wiped out.
If NK wanted to do the most damage, they would target Jerusalem or Tel Aviv to trigger the Samson option.
Proving, of course, that it's not smart to threaten your "friends" when your friends enemies are listening in.
Samson option is Israel nuking itself and is to be used if it's invaded, not if it's nuked.
>The NOrks are uneducated and likely backwards and malnourished they're basically asian africans.
Oh, shit! The delusional state of mind of the average burger is fucking hilarious. It's like V.I.E.T.N.A.M. never happened.
And as for "backward, malnourished and basically asian niggers" do know who comprises the bulk of your military, don't you?
>Can somebody explain to me how North Korea is even a threat to us?
It's a threat to the profit margins of the MIC. That's why you have to go die in a malaria infested swamp like your gran'daddy did back in 'Nam.
Samson option includes Israel nuking Rome, or perhaps London if those worthies fail to protect the zionclay from attack. The Israeli's hav intimated this to foreign govt's, although it's hard to pin down due to "nuclear ambiguity".
No, it doesn't. The Samson nukes are primed below ground and are intended to destroy Israel to prevent it falling into enemy hands. This is the reason it's called "Samson".
Because we're the good guys and if you don't do what we say FUCK YOU WE'RE GONNA KILL YOU MOTHERFUCKER
Sincerely yours, the most democratic countries in the world
fatboy kim btfo. icbm incoming.
You cannot know these details unless you are a member of the Israeli military high command (which your not).
What part of "nuclear ambiguity" are you struggling with?
America: Do what we say or we will crush you
North Korea: No taxation without representation
more like:
>America: Do what we say or we will crush you
>North Korea: pic related
Samson option isn't some ultra secret, they threatened to do it during the Arab-Israeli war.
It's simply the last resort for them.
I don't know what I expected from a larper though.
>target SK
>if you nuke yourself, you win
>Samson option isn't some ultra secret
The details are. So quit pretending you work for Jane's or the pentagon.