>im a national socialist
Im a national socialist
Other urls found in this thread:
I wish my neckbeard was this lush.
you need a jew harp
I'm a national socialist
I'm a national socialist
>I have political opinions
Wew lad wouldnt want to mess with you
I'm a national socialist
>reddit attentionwhores who jump on the bandwagon for the lulz and meems are national socialists
Don't forget to sage
Chill broski. Just showing that there are plenty of attractive right wingers that /leftypol/ (((conveniently))) leaves out
Played CSGO in a server with this kid can confirm he is pic related
>commies BTFO
how will they ever recover?
was referring to op
>le cringy pic
not an argument
But seriously where can I find that shirt
>im a national socialist
I don't think informing user that he was referring to op is meant to be an argument to begin with.
are neckbeards just beta because they can't grow a real mustache?
Same thing as commies,with a different name.
To the common grave with anything with "socialism"
>im white
Whiter than any britslum
Remember, build bridges,not walls
I'm a National Socialist.
With people like you in our movement we will Shurely be taken seriously and simultaneously succeed!
>divide and conquer
>i'm a feminist ally
Why did you blur Richard Spencer's face?
not a model but representative of modern white American youth
throw a fag in the midst for good measure
Could someone shoop a maga hat pl0x
And finally: 10
Sup Forums in one picture
>I'm a socialist
Leave Jon Sudano alone
I would bet $100 that guy is a /k/ommando
keep your eyes and ears open brother, one day i hope to lead a fascist coup against the corrupt democratic that plagues the great our great unUnited State. Within the next decade or two, I will lead us into an age of enlightnment, and carry us into a new fascist era, just you wait.
That elephant looks upset to have that MG on his back.
good we will need people like you in the days to come
imagine having 5 disabilities and being jewish
Has there ever been a single human cringier than Ahuviya?
I know those tits.
>tfw fag
>tfw /fit/ NatSocs like those posted in this thread are my absolute fetish
Life is suffering, the very people I am most attracted to wouldn't be attracted to me by the very virtue of what makes them attractive to me
>im a reposter