Are there any real benefits to NoFap?

I don't watch porn anymore and was wondering if it'd also be beneficial to stop fapping.

Never waste an erection - George Washington

Just remember masturbation plays an important role in keeping your Dick strong and healthy, perhaps instead you should quit porn and cut back on masturbation or simply stop cuming.

Masturbation with no porn is like bread with no butter.

I was on no fap for 2 weeks not even a month and suddenly i have lost my libido im forcing myself to watch porn and is hard to keep an erection dont do it


Yes, when you do eventually break your fast you blow your load really hard and there is lots of it

That's ur reset bro. Just wait till dopamine receptor norminalasation and pmo pathway weakening then u will be humming. Nothing like faping once a month or less to ur old time favorite girls from ur old time. An fuk! A real girl if fuken amazing.

You just lack imagination

Masturbation is a sin.
As Christians we should all be prepared for the end times every night so that we aren't left with such grave sins.
Furthermore it's offence in God's mind, why would you offend the person you love and who loves you infinitely?

post your best vargs everyone

No, fapping is healthy.
If you don't watch porn you probably won't feel like fapping as often.

This happens to me too, seems like nofap is great for a few weeks but then you have to have a fap.(most likely you're supposed to have been laid during that time)


Whatever perceived benefits there are from nofap are actually from lifting and staying in shape. You can get stronger, boost your confidence and testosterone, and you don't make yourself horny enough to bang anything like a degenerate or have wet dreams like a fucking kid.
Nofap is for Sup Forums tryhards that would rather blame jews for being weak fat fucks instead of taking personal responsibility and doing something that takes reasonable effort. You'll see real winners talk about going insane and cumming into fucking toilets from nofap. If that sounds like a plan to fuck over jews to you, have fun being a urinal pleaser.

There was a study made that showed fapping once every 8 days is perfect for optimal testosterone levels. After 8 days, it plummets anyway to what it was on day 1. So its useful for a short t boost, but that's really about it

>wants prostate cancer

I've been extremely hungry before and let me tell you now that plain bread was absolutely delicious. See if you can work out how that's analogous to masturbation.


Butter on bread makes you fat.
Porn induced masturbation makes you tool for the Jews.

Yes. I'll explain the science of it as easy as I can. When you masturbate your body releases a feel good chemical called endorphins which rewards your brain telling you this is a positive action. When your body releases too much endorphins (IE too much jerking off all day) your body slowly develops a resistance to endorphins because the receptors that pick it up just go numb. When you masturbate so many times day after day the resistance to endorphins starts to stay and it becomes the new normal for your body. Which means that normal things that are supposed to give you an endorphin boost like social interaction or just interacting with a regular hobby no longer gives you a satisfactory endorphin boost. Your body starts requiring you to jerk off heaps just to stay on the normal and it requires even more to reach new highs. It encourages slothful behaviour, low motivation, social anxiety and self isolationism.

Which by the way is the same reason why hard drugs are so bad. Shit like heroine will pump you up feeling high but then you build a tolerance to it and need more and more.

Over masturbating can lead to long term effects. Say you start no fap it could takes weeks or months until your body resets itself back to what it's supposed to be. With hard drugs it can take years and sometimes never, basically permanent depression where nothing feels good anymore. Not watching a movie, not shitposting on Pol, nothing.

That's not to say you should stop masturbating altogether but you need to keep it in moderation and maybe a couple times a week at most. For some people it's turned into full time rehabilitation which is basically no fap.

That's your body resetting it takes a week or more to complete.

Yeah, whatever effort you're putting into NoFap would be better spent into literally anything else. Especially lifting. If you're fapping many times a day though, fucking cut it out a bit. Maybe you'll get some drive back. But beyond that the whole thing is nonsense.
>going insane and cumming into fucking toilets
What's wrong with coming in toilets? I usually fap over the toilet. No cleanup.

>ust remember masturbation plays an important role in keeping your Dick strong and healthy
Ah yes. All those people who didn't jerk it had theirs fall off. Make sure to yank it once a day

If you're not masturbating you better be getting laid. You need 21 ejaculations a month to keep your prostate healthy

Like trying to right any wrong wether it be drug addiction, corrupt institutions or the economy:
>things will always get worse before they start to get better

It was started by some idiot who thought it would be funny because they knew that some idiots would try it and feel like shit because of it.

Then people realized it is actually bad for your mental psyche and health (it quadruples your risks of getting prostate cancer as you are supposed to ejaculate at least 20 times a month & kills your libido. )

You should be jerking off at least 1 time a day if not way more. I'm at about 4 times a day and I never have an issue getting it up when fucking.

>Are there any real benefits to NoFap
Better be - I'm starting first of the month.

>this meme again
Fucking degenerate.

Learn to use the energy in your jizz, otherwise nofap us pointless compared to noporn masturmeditate

Todo much no fap gave me erectile dysfunction. I did it for three days and it almost made me sterile. It took me almost a year to recover.
Fap once every three days. It is enough to keep you healthy.

Straw man, I never said your Dick would fall off and "plays an important role" leaves open the idea that there is other ways to keep it healthy.

try again champ

There was a nofap thread here where a dude was bragging about pissing cum into the toilet because he was more "fertile" or some shit. He then went on damage control for 10+ posts trying to come up with evidence that pissing with cum is normal.

Men aren't supposed to not cum every day.
Your organs need it.

Glad someone else pays attention to medical science. If you ain't gonna gap, you better man up and find some woman who will have you or the dumbasses who fell for the meme can enjoy their enlarged, cancer ridden prostates

I meant, I did no fap from three years.

Holy shit 4 times a day holy fuck. Good luck holding a job with that lol! But seriously, as a guy who is dad age, it is normal. How many times i guess would depend on your libido. 4 times a day!!! Cheers to you!!!

If you suffer from death grip - then yes

Yes, you feel better in the long run. Not neccessary short and mid term.

Also you become more aggressive (which is a good aggression in this context). Biggest surplus is that you have more energy, e.g. by not fapping you gain 1/2-1h extra time a day cause ur not an exhausted piece of garbage. May sound small but this sums up and you get eventually more done.

All the people i know who are chronic masturbators are total loosers, theres a relation.

i almost came hands free just from specificallly timed breathing exercises and thinking about my teacher

>All the people i know who are chronic masturbators are total loosers, theres a relation.
Or maybe if you're a loser you'll be single, so you'll masturbate?

Since you can't detect obvious sarcasm, I'll be litteral:
There is no important role in masturbation for penile health. Nocturnal erections (that are more frequent and last longer than masturbation) do all that is needed to "exercise" that spongy tissue. Furthermore, masturbation can actually affect the tissue negatively. Males who masturbate with only their left or right hand during puberty, have a high correlation to their shaft bending the opposite direction.

To any man that can overcome fapping is welcome in the kingdom of heaven

Ok so I now see what this is. An "im young and feel guilty about masterbating". You idiots need to laugh more. Wait until you get older, the women actually like watching you do this. You will like watching them too :) Me an my woman do this on "wine nights" lol. Quit being so paranoid. It is very easy after about 25 years old,

The last like 7 posts are literal bullshit. I am 43, you are normal sir.

No, anyone who tells you otherwise is a retard.

False. I was on nofap for three fucking years because I was retarded and I believed yourbrainrebalanced bullshit and it was hell. I lost all libido and erections, I lost muscle and stamina, became depressed and wet dreams became rare. When I thought it wasn't normal I tried to fap again but it was difficult to get hard even with porn or imagination (was on noporn too in that time) and it was difficult to feel pleasure too. My cum was ridiculously small and had a weird yellow color and consistency, it was like gelatin. I couldn't fap more then once a week because I literally couldn't get erected, no matter how much I stimulated. When I camed, I had pain in my balls.
Fortunately, with patience, time, lube, I managed to feel pleasure again and my erections got better, harder and harder, cum was liquid and white again and wet dreams came back. Also spontaneous erections became normal when watching hot girls. I think I'm not fully recovered yet, but I keep enjoying fapping twice a week.


I quit porn and jerking off. Used my horny energy to find a FWB. Worked so well, I ended up with two. Women can sense you need relief. Now I cum in pussy, and ass, as much as when I fapped.

I highly recommend trading in porn and your hand for the real thing...

>t. 2month-long no-fapper


I use mine in Karate, I concentrate all of my chakra into my fist and I can destroy walls with it

>muh bendy Dick
Well duh anyone with half a brain can see that if their Dick is bent it's time to start alternating hands.
>muh night erections
Yes I had those in mind which is why I chose to say "plays an important role in keeping your Dick healthy" rather than "is the only thing keeping your Dick healthy".

You've got nothing cunt and you should have kept your mouth shut. masturbating (correctly) can indeed give you a healthier, stronger and larger penis.
Keep that in mind before you start no fap.