You're only attracted to white nationalism because society has rejected you

You're only attracted to white nationalism because society has rejected you.
You got nothing to lose.
You'd drop the whole thing at once if even a decently cute non white girl gave you any sort of attention.

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yes they can make your dick feel nice but they can't make white people

>you're only mad because your culture is dying
uh, yeah. so? is that not a good reason?


well as far as niggers go, i lost my virginity to a black girl got to see how their households function. complete culture clash, they need their own country or state before they bring us back to bronze age.

So attention supersedes genuine connection between the souls of people?

How lonely are you? Are you so mentally and physically and philosophically beta that you've no bargaining power within the members of your community?

I'm not attracted to white nationalism I'm actually attracted to western nationalism, particularly if we can start recovering from the last 100 years, the shit that came from a depressed, anxiety ridden people after an international war.

White nationalism is dumb, white women are the worst, even if they only have incidentally white skin like Armenians.

Just because you stick your dick in a women doesn't mean you plan on raising kids with them. This is why used up whores have managed to sleep with thousands of men but have married none.

My heritage isn't dying, but the west as a whole is. This has nothing to do with being white either, it's more so western ideology that seems to be hated by not only outsiders, but from a significant portion of those within our own nations that are built on western ideals.

You confuse people just not wanting to be living in some commie marxist socialist shit hole with white nationalism.

t. Greek living in Strayacunt.

No, it was the shitskin & nigger kids telling me everything is my fault. They need to go. They all do. They've ruined it for everyone.
The experiment started in 1965 is over. They lost the privilege of being allowed to come live here. Everyone get the fuck out!