Why can't we have it back? it was really fun!

why can't we have it back? it was really fun!

Other urls found in this thread:






>implying that shouldnt be a canadaball




I actually don't see a problem with this one






th-this wasn't a memeball thread, it was an /mlpol/ thread... you niggers ruin everything.


this is my thread now bitch. Canada master flag


They were good times. A reminder of what this place was like years ago. In time it too would have been destroyed. Looking back I find it better that /mlpol/ died while it was still pure. The echo of /mlpol/ still exists, if you're willing to search for it.

c-context of that image?

dumping everything that faggot reddit mods who get triggered by cartoon horses wont 3 day me for. I could evade the ban but it's like 1 in the morning and I don't feel like reseting my router and deleting my cookies and having to log into all my shit all over again.


why wont he ban you for posting discord?


yeh they ban for discord links, some excuse about web security but they just don't want people using Sup Forums to organize like /leftypol/ and reddit already have





>when Sup Forums wants you to stop posting so bad it makes you do 16 captchas

Do you have the one with panel 1 repeated at the bottom but /mlp/ has wings and is responding "I already know."


yes I do
>18 captchas





I regretted not saving a lot of these.


>no generals
fuck right off, /sg/ is the only reason I even come here anymore.

This is conspiracy, no-one should ever have to do this many captchas to prove they're human.

visit /mlp/, its stagnent with tons of shitty generals.

/sg/ has been fun in the past but gens are killing the board
>communism gen
>trump gen
>(insert stupid political belief here) gen

I come here for Chicago scanner, and Human trafficking general. These 3 are the only good generals I can think of in pol.


I wish I could post the really good ones but mods must protect reddit from images that trigger them






I miss /fitlit/ and /mo/ too desu

/fitlit/ was great

I'm almost out of images. Be sure to e-mail gookmoot and your local mods to repeal global rule 15

Project Monarch and MK Ultra fuckery. Where the CIA would drug everybody they could find in order to make sleeper agents and plant them in Soviet states. They tried all sorta of strategies using ex Nazi war criminals that had some experience dabbing in this field. They really wanted sleeper agents so they tried all of that shit along with abducting and raping orphans in order to destroy their personalities and program a new one. One laddie couldn't take it anymore and quit the team so they clubbed his skull for a bit and threw him off of an NYC building and claimed it was a suicide. The CIA loves doing inane and expensive shit and then shut down the project because of how it didn't fucking work/didn't get the results they wanted.




Last one I think I can post. To be clear, I have like 50 more images of top notch OC and like 15 thread snips, that I cannot post outside of /mlp/ which I don't go on since I'm not fucking gay.

my imperial eagle
my sun cross
but fuck that looks nice


Man just remembering the hilarity of /mlpol/ makes me sad because it likely won't happen again.

I can't my paint.net skills are garbage.
dont say that. Don't you ever say that.

I mean, if it's an annual occurrence great. But I don't think gookmoot will do that


/mlpol/ was a way for the CIA to signal that they run the place. Another chan found that some of their operatives were bronies, and this was their way of fucking with Sup Forumsacks.


Bronies are the white trash of the furry community.
Working alongside with them is the same as if we were working alongside openly homosexual men who say there's nothign wrong with homosexuality.
t. a former furry

Made me cry

you dont BECOME a former furry, there is no going back from fur.

We just have to wait another 9 months.
Maybe we can get some cutie mark flags for the occasion.

I grew disgusted with ponies, probably it's possible with furries as well.

Right before April 1st, some anons did some digging after someone posted a weird cat picture. Turned out the picture was linked to a CIA honeypot or something, and the only other place where the picture existed was on an mlpchan. Then /mlpol/ happened and 8ch got nuked.

Please make an imgur album brother

becuse the fucking mods are a bunch of jews


Horsefuckers hate furries, kill yourself

not true; I'm getting free from all kind of pornography one step at the time.
There's hope even for those who sank that low.


Let me drop my California

Sod off, you have no idea what the heck you're talking about; again: bronies are the wiggers of the furry community, hence why they hate furries and why furries hate them.









Furries are tumblr tier, like half of them are gay , /mlp/ has less faggots then the general population



It doesn't need to be a normal thing, just for a few days each year at the start of April.

I came here to laugh. Now im sad...


hrjvnlde jbgmb e

Delete this post NOW

Ok then. My bad

post=jar jar

>Sup Forums vision

I'm not seeing anything different.
