Anyone else here /Mixedrace/¿

>Grandfather (dad side)
>born in Germany
>white skin
>idk about hair, he was pretty old
>Blue eyes

>Grandfather (mom side)
>born in Mexico but not 100% Mexican
>lighter than Mexican skin but darker than white skin
>Brown hair
>Green eyes

>both grandmothers latino colored skin, brown eyes, dark brown eyes and born in mexico

>Born in Mexico
>lighter than Mexican skin, not much darker than white skin
>bald, but from pictures he had Light brown hair
>brown eyes

>Born in Mexico
>White skin
>Blonde hair
>Yellowish/very light brown eyes

>Born in Mexico
>lighter than mexican skin and somewhat darker than white skin
>Brown hair
>Blue/yellow eyes which makes it look like green

I'm a mongrel: 50% English, 25% Welsh, 25% Scottish

I'm 1/16th white. My granddad was born in the 19th century.

I'm all white, blonde hair and blue eyes.

>blond, blue eyes

>Blonde, blue eyes

>12.5% spanish (maternal great grandfather was spanish)
>47.5% Filipino (mother's side
Fortunately I actually look mixed race unlike alot of most of other half flipinos who look fully asian. I have green eyes and have a rather straight nose bridge unlike the snub nosed monkeys of the Philippines. My mother would say that it is thanks to her grandfather's Spanish blood that I have more European traits than pacific islander traits.

you are a racially mixed chink cause canada is cuckland

>born in Mexico
problem detected

this is fucking fap material good goy 10 shekels to you

Yes, I'm Anglo and Saxon.

>unlike the snub nosed monkeys of the Philippines
the curse will come back when you have kids.
>My mother would say that it is thanks to her grandfather's Spanish blood
this is a meme flips believe, even snub nosed ones. there's no truth in that coz the spanish gave us "names". not genes. the ones that look european were obv raped back then. strange that their descendants think its nice to be a euro rapebaby

your not white then

1/2 italian
1/4 Spain
1/4 English
1/4 mestizo

My wife is half Japanese and italian

you are white


>middle class from catholic family
>from the south
>pretty dark, standard black guy look

>middle class from orthodox family
>born in england
>very pale, red hair, blue eyes

>olive skin, mistaken for italian/greek
>wavy brown hair
>blue/gray eyes

Sup Forums says I should hate myself, but i really don't desu. It's funny being called "that white guy" by shitskins though. It's like I'm hiding my dindu power level at all times.

>Ethnic Armenian, genes going back to Stone Age settlers of caucus without much race mixing.

Post your dindu face nigger

>posting my face on Sup Forums ever
who would do this?

mixed race, but 100% pure disgrace. at least you're all pure in one regard.

>olive skin, mistaken for italian/greek
you mean black olive?

pic related is my skin tone and looks somewhat like me

why is it that for some reason dirty brown lil flip get super pissed at me in these threads.

yeah i know right

>mistaken for greek
You must surround yourself with morons.

Im pretty sure thats indian/muslim skin color

>fathers grandfather was adopted, most likley french or english
>fathers mother from a german immigrant family

>mothers grandparents all from mexico
>mothers dad left tamaulipas in the 1900's
>not sure about where exactly her mothers side came from, I assume it was probably similar to her dads.
It feels good honestly. I don't really give a shit about race much.

Looks like a nignog to me.

damn straight it does

They all look like randomised oblivion characters

>You must surround yourself with morons.
those are typically the type of people that ask me what race I am though user.

The greatest thing you can do for the world is not get kids.



>pic related is my skin tone and looks somewhat like me
if you dont have any pic to prove youre not an average black rapper collecting checks erry month, i suggest you stop making false claims

Get some standards.

That's not olive that's just nigger


Is this what california looks like these days?

t. redneck who will use random arguments and comebacks with no validation or any evidence of his body pigmentation

CA is mostly dark spics unlike OP, the lighter ones stay in Mexico i think

why are you all so upset though?
funny because I've met full-blooded italians that looked more nigger than me

>why are you all so upset though?
Not upset. Just shocked that anyone can mistake that for a med phenotype.
I'm sure you look fine, m8.
>funny because I've met full-blooded italians that looked more nigger than me
No you haven't. You might have met people with darker skin colors, sure, but the color is different. And so are the facial features.
Dark skin != nigger.

not upset. there are blacks here that say they are blacks. some people have problems with it, some dont.
now for those who are black and then claim to be not so black..
well you should expect people to question you.
you cant make a claim and not expect people to want proof. just like when there's an interesting pic and people want sauce.
if youre black say youre black.
if you dont want to admit you are, just dont make false claims. simple.

>a literaly shitskin nogger mutt thinks to be superior than me
Ahah funny, because i tought that monkeys were kept in cages
>met full-blooded italians that looked more nigger than me
That's because all the "full-blooded" Italians that you've met are actually Americans mutts roleplaying as Italians.

>full-blooded italians

>3/4 non-white

into the trash it goes

I don't have dindu facial features though.

Disgusting mongrels

Do they not teach math in France?

why would I larp about being a mutt though? I've given you examples but I would never post my face on here, that's just asking for trouble. Of course I'm black, I'm just saying IRL I've never been identified as black until I actually explained that I'm black, and even then people still think I'm joking or only 1/8th.

Maybe you don't. I don't know.
But usually it's slightly detectable.
Should also note that the majority of blacks in the US are heavily mixed. There's a good chance your dad was between 10-40% white.
With that being said, if you look like the pic you posted then you can clearly see that you're mixed race.

Genetics don't often work like you'd think. It's possible for genes to not assert themselves. You could be 80% black and 20% white (genetically) and pass for 1/16th black.

come home white men

>but I would never post my face on here
only newfags do that.
you could post a hand, a finger etc.
stop making excuses.
> until I actually explained that I'm black, and even then people still think I'm joking or only 1/8th.
see this here makes people want to see proof. if youre not gonna show any, you cant blame people for thinking you're tupac's reincarnation

I'm pretty much white (English, Irish & Scottish) with a little Maori (Maori is New Zealands equivalent of African Americans). 1/8th Maori maximum, probably 1/16th though. I have curly Brown hair (I was born Blonde) blue eyes and pale skin. White facial features for the most part except for a slight epicanthic fold of the eyes.

do you look like that flight of the conchords guy?

Is being half-terrone count as mixed race?

ones with star get gassed, others may live

I'm literally /mysterymeat/, everyone always asks
>where are you from?
born in america
>what's your nationality?
>what race are you?
other, too much mixed to be really anything

i view myself as a wight, a creature, a thing, human resembling but not human, only whites are human

agree, it usually is detectable. but like I said I've never been identified by a stranger as black. My dad didn't have really exaggerated black features and his dad had fairly light skin so you are right about that.

why the girl on the bottom left corner?

>everyone in NZ looks like flight of the conchords

lol, i don't actually. I think i'm better looking than both of them

you need some self confidence

why not? i say because jew, also forgot the lesbian with the emo haircut

that's kind of sad desu user. don't take Sup Forums memes to heart.

what, what is jewish about her?

nah that guy with the black hair has maori mix i think?
kinda natural to assume that. now if you said you are pure white, i would most likely ask you about lord of the rings instead.
you know i like to keep things original

You're obviously European. It's just dark nipples like that is, for europeans, indicative of being "older". As in, one of the earlier migrations. If you check your haplogroups it should tell you the wave you came in on.

>MFW i see all these whiteys saying they are x% something when they are just plain white and boring

we take it to our moms' basements

she doesn't look 'white' she looks mixed, i can't decide what to do with her... i call her jew because jews are notorious for mixing with others when there were no other jews then rewrote god's laws from you are jew because father; to you are jew from your mother. i should of said mongrel instead of jew, w/e.

The one that wears the glasses does look kinda mixed but i actually look pretty much full white. I resemble frodo more than either of the flight of the conchords guys.

if some anonymous flip in his tin shack thinks I'm a black larper I don't think I will lose any sleep.

well they have s better chance of not being gassed.

I'm mostly Italian, German and brit.
I think some Spanish, but not sure.

no actually there were around 3- 4 people questioning that. seeing as you cant prove anything, id just assume the black genes got the best of you.

I knew that it was wrong but idgaf I'm sky high rn

mate, you could've chosen the aussie one. i mean their flag has the union jack too..

the only thing i want to have confidence in is that the 14 words and the 88 precepts will be upheld and that the kikes are vanquished like the evil they are
nigger who do you think Sup Forums memes originate from? it's my dialectic, everyone else are just witting and unwitting signal boosters

Race is important, but culture is more important.

If spics, nigs, chinks et al think like we do, we must welcome them.

lol you don't realize how many people left your country. Its literally easy to find an all Italian woman.

Hahaha, I genuinely resemble Frodo more than any of them though

idk I get called a jew pretty often I think a lot of right wingers have an idea of what a jew looks like and when they see someone with any semetic features they just automatically assume they're jewish.
Have you read any hitler user? One of his big things is about how jews are very good at assimilating into a new population and hiding themselves. It's why you think of berg and stein as jew names, because the jews stole them like they stole everything else.

Interesting, so do you believe in the 1 drop rule or not? Would my genes be polluting the white race should I have kids and they have kids and so on?
we're still a long ways away from this being true though. Race and culture have always gone hand in hand. Maybe in 100 years when gene-editing and designer babies are a thing will this be true.

hows the weed in france? There's almost always a good way to get dab here and it's cheaper and lasts longer than weed and gets you higher so I've just switched to that. It's gotten less frequent though I don't know if that's because of trump or not. If it is I guess it's worth it.

he does look a bit pedo-y sometimes

>so do you believe in the 1 drop rule or not?
Does it matter?
>Would my genes be polluting the white race should I have kids and they have kids and so on?
Do whatever the fuck you want to do, m8.
>looking for advice and approval from a chinese junk creating forum

>50% Euromutt (English, Scottish, German)
>50% Thai
6'3, Light brown skin, European Nose, European eye shape, light brown hair (like my pa), dark brown eyes, 139 IQ.

they have to be gassed soon. desu,
loud mofos, doesn't care about the environment at all, even laced their own motherfucking food with poison. unebelievable

He definitely looks pedo af in that picture. Luckily, I don't look pedo in photos, I just look like a weirdo

>139 IQ.
do you like Thailand?

>indian/muslim skin color
Indians are way browner and shitskinned than that

Also, I meant that reply to a different person.

>Have you read any hitler user? One of his big things is about how jews are very good at assimilating into a new population and hiding themselves. It's why you think of berg and stein as jew names, because the jews stole them like they stole everything else.
Yes Sir, I do not agree with Hitler, but I absolute hate Jews and wish them all to burn in Hell where they belong along with the Muslims.

Forgot to add that Hitler was right about Jews doing tricks and charades to blend in, but in reality do no assimilate.

>I don't look pedo in photos, I just look like a weirdo
can i see? :3
I think we all look weird.
ffs this is a Fijian Carpentry Enthusiasts Board, hard to expect anything desu


>Do you like Thailand?
Yeah it's actually getting pretty developed, low crime, low unemployment. Corruption is high. Military government ftw. Monarchy is great. Low tolerance for muslim bullshit. When i get a white wife, i will bring her here.

Better than the Philippines with your crime rate and you being the dindus of asians.

I often get tempted to post pics here but I know that Sup Forums will doxx and roast me, haha. I've posted pics on Sup Forums before though.

Regardless. My favorite treatise, or piece, on Anti-Juden and one of the most famous, is Von den Jüden und iren Lügen aka Jews and their lies by Martin Luther.

25% Croat
50% Maltese
What am I?

>Gets bullied IRL
> Posts pic on anonymous hentai board, gets bullied
Neck myself every time