Guy or Girl?
Previous thread was deleted btw....
Guy or Girl?
Previous thread was deleted btw....
6/10 woman
You sure?
I live in Izmir and 1/3 of girls look like her lol. Some was hotter than her :DD
Meh without a kilo of makeup.
Man ... Not joking.
She looks like 40, but is younger than me, Jesus Christ.
Guy obviously
>Bleached blonde (not natural)
>No white children...
>Has a deep manly voice
>Lectures about morality/values
>Has no white children
fuck off nigger with your e celeb threads, added to filter, go kill yourself.
Nice digits, too bad you're a fag
Because of pol!! Yes you! I was so straight, but NOW... now, looking at those traps I stopped caring. Looking like that, sweet face, I' fuck that ass, no matter if it has a cock or not.
Yeah smash that boi puccy
8 before she talks
3 when she talks
legally a boy, biologically a girl.
We must use artificial wombs to mass produce white children.
Typical goy. So predictable.
You deserve everything you get. Remember that.
Fuck off shill. She is already talking about dropping politics when she starts a family.
>our previous coalburner/jew threads have stopped working, we need to just make threads with something barely plausible enough to get threads rolling, then when people offer any kind of defense accuse them of being mad or whiteknighting, that way people who don't otherwise care about LS will start to resent having to defend her. I took a psych class in community college, this will totally work /leftypol/ get on my cuck discord so we can come up with more dank strategies
Good post. Reminder that pic related is who makes these threads.
>be sure to call people goy and shills too, we're totally going to reverse psychology these nazis
Wow, epic. That really means a lot that she talks nonsense.
Lad, she's very much a political version of Twitch streamer girls.
Go suck a dick for even suggesting these people are worth listening to.
>Fake blonde
>Has no kids
>Deep manly voice
Those are basic observations.
>be sure to call out based Finn even though no one really gives a shit what this guy does with his time, it'll look totally believable if you throw on a fash/nazi/wp flag and then call him out for orbiting an e-celeb, it'll make unsuspecting polacks think one of /theirguys/ is being outgroup, so they will turn their frustrations to LS. Trust me this'll work
great thread man i wonder why it got deleted
just kidding, hopefully you get 3 days this time
>Those are basic observations.even though literally no one gives a shit
>If they get suspicious guys just dial it back and pretend like you've got legitimate concerns I'm none of them will notice that you completely abandoned the premise of the thread without a fight
>Guys! Look at me!1!!
>See me with this gun?
>Hahaha hoho tehehe
>I'm totally not being manipulative 11!!!
post the gif
donate to my patr.. oh wait xD
>guys, even though Sup Forums is totally already a place where women are considered low grade attention whores by default, we can subvert LS by pointing out how she does low grade attention whoring like tweets and instagram with guns. Even though like I said everyone there already expects that of women, it'll totally work *burp*
she's the living example of a whore trying to leech off Sup Forums's efforts to make few bucks out of it even if she doesn't have neither any understanding or culture about pol's philosophy. women are really soulless beastly animals with no brain whatsoever
Meanwhile she is there in Italy working with GI to try to prevent shitskins from invading your country. What are you doing, Luigi?
I want to fuck Lauren while she wears an american flag Bikini like this
Why are you so defensive of LS anyways?
U mad? Jesus's just s thread dude. Fucking autistic orbiters man....
Are you a virgin?
>check it out guys, we totally got this Mexican in the thread to dismiss Lauren Southerns viewpoints even though he was doing that anyways. Totally subverted, high five gang!
Why ask if you're going to call me a liar anyway if you don't like the answer?
I won't
Why so defensive?
Sounds like you're the shill here buddy. LS is a manipulative kike whore who has brown hair and parasites off gullible weak minded neck beards like you.
You are either a shill or a neckbeard.
Kike shills please go.
You are a jew, try harder kike.
The answer is no but I've been on a dry spell for a while. A bit too long perhaps.
>guys I'm getting totally embarrassed by this greentexting user, I need some backup in this thread, so please shift the narrative to "she's trans" even though we did a thread about that earlier and it was ridiculed in the exact same way
Why are you lying while you're calling others kikes? Isn't lying supposed to be a kike trait?
You are a jew, try harder kike.
Have you seen her vagina?
Don't worry you'll find your true love shilling for her on Sup Forums all day instead of making friends and woking hard towards personal success
I've been called those same things so far. Just throwing it back. A mirror, if you will...
The question still remains is LS a male or female?
can't she get invisalign to straighten that snaggletooth?
we need atleast one woman out there convincing the rest of the millions of white women to have white babies. if she had babies she wouldnt have time to make videos.
Are there any pics of her feet?
My social life is fine and the career front is progressing too. I'll be ready when the day of the rope comes.
>guys I'm getting a bit tilted here. This user preemptive called out my "you're getting defensive" line with greentext, and then self BTFO when I overlooked it and then went ahead by calling him defensive, thereby revealing that I am in fact the shill
>just say he's defensive again anyways and call him a shill, thread is being saged to hell anyways and we need a new angle because the coalburner/jew/purity spiral shit isn't working, and this whole "is LS trans" is already being called out....
>"Is LS bisexual?"
>Says thread is sage...
>Keeps posting/bumping....
Way to go buddy. Contradicting yourself kek. Fucking idiot.
>implying that at this point I don't want more exposure for this thread
Why are you so upset and defensive anyways?
Is LS your kike swan or something?
Here's a freebie, although me posting it sorta ruins it seeing how this entire thread is a screenshot, but here goes:
Just concern troll "is LS bisexual?" If you flabby idiots are going to try and subvert, then do it with an UNTESTABLE HYPOTHESIS. Something that has no contrary evidence.
>pics of LS in a bikini where she obv isn't trans
>pics of LS in HS volleyball where she obv isn't trans
>various pics of LS body shape and fat distribution
All easy counterpoints to "is she trans." There's no way to counterpoint "is she bi" and there are a load of pics of her being cuddly with other girls.
Git gud.