Entitled Millenial Hate Thread

What the fuck is with this massive group of retards? Every time I turn around someone in my "generation" is whining about something or trying to reach into someone else's pocket and tell them how to spend their money. It's always the same bullshit:

>Waaaahhh I've got college debt, it's the evil banks that fooled me into taking out a loan where the terms were completely clear and I agreed to by signing multiple times as an adult.

>Waaaahhh it costs too much to buy a house because I live in San Fransisco or NYC where the housing market is 70% higher than the national average, but God forbid I get off my fat ass and drive an hour or two away where housing prices are normalized so I'll just blame it on....banks and boomers

>I finished a bachelor's degree (basically the bare minimum in today's society) and applied to 3 places in 6 months, why haven't I been offered a 6-figure management position on my first day? Must be the evil business owners fault

Did I miss the day when we were all supposed to just say "fuck it" to personal responsibility and blame everyone else for choices we, ourselves, made? Someone explain this shit to me because I thought we were all adults. I don't expect a fucking thing from anyone else, so what's with this fucking epidemic of retardedness? Any answers?

Other urls found in this thread:


It's Silicon Valley and the Rise of the diversity hired ceo thats the problem

But aren't we going to be in charge of all that shit eventually? Am I supposed to believe the same whining dipshits are just going to switch like a lamp one day, after living their entire lives blaming other people for their failures, and suddenly turn into functional, effective leaders who can handle the responsibility to being the ones in charge? It doesn't seem probable.

>be me
>HS class of 2017
>Fuck HS
>Voted for Trump
>made $30k my senior year
Millennials are pussies


>It's another, "Boomer tries to deflect away from the fact he destroyed a country," thread.

Look up dez wright then look up nepotism

>bachelor's degree (basically the bare minimum in today's society)
You realize that this is a problem, right?
Now one told anyone that a bachelor's would become the bare minimum to sweep floors.
Not to mention that people need loans to attain a bachelor's

Eh, how?

I'm not a boomer, I'm 29. Stop deflecting and give a serious answer.

No. All this "wahhh nepotism" is a fucking cop out. You know it, I know it. I'm not saying it doesn't exist but how does that stop you from going somewhere else where it's not a factor? What stops you from thinking up a new idea and taking some kind of initiative to innovate?

>No one told anyone that a bachelor's degree would become the bare minimum

It's been that way since the early 00's. Again, not an excuse. Did you not plan ahead and think about what you were doing before signing off on 10s of thousands in student debt? We're all in the same boat, are you saying you didn't actually look up a fucking career path and just threw a dart at the wall or something?

Why all americans are such good goys?

>You don't want to work in 3 jobs just to pay back Mr. shekelstein college debt? Stop being entitled and just stop eating avocado!
>You want to actually own land and a house before 40? You don't need that! Just rent a house from Mr. schlomoberg like everyone else!
>You're supposed to just accept the continuous decline in living conditions in western civilization and be thankful our glorious (((big bankers))) let you eat their scraps.

When I turned 17 I became a manager at Dominos

>It's been that way since the early 00's
Such information takes time to permeate the collective conciousness
In 2000, people were still telling me that a DEC would get me just about any job, let alone a Bachelor's

Most millenials are totally delusional about how good boomers had it

I always hear them say "boomers could afford a nice house and car and take care of their family with just one working class job"

That's just not fucking true, lots of people still had it rough, most young people never have that much money and have to live of shitty food. When I was growing up my parents certainly could not afford to splruge on much and I know lots of people who had it the same

Sure boomers may have a lot NOW but thats because theyve been saving up....But in their 20s they were not loaded with money. Most people were still just scraping by, and yet millenials act as if they were all fucking millionaires at 25

>You don't want to work 3 jobs
Who said anything about 3 jobs? If you didn't go to college or got a useless degree, I can understand why you'd have to get 3 jobs but there are plenty of ways to make a living.

>You want to actually own land and a house before 40
All I ever hear here is faggots in california complaining about how they can't afford a house so which is it?
>you're supposed to accept continuous decline in living conditions, bankers scraps blahblah
No, I didn't say be content with the status quo. If anything I'm saying don't be content with it but your answer is to completely check the fuck out? What the fuck is that? There are ways to maneuver and contribute while still working towards goals and change, it's not one or the other.

That's what happens when you give everyone participation trophies and say to every retard that hes special.

I hear the same thing verbatim all the fucking time which is why I wanted to open a conversation about it. I'm not defending boomers and I'm not saying houses aren't more expensive because inflation does happen but I don't think people take into account how frugal the majority of boomers were. They weren't out buying new iphones and jordans and going out to party every weekend blowing their paycheck then expecting to buy a house. We can use the same tactics and principles they used to save and make fiscally sound decisions, so why don't we?

It isn't because they've been "saving up" and it wasn't because they "worked harder" either. Their parents didn't have the same wealth and they did nothing but scrimp and save.
Their children don't have the same wealth and work far longer hours by any measure.

The boomers were the beneficiaries of a one-time post-world war phenomenon. It is hardly their fault but its hardly anything they did either.

I don't know why they pretend otherwise and I don't know why people pretend it was unfair either.

At least your boomers get sent to Vietnam. Ours skated round the end of National Service.

College was a scam to take people's money and spread liberal propaganda, designed by the boomer generation.

College kids are being told that their college degree is an authority right or privilege to earn more money than others who did not go to college.

They are angry that the government won't enforce their college degree as an authority ticket to rule the world.

They weren't frugal, the whole of the 1960s was primarily about the disposable income of boomers and disposable goods.
They weren't out buying Jordans and iPhones because they didn't exist, but look at the inflation adjusted cost of record players, transistor radios and colour TVs - those things were extremely expensive at the time and they adoption curves showed they were bought more rapidly from launch than people adopted iPhones or laptops.

>At least boomers got sent to Vietnam
This is another one I see overlooked all the time and our generation doesn't even seem to take into account. I've been thinking about it a lot more given the last week with all the trannies. Given they didn't have a choice because of the draft, but work in the Armed Forces is a pretty viable option for most anyone our age that doesn't have one leg, 9 toes, or mental illness. I know the "big bad kike" and all that, but why don't more people do something like that? Military, police, public service etc? Those are entry level jobs that pay a salary and could pull most anyone out of poverty, but nobody even considered that an option until the trannies were banned now everyone wants to be patriotic all of a sudden. It makes no fucking sense.

Ok true, I concede that point to you because consumerism pick up significantly in the 50s and 60s but that had more to do with boomers parents, not boomers themselves, buying goods because in the 50s and 60s boomers were still in school. The point I was trying to make is what the fuck is up with our generation not being able to delay gratification? I think that's one of the single biggest problems with "our" finances.


>be me
>finished a master in Organic Chemistry last year
>currently doing a PhD trying to find a new cure for some cancers
>literally keeping boomers alive longer

You'll never get rid of them, not while I keep supporting them


As a GenX oldster I will say having shared a workplace with the boomers, all the rumours are true.

One of their shittiest things was taking a job with minimal qualifications and on the way out deciding that from now on you needed a Masters degree and five years experience to be allowed in after them.

If you look carefully at most professional organisations, their memberships have been in free fall for the last ten years and most are reducing their membership bar to some extent.

What millennials should really be jealous of is a bit more subtle but they don't know they've lost it. Which is boomers often fucked up, repeatedly. Three years on the hippy commune and you want to work for Goldman Sachs afterwards? Not a problem. Fired from five jobs for not turning up? Welcome to a job for life at Ford.

Didn't quite have that but even in my day we weren't under the same level of pressure. I do feel for you kids. Boomers got as long as they wanted, we could just about fight for a second chance, it seems to me if you don't do the right internship when you're 17, you're fucked.

I would love to eat that off of her ass while she is farting.

I'm really not being divisive I'm asking a very real question. I understand people come here to shitpost and escape shit-tier lives and all that but it's a topic that needs some discussing. How the fuck do we, collectively, expect to lead the white race to the pinnacle and save Western Civilization if 1/4 of us either can't even figure out how to manage our own finances or just don't want to get a job?

Its very easy to scold but millennials have a problem because the economy has changed.

Its a very American thing to believe in capitalism and the primacy of markets but not believe in capitalism as an explanation for people who don't get rich.

The boomers were not jedi masters in terms of denying any form of gratification. They just got a lot of chances to sort themselves out. At least here they got epic levels of wage inflation that have not been seen at any time in history before or since. This is why they got the houses. Every central bank in the world is obsessed with making sure the same thing never happens again in the name of inflation. But inflation with tight labour markets is good for anyone who owes money.

I've noticed it as well. I'm at the stage of life where most apply to uni/collage (yea I know youngfag etc) and I realized that I've been treating the army like a uni. I've compared army job roles, what trades you get and post service employment rate. right now I go to one of the best schools in my country and all I see is the other students either saying they want to get a sociology degree or a stem degree at a weed uni. only me and one other person want to join the military, both of us don't like uni, both of us will most likely do better in life than 70% of the year group.

It was still rough but you could still have the opportunity to make your way in the world and live the American Dream. It's not like now where you send 50+ applications into the job void and pray you don't have to live with your parents anymore.

All the things that have risen faster than inflation from the 50's until now are essentials like food, clothing, etc. and the fastest components are things like rent, school tuition and college textbooks. It's not really surprising that when the last three components are pretty much necessary to get a job because all the requirements for a job need them that young people are broke.

The rich boomers didn't get sent to Vietnam. People dodged by going to university and protested the damn thing. We pulled out and basically lost the war in large part because of that.

It's fine to say boomers had chances and all that but let's be honest
>spend 3 years on a hippy commune then go straight to work at Goldman Sachs
Stuff like this is far-fetched at absolute best but if you show me any proof that something like that happened I'd be open to change my views.
We still have opportunity ourselves, opportunity to be fiscally sound and make the right decisions. It's not doom and gloom, but I've seen multiple times where people don't even know why they don't have a credit score. Nobody said this shit was perfect but there's fundamental rules we were born into that we can still follow to achieve what we want. But I've also seen idiots on here say shit like "well I could never move away from the west coast because the beach is, like, so beautiful" then turn around and bitch and moan about having no money because they spend $2,500 a month on rent. Who's fault is that?

Life teaches the young, over time.

It's fine to say boomers had chances and all that but let's be honest
>spend 3 years on a hippy commune then go straight to work at Goldman Sachs
Stuff like this is far-fetched at absolute best but if you show me any proof that something like that happened I'd be open to change my views.
We still have opportunity ourselves, opportunity to be fiscally sound and make the right decisions. It's not doom and gloom, but I've seen multiple times where people don't even know why they don't have a credit score. Nobody said this shit was perfect but there's fundamental rules we were born into that we can still follow to achieve what we want. But I've also seen idiots on here say shit like "well I could never move away from the west coast because the beach is, like, so beautiful" then turn around and bitch and moan about having no money because they spend $2,500 a month on rent. Who's fault is that?

None american I have ever met in german college was like that. Some bitched about a lack of assistence in helping them organizing their studies, but most were able to get along pretty well. Its hard to imagine there is a whole generation of self righteous do no goods.


That looks like a boy butt. Hot. Sauce?

Shut the fuck up you faggot whiny millennial.

>all this strawman
Hang yourself, cunt

Your entire perspective is from American kids who could afford to go to fucking Germany for university, obviously your point of view is going to be extremely limited to say the least.

boomers used to brag to me about being able to quit a job and get a new one within the day just by showing up

and thats all you'll ever be

And that's the crux of the whole thing. Again, "big bad kike" aside for 2 minutes, you're going to be making more than 70% of your class. That's an extreme leg up, but a lot of our generation doesn't seem ready to just bite the bullet and fake it for a while to get ahead. Why does our generation vilify things like public service but somehow where going to lead our race to a utopia once the boomers just die off? Come the fuck on.

>inb4 that's a man ass

About Vietnam.

It's funny how, IIRC, one phrase said by Nixon suddenly stopped the most of the protests in colleges.
The phrase was about the university fags not being drafted.

There goes all their virtue signalling.

and boomers also thought working at a gas station for 20 years was a career, so what's your point? You want to hop from a Pizza Hut to a gas station to a starbucks? That's basically what they did. I never said they were the smartest motherfuckers in the world.

Hey fuck you. A lot of us have been unmasked by obama and then exploited by NBC.

They have a war coming. Fuck those archons

This was reviewed in the paper this morning:

But I'm really talking about my parents and their friends, these are not unusual or isolated stories. You're forgetting that boomers used to mock their children (GenX) for being boring. This is why people used to find AbFab funny, thats what it was about.

I'm not disputing the idea that people could make better decisions, I'm disputing the idea that boomers did, because they really didn't either.

Yeah that and, you know, protestors getting shot at Berkeley by the National Guard probably had something to do with it. They toed the lined pretty fucking quick after that but good point.

Funny, I've seen pizza delivery drivers that make more than what most people go to college for

>You're forgetting that boomers used to mock their children (GenX) for being boring

Here's the thing with that though: A good majority of us are fucking boring. We're slowly withdrawing more from society because we don't like the rules but that's doing even more damage to "us" as a whole. All these old fucks had things like the elks club or shriners or whatever stupid clubs they were a part of that our generations aren't participating in. We're missing networking opportunities and shit like that that you only get face-to-face. We could use those networks as leverage to fight things like nepotism and come out ahead we're just not properly utilizing all the resources at our disposal. Am I wrong?

Not even sure what the fuck you're talking about with the obama and nbc thing tbqhf.

jews think these are the people who can usher in communism. Their boomer parents will squander all money and there will be little to no inheritance. That combined with affirmative action will see many whites drop from middle class upbringing to lower class adulthood. It will fuel extremism

You're a retard, wages have not improved since the 70's when the free trade and open border policies began. Boomers chose lower prices and lower wages because they have no national price and are economically illiterate

Nothing wrong with taking a manager position out of high school as long as you set goals and are improving yourself. You'll probably end up one of those "evil successful small business owners" everybody's constantly bitching about.

If you think those were mostly rich kids you are wrong. There was one guy from "a blue collar working class family in Maine" (in his own words). I liked him very much and we often used to play magic together. It was a good way for him to improve his german because the phrasing of rules is standardized so he could easily derive the meaning of my german cards.
However when he did his bachelor's degree (he did his whole degree in germany) he was always working part time jobs on the side (the last one was for a library which he has to this day and works full time on now). When I asked him why he choosed to study in germany he said, that he has two siblings and his older sister was already in debt from college and now working reatil because she couldnt find anything suitable so far. He basically came here because he looked for an education where he could avoid going to much into debt.
Another girl I didn't knew so much mentioned some sort of trailer park background in South Carolina. She once mentioned something along the lines of "Its not hard to find a job in the US. But making a career has become incredibly dificult." She also came across as a practical not too stupid person.

Knowing those people I really can believe that opportunities may have become less plentiful. Not saying making wrong choices in subjects or financial carelessness dont play a part in here. But maybe it is true and the younger generations really dont enjoy as much social security as previous generations.

America is communist not capitalist. You're repeating jewish memes
>central banks
communist policies

>There are ways to maneuver and contribute while still working towards goals and change, it's not one or the other

>my experience is universal and i get upset when that isnt truep

You have to go back

So you expect me to believe you made 30k while attending high school?

>That combined with affirmative action will see many whites drop from middle class upbringing to lower class adulthood. It will fuel extremism

So do we, as a race, have to hit rock bottom and climb our way back up because we can only learn the hard way or do we stop the descent, start making smart decisions that are based on reason to bring about our eventual conquest? I'm not saying there aren't other ((((people)))) actively working towards the demise of anything Western or white because there very clearly are but when do we get our shit together get sorted and stop fucking about making excuses?

ayo arent you meant to be on camp rn

This mostly.

I became a manager, had a nice steady income and lived pretty well. The stress and constant phone calls killed me though, feel like it took years off my life. I'd personally rather be poor and not have the bother but that's me. I can't handle with never having a day off, that shit is the worst.

First off, you're a fucking leaf. Second, literally nothing I said was wrong and, yes, it's pretty fucking universal. Working towards your personal goals while also maneuvering through the rules of society we were born into to sustain our financial freedom is better than the alternative of just throwing your fucking hands up and refusing to be a part of society at all. Then you become part of the problem. How can you not see that?

3 possibilities. 1 your a hackerman. 2 I'm confused 3 you have white hair.

7 days a week is shit I agree but let's say you do that for (spitballing) 5 years or so before you're able to open your own franchise(s). Would the sacrifice of busting your ass for that amount of time to eventually reach a goal of kicking back and let your store bring in money for you be worth it? Certainly sounds like a better alternative than being poor right? I've never worked in pizza places but would most people our age even be willing to break their back for 5-6 years straight if it meant gaining financial freedom? I don't know if most really would.

This is an ad absurdio response to legitimate concerns.

There does need to be education on these things in hugh school as opposed to how to resist whiteness.

Higher education is quickly becoming the biggest scam in human history.

i don't know polbro I'm doing pretty good for myself, but than i am barely a Milleni-fag, i was born in 81...

I am making more money than I have ever made and I have somevof the trappings of middle class life, car my own place.

I still rent but I live right downtown in my city and my rent isn't a large part of my income, plus my place is bigger than it needs to be (i could survive in a smaller place).

I have a little bit of student debt but it is being paid off and practically no CC debt.

The biggest problem i see with milenials is work ethic. If you wanna make money you have to be willing to work ten, twelve or even 14 hours a day, if your boss tells you to get something done just get it done, no one has time for your bullshit. In my business time really is money, millenials don't seem to appreciate this fact.

Yeah but just stop the masochism. You've been dealt a fairly shitty hand and sure, play it as well as you can.

Sup Forums went through one of these exercises in self-hate a well back, I posted scans of my stock options from the dot com boom. I was making more than any of them from not knowing how to use Dreamweaver properly. I'm not even in IT (before or since) because I don't know shit about it.

A capitalist would understand how I got lucky and also how I got unlucky (those options weren't worth the paper they were printed on obviously).

Problem is Americans aren't really pure capitalists at all, you live in a country started by people thought God had an interest in profit and loss. Apparently you haven't got over that yet and you still see these things in moral terms.


Mfw I work two jobs, live in an isolated gem of a town surrounded by hundreds of miles of freshwater beaches and pay 550 in rent, utilities included.

>legitimate concerns
I never said they weren't legitimate, but they're well within our ability to change with basic decisions and knowledge also exactly what this
guy said. I don't think many in our generation would even be willing to work 14 hours from the bottom up. We need to change the way we think about this shit and apply ourselves, blood, sweat and tears to gain financial freedom instead of kicking back at parents house waiting for some fairy tale like UBI to alleviate all our problems.

Very picturesque. I like it.

try to make a living in the north east. unless you live in a large city, you'll find that most economies slow down in the winter.

also, being born into a society crafted by the usury of bank jews means that no matter how hard you work, you will never afford anything of significance unless you borrow and are thus owned by bankers

instead of playing that game, we can wait around for boomers to die and inherit their shit instead, rather than working two shitty, demeaning low wage jobs to live in poverty for the sake of owning a shitty house that will take two decades to pay off with two incomes .

Its like a five day gig isnt it? You come back friday or something.

>I thought we were all adults.

It doesn't work that way. Some people grow up into adults, most just keep the high school mentality throughout their entire lives.

I'm not sure how universal this phenomenon is world wide, but it sure is pervasive here in the USA.

>14 hours a day


This is why I hate my generation

>>Waaaahhh I've got college debt, it's the evil banks that fooled me into taking out a loan where the terms were completely clear and I agreed to by signing multiple times as an adult.
Yeah I hate nazis too

you talking about the test you take to get in army?

90% of millennials will fall for various Jew memes and either 1) cut off their dicks, 2) cut off their dicks and suicide, or 3) bike lock someone in the face then cut off their dicks then suicide in prison.

If you avoid the Juden then the sky's then limit

nah mate. Its a cadets camp and given youre looking for uni it must mean youre still in cadets.

damn those are good detective skills but that is what pol is famed for. yea cadets round the UK are either on camp of preparing to leave. speaking of cadets its one group of people in the millennial/gen z generation which thankfully doesn't fit into the millennial stereotype

Facebook has brainwashed the young to strive to become lazy narcissistic show offs and somehow convinced them that the world gives a fuck what they think and owes them a free Hollywood lifestyle...
well that and the fact that there used to be this thing called the manufacturing industry, until they outsourced everything for short term profits.

If you think it's bad now, just wait until the machines really do take over and there are literally no unskilled jobs left at all... the irony is that Millenials' kids will blame them for the robot revolution when they can't afford the latest shit in ten years time

This sounds strangely like a "boomers dindu nuffin stop eating avocado toast" thread even though you deny it.

Anyway, as a late genx early millennial who is fairly successful I can see why a lot of my peers don't give a shit. We're told to go to college to be successful, and even for those of us who went into STEM (mechanical engineering here) it's still not enough. Finding a job is almost impossible (average is 9 months out of college to find your first job). Even then it's usually not an internal position, but a contractor position that isn't permanent, has no benefits, and the pay is still less than what boomers made out of high school.

What it sounds like is that you're just straw-maning all millennials as big city living, avocado toast eating, iPhone addicted idiots who refuse to do anything to better their lives. What I typically see is an entire generation (or even 2) who are completely tired of the system's shit. We're told "go into this Skinner box and bull this level, ring this bell, twist that knob and you will get 10 food pellets." They then do all the tasks requested and behold there are no food pellets. Then, boomers state "well, you shouldn't have expected THAT many food pellets, here, do these additional 4 tasks and you'll get 5 food pellets."

Seriously, fuck boomers, fuck boomer apologists, and fuck you. They were the worst generation who sold out their children and grand children for the promise of lower prices and a slightly earlier retirement.

I dunno I have a job in my field and I'm pretty happy

So sit around and just wait for your parents to die instead of learning how to navigate the environment we're, unfortunately, stuck in at the moment? Who said having credit meant you're a slave to the bank though? This is the type of shit I'm talking about. It's basically impossible to function as an adult without making some form of purchase on "credit." An adult's not going to sit around and wait for their parents to kick the bucket, they're going to make smart decisions, take out credit sparingly and pay it off as quickly as they can and pay the jew as little as possible. This just goes back to my original point. How do we even expect to carry our race to the top if half of us are sitting around with your mindset of "I'll do nothing and wait for my parents to die." This shit is basically the antithesis of everything that's talked about on Sup Forums. Meanwhile we've got Asians and Africans more than willing to work 10 hours a day in their own countries to outpace us. So is all this shit talked about every day just lip service or what?

Lol you're proving ops point.

Gen X'er here.
Millenials are suffering from 50 years of shit legislation.
1. EPA in 1972 drove a lot of manufacturing to Mexico and China. Drove down wages for blue collar, and made only White collar an option.
2. War on DUI. Drove Gen X not to go out every weekend to groups like the Elks.
3. War on Drugs... Have you ever seen a Baby boomer that did not do drugs? Nope. We however got the full force of the law for having a bong in our car.
4. AIDS. Yup... AIDS was incurable and deadly. We were lied and told everybody would get it if you had sex even once.
5. As my generation was getting comfortable with out white collar jobs. The fed pushed service jobs as the goal. Then the .con bubble burst and a lot of us never recovered our earning potential. Those service jobs were easily pushed to India, lowering our overall income.
And lastly, H1B... Sorry, Have not met a single H1 that is worth the ink on his visa. They suck

I hope people like you who put such importance on race go nowhere in life

>t. Someone Who Missed The Entire Point of My Post

Thanks faggot.

you want to live in a young city and be able to afford a house? Move to Pittsburgh. You want to spend 50% of your six figure salary on rent? Move to Boston, New York, or SF

Millenials can barely even cook for themselves, a majority are out of shape from eating fast food all day.


Forgot to even mention them. Not only have they completely ravaged the tech sector, but they're trying to import them for engineering jobs as well. They drive down wages even harder than anything else the boomers have thrown at us.

Not an argument. I have stated why millennials don't give a fuck. Instead of trying to counter that argument you post a meme and say I missed the point. I'm coming for your social security benefits gramps.

>Another leaf who's opinion can easily be disgarded

I've already accomplished a fair amount and set regular goals to better myself but this isn't a "me" conversation it's an "us" conversation. Try to keep up.

h1bs are expensive though

at least boomers werent a minority in their own home town.

Getting up before noon to shitpost is hardly an accomplishment

It wasn't meant to be an argument, it's a discussion dipshit. If you can't even handle grown conversation without getting triggered and finding "boogeymen boomers" behind every corner than you can kindly fuck off because you're not contributing a fucking thing that could help us find actual answers.

>Says the leaf doing the exact same thing

Sorry, do Canadians have to work on Sunday to make up for Trudeau's army of oppressed tranny African immigrants flooding your country? Here in America, Sunday is the day of rest.

>OP makes thread about millenials
>calls out millenials on whining and blaming others
>millenials respond
>milenials ITT literally blame others
>muh boomers muh gen x
>muh vidya
>muh conspiracy

We need a fucking war.