Democrats are fucked

Trump supporters aren't Republican, but we can use the Republican platform to spread the message.

In November 2016 there were at the time 27% Republican and 30% Democrat that had registered preference. That's no where near enough on either side to win an election.

There were 40% of the population that were classified as Independent. (That's us.)

Democrats didn't lose. Republicans didn't win. Independents won. We the majority now.

Democrats are down to 28% registered now, lost 2% of their base.

Republicans are down to 25% registered now, lost 2% of their base.

Independents are up to 45% registered, up 5%. (Reminder, that's us. We the majority now.)

We hijacked the Republican party, largely Republicans will side with us. We don't do identities. We the Republican party now.

Nobody likes a Democrat. Democrats are fucked. So completely fucking fucked. It's glorious.

Other urls found in this thread:

>Trump supporters aren't Republican
no shit retard, welcome to Sup Forums

14/88 gas the kikes race war now

>still thinking either side matters

Its full 14/88 or bust. Just hope trump can save our demographics. Either way whites are losing to (((them))) bigly


Demographics in the cities are in danger, those aren't the ones that represent white culture.

Every small town in every state across the country are 99% white, this isn't where they're fighting the war. Because they would lose. They're targeting the only white people that are on their side, the rich university student that hates themselves already.

Not going to be near as many Trump supporters after the child rape testimony comes out

You mean that slander story with zero evidence?

We need to utilize these stats to achieve a 34 Republican Govenors Majority to enact a Constitutional Convention, to force our "Republican" House to reign in spending, put American workers first, overturn 1965 Immigration Act while repealing the 14th amendment and federally implementing strict vote ID laws and term limits to Congress.

We have NJ and VA govenor aces this year, and several govenor races in 2018. We now, need to start meming #ConstitutionalConvention and #34GovenorsToOverpowerCongress.

You have your denials, I have patience.

The one that was dropped in December because the Clintons told the lady to back off? You'll die of starvation before anything sticks to Trump.

Why have good policies when you can have your base do absolutely nothing and wait for something to be fabricated?

This is why you're fucked.

It'll be hard because every Republican is a fucking Neo-Con and hate Trump because he wants to get us out from under their thumb. People talk about how the Republicans have a majority but isn't getting anything done, but the Republicans are fucking Trump over by putting out obviously shitty healthcare reforms and not repealing the ACA.

voter-fraud commission.

I know, but there is a figurative, "knife to the throat" to hold against Govenors that do not operates on behalf of the people...recall vote.

i for one will be voting for him again unless he really fucks up then i wont. but so far I WILL VOTE FOR HIM AGAIN!

Bump it up

OP too retarded to understand what a "plurality" is


I voted for trump not the republicans

You're right OP. What I'm really looking forward to is the day we have a third party swoop in on the election. I don't want the Republican Party. I want a new party. This is the direction things are going though and it makes me very happy.

The day someone is able to run for president and win without being on either party's ballot will be amazing.

I don't know what party is going to do this though. Libertarian party simply isn't popular enough and neither is the green. Only party that has come close in recen memory is the Reform party and they're not doing so great anymore.

Sure, but Rebuclicans have campaigned on similar platforms as Trump, and now RINOs are crossing their arms to obstruct.

We have the numbers in Republicans through state Govenors to force the Congress to work on behalf of the American workers.

we're set to lose NJ and the dems are set to hold VA. and in 2018 there are more republican governorates up than democratic.


This is certainly the end of Trump's campaign, says increasingly nervous man six months since Trump's inauguration

Hilarious. This crash landing is going to do more to discredit the gop talking points than a million Hillaries.

By the way...


Issue for issue, the progressive socialist independents are actually capable of fucking your trump fucks in the ass. You better pray we don't get a people's candidate, fighting for the poor. Because fuck you. Jig is up. All the wealth sucked to the top because of corporatist shmucka like Trump and Obama.

yeah, no.
that's pretty weak, considering ol' billy was much more closely connected to epstein.

This Trump voter *was* a HUGE Bernie supporter (&primary voter) who didn't really care for Hillary (but didn't hate her), HATED Trump and wished Obama could stay. 1-2 weeks before the election I swallowed a massive red pill that was stuck in my throat since the DNC leaks... I FUCKING LOVE TRUMP! I am so fucking happy he won. He is a genius, I swear. 4dchess isn't a hoax or some bs theory, he is playing them all and I am creaming my panties.

tits or gtfo

>progressive socialist independents are actually capable of fucking your trump fucks in the ass
>fucking your trump fucks in the ass
>fucking your fucks in the ass
What does he mean by this?

>people's candidate

We have 12 cunts to move next year. We moved heaven and earth for the god emperor. This is possible.

You get Kamala Harris. Deal with it.

40% could be working in anyone one of those areas.
But instead, they all lump together in a city and vote socialist.

john titor is real.


I registered Democrat because NY is shitty and has closed primaries

That would be the one.

They are projecting all of their crimes on him

Then I can vote for the weaker of their candidates

>what does he mean by this????

because you don't know is he reason you your saviour is (((independent Trump))) Lchaim, warboy! Enjoy the crumbs of a stagnate economy.

Seduce them with the bling, yo. That's what the bydlo wants, not facts but eye candy

The best part is most of the retards haven't caught on. They honestly think they are fighting against Repubs LOL

Once power over the Republican Party is solidified, we're moving on to the Democrat Party. Both parties will be owned by us and the Jews will be out Jewed. The beautiful thing is, it isn't hard, all we're doing is copying the Jew's tactics. Sucks fighting against your own momentum doesn't it kikes. By the time we're done the Jewish Charities will be running advertisements to feed "Poor, oppressed Christians on Jewish Holidays."

>That's us


I don't know how deluded you are but you certainly sound like some T_D underage lebbit faggot.

>a socialist telling me something about stagnant economy
hmmm, you might be right

>reminder, that's us


Go back to mexico paco. Might want to learn english when posing as an American.

We have several govenor races in 2018. There are currently 32 R Govenors, we only need 34 Govenors to implement the CC. Though we can't recall congressmen for not doing what they promised to get elected....we can recall Govenors.

The good boy party (R) and the good old girl party (D) will be a thing of the past, thanks to Globalists losing one and freaking out.

Neo-liberalism is dying but keeps living like a zombie. The anti-Trump media outlets profit off of Trump and want Trump to remain. Treump is a cash monkey for them so they can make clickbait. This makes corporate dems like Hillary look better while not having to go farther left economically which benefits their donors. The media helps the corporate dems and the corporate dems helps the media with special economic rights. From Monarchists, to Nazbols, to Ancaps, to Ancoms, we can all agree that liberals are the worst. The only group of people holding back our ambitions are these liberals. Once they are gone, we can go at eachothers throats .

Trump was basically an independent in everything but name.

If McCain had won in 2008 we'd all be Democrats.

Yeah man, if you want to turn on your progressive friends, you will get my (you).

You know why you tranny faggots wont win anything? Because you have far too many special groups to cater to and not enough resources to go around. You are weak people by nature and you honestly believe sticking up for tranny illegals makes you a super hero instead of a disgusting faggot.

True. I love how trump hijacked the slimy GOP tho. Gotta get the wrecking ball in HQ and form it to our liking. Bannon is a fucking genius.

Voted for McCain in 2008 when I was 18 because I knew Obama would be worse. It was such a shitty choice but seemed clear that Palin running the country in a potential McCain death was our best shot at not sucking. Still don't regret it but McCain needs to die soon.

Ethnonationalist populism here we come!

>We the majority now.
Das Rite.

>(That's us.)
no its not.

we have to win every one of ours and 2 dem races. not gonna happen. we're set to lose a few.

Here in PA we're already working on Casey. The guy is royally fucked. lol He has no idea what is about to hit his stupid kike face.


Whatever, cuckboy sellout. Enjoy your Steve Mnuchin and proxy wars.

Shills out in full force today with demoralization efforts. Give me a hint at what you are trying to distract us from?

>You have your denials, I have patience.
Good. I hope it's a lot because you'll have to say this again in 2021.

It's called balance. This place doesn't have to be overrun with White Nationalists. And if it is, you're just stroking each other's pink cocks into a Confirmation Bias frenzy. Trump is a billionaire who is owned by the same forces that own Obama. End of fucking story.


N. KOREA IS FUCKED KOREA. I just saw on the turnpike a huge veterans motorcycle gang passing across my apartment in NY out to Trump Tower to go kick ass and hoot and holler for our bad ass president. FUCK YOU NIGGER KIKES, WE ARE FIGHTING BACK!

I voted for Obama in 2008, but only because of the propaganda and being a stupid college kid.

By 2012, I was a jaded law school student and was so disgusted with both parties, I didn't vote.

After having far-left ideology pushed down my throat by almost every professor in higher education, I started to turn sharply right. Finally, after reading case upon case where liberal judges wiped their asses with the constitution in the name of progress and a happy outcome (a means to an end which 90% of the class and 100% of professors strongly approved of) I completely turned my back on leftism.

How anyone could go through an American University and an American law school and not begin to question and eventually hate the slanted bullshit being fed to them is beyond me. Needless to say, I'm done with the Democratic party.