Is evolution the most redpilled scienfitic theory?

Is evolution the most redpilled scienfitic theory?

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Doesnt explain Muslims and Niggers. They should have been genocided by now, not overruning Europe.

Yes. The fact that American Conservatism got caught up in anti-evolution has ruined the chance of many young people from understanding that traditionalism, etc is better than leftist totalitarianism. It explains the differences between the races and the field of evolutionary psychology is vital for redpilling.

>Doesnt explain Muslims and Niggers
It does but it's called Devolution

Why? Because it supports the idea that the fittest survives?

Nonsense if evolution is established on the premise of survival of the fittest then it follows that white civilization should have overrun the primitive savages by now.

Unless you are insinuating white civilization is inferior.

Absolutely Darwinian!

the most red-pilled scientific theory is Global warming, because it proves that the higher temperatures that prevail in nigger and muslim-infested areas of the world are bad and need to be stopped from expanding into the good and völkisch cool areas of the white aryan

>evolution operates on a timescale of centuries

Knowing about evolution is a key factor for rational society that no longer relies on instincts. So yes.
Once you accept the theory of evolution along with the selfish gene you will understand why you should breed and why the influx of xenos is undesirable. Too bad most people don't give a fuck.

It's not devolution, shitskins just adapted to different conditions. It's possible that they will survive longer than us just like roaches are likely to outlive humans.

yet everything is dying and un evolving

>implying it can't

Tell me how the bat evolved from a land rodent? Are you telling me the increasingly larger skin flaps gave it an advantage flopping around on the ground for millions of years until one day it could fly?

treeborne rodents occasionally fall from their trees, skin flaps make it so they have a bigger chance of surviving this and eventually start using it as a strategy to escape predators

snowball from that point onwards

fucking tinny
go back to raping dingos
look at scales of history
how fast did culture move
how long ago do you think we travelled into Africa?
ALSO: there are plenty of stupid shit animals, they thrive
fucking moron
you goddamn plague on our future

>Is evolution the most redpilled scienfitic theory?
It might be if it actually worked.

>Law of Biogenesis
>0 Transitional Fossils between complete ecosystems

These 2 concepts delete the Evolutionist

Oh since I'm flopping around on the ground like a retard for millions of years the predators just decided to leave me be. I'd flop around so carelessly that I would continually injure myself until I became blind and one time I hit my head so hard I developed sonar. Sonar didn't help me find bugs to eat since I was still flopping around on the ground. But it sure impressed the other rats.

have everybody fuck their cousin for 50 years and tell me how they didn't evolve stupidity

Yea it does.

This image is idiotic. Evolution isn't random, it uses a type of probability elimination called genetic programming.

yfw were basically just a chemical reaction from geological processes

Transitional Fossils between complete ecosystems
blocks your path

>tfw when my dick is smarter than a downlander.

this is not how evolution works

*sips tea*

that's one of the problems of evolution: the underlying mechanics are actually highly complex and require both time and effort to truly appreciate

Thus all the religious idiots used to simple explanations can't be bothered to actually listen to the complex nuances. And sadly there's no simple explanation of evolution that isn't filled with holes which said religious idiots can actually notice with some help.

It's why in any discussions between creationists and evolutionary scientists the former always try to ensure both sides get very narrow time limits because they know saying "God did it" requires but a few seconds

Evolution is just another tick in the box of universal Darwinism.
Everything it competition. Don't to the level of individual particles.