Stop being ironic

You're using comedy as a mask. It's a lame attempt at transcending criticism and avoiding vulnerability. You've caved into the self-referential (((postmodernism))) you struggle so hard against. Stop being afraid to be authentic. Stop being afraid to open yourself up to mockery and stand up for what's right.

I'm pretty sure you're posting this ironically though, being Sup Forums and all. But, DFW has a point.



I'm being 100% serious

>In the day to day trenches of adult life, there is actually no such thing as atheism. There is no such thing as not worshipping. Everybody worships. The only choice we get is: what to worship. And a compelling reason for maybe choosing some sort of god or spiritual type thing to worship . . . is that anything pretty much anything else you worship will eat you alive.
–David Foster Wallace
This is Water: a commencement speech

get this fucking water merchant off of Sup Forums. he has been reduced to a common meme over on /lit/.

We're not postmodern, we're postironic.

>not realizing the potential to see the water as God and the reminders as a call back to traditional liturgical life

The answer to postmodernism is not another post-anything. It's a pre-modernism. It's a to return back to tradition

Yeah let's listen to the life wisdom of someone who killed themselves.

I hate that Marxist faggot. Are you serious? Have you even read infinite jest? It's literally 'learned helplessness': the novel.

>OP is david foster wallace
>suicide negates arguments for some reason

I think the whole atheism thing might have been the missing piece of the puzzle, tyrone.


hope you realize "new sincerity" was just some slapdash movement DFW came up with in response to him realizing he was on track to becoming a literary icon. in his warped view of the world he believed that every literary icon needed a literary movement to accompany them. meanwhile none of wallace's work can stand alone as something representative of "new sincerity". wallace himself was the most insincere guy you could ever watch in an interview because he was always pre-occupied with maintaining his image as the boy genius. wallace was a fraud for the most part. he was a good writer stylistically and he should have been happy with that. instead he was obsessed with cementing himself in the literary cannon. wallace's suicide is possibly what will get him over the hump too cause he wasn't here long enough for most of us to realize what a massive fucking joke he actually was.

t. Bret Easton Ellis

>new anything

hope you realize I'm not talking about any of that. I'm talking about a return to tradition.

Regardless of who DFW made himself out to be, irony and postmodernism swung the pendulum too far and "new sincerity" is just a swing back. A worthwhile one, I think.

tfw u finally make it home and u aint got the key to get in

> open yourself
> get cucked to the max

how many time one can try it?

are we talking writers here? because i can't think of any time in writing where the writers were particularly sincere. if we're talking painters and architecture then there are more stark examples of postmodernism run amok. like pic related with a big fucking pointless column stuck in the center of the building that supports nothing.


>and "new sincerity" is just a swing back.
there is no "new sincerity". can you name a single work by anyone that represents this movement? it's just some bullshit that /lit/ occasionally discusses and mocks. i'm not even sure if it's discussed in academic circles.

>are we talking writers here?

no we're not. I used an illustration from an author to make a point about irony and the argument is a sound one. You're too busy judging the person rather than engaging with the facts. The epitome of what I'm getting at: you're afraid of being associated with x so you want to transcend and distance yourself from it with this edgy cynical "awareness" and fails to see the point entirely

I guess that's what happens when you're a cuck. Sort yourself out and learn how to be authentic without being a cuck

>greatest album of all time is all sincerity, no irony
really makes me think

i am pointing out wallace's hypocrisy in putting forward a notion for a literary movement without providing a single example of what a piece of work from the movement would look like. it sounds trite to say but discussions about "POMO" are just masturbation. it's like talking about world peace or my buddy that always had the greatest idea for the next big website but not the slightest clue or desire how to make the website. the real point is that EXECUTION is far more important than sitting around and jerking off about this vague idea of this thing that comes after pomo. i've read tons of these discussions and they're all the same. basically a definition of pomo is established and everyone tries to think of what the next movement will be but nobody is creative enough to come up with anything good that comes next so they just say what you said, that magically everything will return to the way it was before pomo, which is probably partly true but mostly untrue as well. either way this pomo discussion wallace had with charlie rose had more to do with wallace positioning to establish himself as an intellectual than any real desire to move forward, backward, up, down, or whatever from pomo.

say what's up to Todd for me

>What is Socrates.

Sup Forums is satire. All of it. Even this post.

priase kek xd

So what is right? Caterpillar's right isn't my right. Friend chicken nigger's right isn't my dish.

we postmodern now

I sincerely believe in God and Christ. I am sincerely scared of people and life in general. I sincerely love literature, music and philosophy.

>i can't think of any time in writing where the writers were particularly sincere

You need some Tolstoy in your life user.

>mfw people think Sup Forums is irony

I really enjoyed the picture you posted.