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Oh my.

>Hey guys, I was a token extra in a 50 year old TV show, listen to me!

Ching Chong large penis in butthole

He is next, digits prove it.

>post number
>post ID

i don't know what this means

>implying I care about some gay old hack who gives handjobs on camera

I thought their preferred MO was to start calling right wingers snowflakes now? Or did that not work out so well?

>be snowflakes
>hit ground
>stay on ground
>turn in to nasty sludge that no-one wants to accidentally step in
This is what he means, right?

george takei = deeply involved in pizzagate

is S*roach in communication with Takei and Michael Moore? Their words match his agenda too well and it's the same sort of psychological persuasion S*roach has used for years

S*roach really wants to normalize extremist resistance

S*roach wants angry mobs of anti Trumpers that he will then false flag shoot with Snipers like he did in Ukraine, to destabilize America

What's the difference between George Takei and a lemon?
>One is a small, sour, yellow fruit; the other is a lemon.

Sulu should shut the fuck up.

Sage and shut the fuck up.

> Blah, blah, blah...
Nobody cares, George.

Quads of truth

They only become an unstoppable avalanche once they've came down to earth.

Oh no, what is your hoard of liberals going to do? Draw a dick in my latte and lose their shitty job for it? Shut the fuck up Sulu.

Call me Mr. Plow

>millions of snowflakes is an avalanche
Millions of snowflakes fit in a bucket.

they have

You know, I used to think Takei was okay. He didn't want Sulu to have a male partner in the movies because THE CHARACTER ISN'T GAY.

But he just keeps getting worse.

Dumb niggers don't know that whites evolved to live in snowy and cold climates

>liberals attempt to attack normal people
>the overwhelmingly conservative military and police steps in
>liberals cry on Twitter that the police stopped them committing crimes

the gay mafia is dead

Let the curse take him too

>down to earth
Pick one.

>w-we were just p-p-protesting, f-fashisht

Will you "guys" be long? Should I wait up?

>Snowflakes can only form 35 different shapes
>one for every gender

>even snowflakes got tired of liberal bullshit and decided to pick sides


Now let's get more celebrities to voice this opinion, then add it to the general populace, who in turn convince their congressional representatives to put something on track to either curb these insane policies or get him removed from office.


>shitdicks gonna shitpost

this is nothing new

>Thing about being called a "pig" is that they're all fat and ugly
Wow. What a genius. He figured out that Snowflake are unique and that's where the insult comes from.


Looks like I need to send my wishes to George in advance.

Must be tough being on the 'right'.
Wadda we got here? Pretty much every form of musical entertainment is out with the exception being country, Christian rock, music, some genres of metal and ted nugent.
Film? Fuck that. All stinking liberals.
Theatre? Nope, fucking liberals again.
Print? A righty kid will never experience the joys of the 7 potter books. She's a bitch liberal. You guys can't even read the bible! What with that stinking love thy neighbour socialist Geezuz S Christ!
Media? Breitbart, fox, ,,,,errr
Sport? All yours no probs.
Science? Fuck 97 out 100 idiots who use reason and critical thinking and testable evidence and collaboration to produce the very items that you are using right now to read this rant.
Wake the fuck up
Everyone you like hates you idiots and your god emperor

So tolerant. So progressive.

Why exactly do I need to tolerate you? Are you some kind of sick or handicapped child? Do you not speak English well or something? Are you a recent immigrant? An oppressed minority? I don't get it, what exactly am I supposed to be "tolerating"?
Oh, your shitty views? Since when has the left ever advocated for tolerating shitty views? No dude, I tolerate people with like weird religions and funny hats and stuff, I've never really advocated for tolerating people who vote for Trump.
Let me put it this way: you advocate for things I find intolerable, and I am under no obligation to tolerate you or the things you support. The "left" has fought actual wars against the ides you're trying to sell, where did you get this idea we would pretend to tolerate it suddenly?

They may be snow, but we are the ones who shovel it off the streets so people can get to work.


Sure George. Then we get out the snow plows and salt and put in into BIG piles of dirty scummy shit that melt.

>there are more snowflakes in an avalanche than there are humans on earth.
An avalanche of about 30.000 snowflakes wouldn't be able to cover a a single house.

I'm pretty sure 1,000,000 snowflakes couldn't fill a regular bucket.

They're also easily thrown aside by snowblowers or shovels.

>can't handle the bants
>can't face own hypocrisy
>doesn't understand how reality really is

all you can think about is anus and benis
why even go on the internet you shitdick

leftists fighting fascism and they will cry that we don't tolerate free speech.

I'm still technically correct.

That is wrong 99% of snow flakes are ugly as fuck looking very few look preatty

But did you get God trump elected???
you don't disrespect KEK nigga!

fuck this faggot bitch and his shit covered faggot ass.

Clearly this man has the moral high ground.

*Grabs your dick* You messed with the wrong community!

I'm Plow King

I do goddammit, I DO!

Only if they have momentum and a common direction. The left has no unity and no resolve.


He will die from AIDS.

Actually no, in large numbers a snowflake is a nuissance you have to take off your lawn.

Chink got fired in Apprentice years ago and still this butthurt.

Do you know what can melt snowflakes, though? Heat from an oven.

They can't meme. So they steal ours.

He played the the emperor of Japan in Command and conquer Red Alert 3

This unbelievably disgusting, ancient faggot is probably the dumbest cock smoker in Hollywood... and that's saying something.

>another pop culture reference
Do they have any other frame of reference for the things that go on in their lives? I know it's verboten to study history anymore but still surely something other than Harry Potter and Star Wars crept in during their formative years?

red alert 3 sucked.

also, don't mind me

do it right this time

They also get blown the fuck out at the slightest increase of heat.

The fire rises!

>avalanches cause destruction, snow and winter causes famine and depression
The Sun shall shine upon these fucking faggots and melt them away

"Snowflake" is a generous term to describe these people that was conceived before they were fully outed as marxist. There's nothing unique about any of them.


"I'm going to fucking bury the president."
—George Takei

>A pedo and fag has spoken

i hate how liberals have hijacked GoT as if it represents some bullshit leftist ideology like the harry potter books do. "winter is coming" fuck off faggots, Got is filled with the opposite of everything you believe.

GRRM is a nevertrumper himself

What a fucking faggot.

This always cracks me up because of that poor intern.

>that ID
>those digits

Almost all of pop culture is right wing oriented. Look at the shit jews whedon makes, shit is basically how real men act with a little bit of faggotry filled in

Didn't Takei say how Trump is the cruelest president in history, despite being in an internment camp under FDR?

"the thing about snowflakes is this: a bit of friction and they melt"


(You) may think snow is mighty,
but one the sun rises,
It shall melt as it always does,
and victory will be ours.

didnt john b wells say dat shit yo

the shows started amazingly redpilled. No bullshitty sugarcoating - if you're a dumbass you die, was meritocracy at its finest. The books are far more savage, with women being little more than sexual objects, hatred towards foreigners (especially shitskins), mass murderings and the such.


Oh dear, it's summer...

wow he took a accurate liberal insult description and added a pop culture reference.


get them, tiger

fucking CRINGE

He doesn't run his own Twitter he employs a social media team to write all his posts for him. His name is only on it because his name carries weight.

And he is still relevant and has made over $50 million in his career...not chump change by any means.

You're all triggered by George Takei now?

Can they please stop being so fucking cringe, jesus christ.. isn't he suppose to be an old wise chink guy? Come on..

can someone make a smuggie of george takei

wtf lmao


he's a dumb fucking faggot

hopefully franken dies after mccain does